My Strangest Rant For This Month, and Question

Posted by $ Abaco 7 months, 1 week ago to Culture
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Went into town to the grocery store to pick up a few items. One item was a 6-pack of beer. I know the ladies who work the registers there. All really nice people. We usually get caught up with each other when I come through (gotta love a smaller town). This time the lady asked to see my ID for the beer. I had left it in the truck. I said, "Look at me. I'm near 60." One of the other ladies said they have to ask now due to some ordinance and that if they don't it's a $2000 fine....and stores have been getting fined. Then it hit me. Why do local governments do something so farcical? I said, "That's like fining me $2000 if I don't put my shoes on in the preferred order." I understand that some local ordinances require that everybody get carded for booze even if they're clearly approaching 100 years old. What say you? Is this from the ole, "If we pass enough laws everybody eventually becomes a criminal."? I can't think of any other reason.

To add to my experience...There was an old man in line behind me. He looked terribly feeble - like Joe. When he spoke to me about our conversation the slobber just poured out of his mouth. When I walked out of the store with my daughter (and my beer) the thought hit me, "We're f&%ked." So often I feel like I'm the only guy in the room asking the obvious questions. 85% of people just blindly do as they're told...like they've given up, or have just shut down the critical part of their brain to save energy. What can be done to incentivize thinking anymore?...

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  • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 1 week ago
    you can vote at 18
    you can get drafted at 18
    you can buy a gun at 18

    buy alcohol at 18, nope

    double standards are 100% unconstitutional
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 months, 1 week ago
      I could drink at 18, but only by a 6 months, then 19, then 21, grandfathered each time. I thought it was discrimination back then (even though I drank less in all of high school and college than in 3 months now). Older people said: "You'll think differently when you are older." Well, I'm a phucking lot older now, and I still think the same. When you are an adult, you are an adult. That is it.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 7 months, 1 week ago
    Busy body control freaks have been allowed in the tent way past the nose. Yeah, at 72 I'm tired of being proofed by a 20 something. I ask, "How old do you think I am and why does your computer need my license?" and then I usually get a, "Sorry, I will lose my job if I don't ask.". I pay cash, but when I buy beer or booze I'm still tracked like livestock. At least some places just ask for date of birth so they can type it in - sheesh!
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  • Posted by jack1776 7 months, 1 week ago
    Right on schedule… Slowly we comply and follow their will, eventually we’ll wear a helmet while driving a motorcycle and wear a seat belt whether we want to or not. We’ll stop modifying our vehicles because the EPA says they can fine us (not anymore, chevron doctrine decision).

    Next, they will release a virus and tell us we must take a vaccinee, oh wait I’m too late…

    It's way too much government, way too many sheeple, not enough men.
    If we win this next election, we must do some serious house cleaning and right our ship quick; it's unfortunate but I can’t see the cheating on ’20 to just rollover in ’24. Something will happen so they stay in power.
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  • Posted by $ kddr22 7 months, 1 week ago
    I have had one card me after my oldest son checked out before me , was carded and cleared and then called me dad as he was walking away lol
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  • Posted by NealS 7 months, 1 week ago
    Speaking of rants, my response. It's an exercise of government power, the politicians allow it to happen. I just had a new purchase sent to my local FFL. I went to do the paperwork on Tuesday, the 9th. I was informed I could pick it up on Wednesday (ten days later), the 24th. Apparently the new math has been instituted in our government, 24-9=10. The only days that count are business days. My FFL is open Tue-Sat, but Saturday doesn't count because it is not a normal business day by the governments rule. I thought about it all day, how I should sue the government for harassing me. It's pure harassment, because I go through this routine all the time. They already know (approximately) how many guns I have, and still make me go through the harassment garbage every time. What's next, meat, bread, milk?

    I'd guess the idea is to expand the harassment routines, like liquor and gun purchases, until the people just shut up and accept it without argument. It's like politics, the left is so confused they just keep voting more conforming politicians in. Just be pleased that you didn't have to wait 10 normal business days to come back and pick up your beer. Now while I'm hyped up, what about our free government controlled internet, what about your spam and ad free email accounts? I'd sure glad I don't even own a cellphone. I just bought a dozen, "I'm voting for the convicted Felon" hats, and from China (TEMU). If the government is so afraid of China (that's what they tell us) , why do they allow them commercial internet space here in the USA? Just shut them off, and arrest Hunter. They allow Hunter to do big business with China, so why shouldn't I be able to do small business with them? It's all pure harassment, to get us all to conform to their ultimate goal of extreme rule. I'm just sorry it took me this long to figure it all out. My kids will soon have to work it all out to their personal content. Hunter is now mononymous, just like Oprah, Groucho, Cher, Beyonce, Prince, Madonna, Liberace. etc. What is that all about? It's time the human part of population in the USA start telling their government, "No". There really are fewer freaks than the media try's to tell us. Todays military makes me sad, well actually mad, and again it's the leaders that have destroyed it. Enough of my rant.
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  • Posted by JakeOrilley 7 months, 1 week ago
    Here some places scan the ID and some don't. I always pay cash for the booze, so if a place asks to handle the ID so they can scan it, I politely (it is not the cashiers fault) thank them and leave the booze on the counter. And yeah - I'm 70. Asked one that was chatty about it, and she said that when it get scans it pings the great "computer in the sky" if the license is expired. So it is not just checking the age - it is checking validity.....
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    • Posted by NealS 7 months, 1 week ago
      That's not all it checking, that's for sure. It reminds me of Google Timeline, it knows when and where your device is day and night, and how it got there. Do not take it with you if you're planning on doing something against the rules. Obey the rules strictly if you've had any recent surgery, you might have gotten and unknown implant. Think about it, your device could be used to give you a speeding ticket. Telling the judge that you threw it probably wouldn't work either. I still have no cellphone, and it's wonderful, no robocalls.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 months, 1 week ago
    I hope you didn't blame it on the cashiers.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 7 months, 1 week ago
      Me old dino don't, having to obey the stupid rules of other jobs before I fully retired. Sometimes I say, "Thank you. I feel so flattered."
      People say I don't look 77 but anyone with eyes can tell I'm over the hill.
      Walgreens used to always ask my age. They don't anymore because they stopped selling Carlo Rossi Sangria. I'm picky about that.
      Winn Dixie used to do that. They went bye-bye and Piggly Wiggly moved into the building. The Pig does not care. I bought my sangria there until the Pig began to sell other Carlo Rossi sangrias but not the original,
      Well, I'm picky about that too.
      Publix and an independent operation called Hill's Grocery still sells the original Carlo Rossi and they only check ID's of people who look way younger than me. Well, duh! How about that?
      Publix will even let me leave with a whole jug of Carlo Rossi completely unbagged. Me dino am NOT picky about that. Paper bags get in my way and is a stupid for an antiquated blue law as far as I am concerned.
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      • Posted by NealS 7 months, 1 week ago
        A paper bag (or plastic) here in Washington State will cost you an extra $0.07, Governor Inslee's edict. He's not running for reelection this time, so be cautious, I think he might make a bid for DC. God save us.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 7 months, 1 week ago
          As for where paper comes from, though years back I can still recall Rush Limbaugh saying on my radio that "trees are a renewable resource."
          Crops are for growing.
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  • Posted by rhfinle 7 months, 1 week ago
    They just did that to appear impartial.
    My wife used to get carded all the time, long after they stopped doing it to me. Now, the age difference isn't as noticible as when I was in college and she was in junior high (yes, things were different in the '70's, but, hey, I married her, after she started college) but she has for years since looked a lot younger than her real age, so she got carded well into her late '40's.
    Having a wife who looks good helps a lot, considering that getting married is like getting a lifetime subscription to Playboy, except that what shows up in the mailbox every month is...the April 1986 issue.
    Or maybe, unlike me, you just have kept yourself well and look young. I've never met you so maybe the girl at the counter thought you were hot looking.
    Or, sadly, maybe it's just bureaucrats run amuck.
    Read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy sometime and find out what (disturbingly) happened to the Golgafrinchans.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 7 months, 1 week ago
    So far, the only people carded in my area are under 40 and folks buying alcohol. Yep, that's what the sign on the counter says. Insanity! Sheeple! Besides nifo, I want to add bohica.
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  • Posted by GaryL 7 months, 1 week ago
    Can't buy beer without an ID but you can vote without ID or proof of citizenship. Thank you to all the Democrat losers in 2024
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 7 months, 1 week ago
    How long before you need an ID (keyed to your rationed amount) to buy beef, chicken, eggs, gasoline ...

    1984, here we come!
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    • Posted by $ 7 months, 1 week ago
      THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I SAID TO A BUDDY THAT NIGHT. I think that is the actual motivation. My buddy had just informed me that he's had stores want to run his ID through a machine to buy beer. He's older than I am. That's when it hit me....This is probably going to the point where they scan your ID for beef (global warming), fish (endangered species and raping the oceans(China)), alcohol (blackmail)... I think you nailed it VetteGuy!
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 7 months, 1 week ago
    I have no problem with being carded or refused service for being intoxicated, nor businesses being fined for contributing to illegal activities, just to make a buck.
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    • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 1 week ago
      please define "illegal activities"
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      • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 7 months, 1 week ago
        Selling liquor to minors (stores).
        Drunk driving and drunk in public (bars serving intoxicated patrons).

        These things generally occur after businesses supply liquor to individuals who probably shouldn't have access to it.
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        • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 1 week ago
          thank you

          you can vote at 18
          you can get drafted at 18
          you can buy a gun at 18

          buy alcohol at 18, nope
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          • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 7 months, 1 week ago
            There are a lot of guns even an 18 year old can't buy, nowadays. In fact, there are guns NOBODY can buy, depending on what state you live in.

            When I was in the Marines, I could drink myself stupid (which I often did), at 18+, as long as it was on base. I don't know what the rules are, now.

            And, if it were up to me, only landowners would be able to vote, regardless of their age.
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            • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 1 week ago
              you can't buy a hand-gun

              you can buy

              so i guess i do not understand you point on this
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              • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 7 months, 1 week ago
                Semiauto rifles are totally banned in Washington state and I'm pretty sure, a few others.

                In some states, semiauto rifles, such as the AR series, have a 21 year old minimum age requirement.

                This is the insanity to which I was referring.
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                • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 1 week ago
                  not banned by the US Constitution

                  banned by traitors to the US Constitution

                  and i am pointing out the double standards in "our" laws that are clearly unconstitutional
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  • Posted by term2 7 months, 1 week ago
    maybe the really intelligent and rational people don't go to that kind of store and buy beer...

    I have to say that lately, people don't exist for me when I am out and about. I don't look at them, and certainly don't talk to them. I would prefer ordering food by kiosk or on my phone to avoid contact with the vapid people that take orders.
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  • Posted by Sealofapproval 7 months, 1 week ago
    It is wise to pick your battles. They are subject to the fine if they don't ask. I would not grief them about it.
    If you want to hit the state where it hurts think like a rational information warrior.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 7 months, 1 week ago
    Colorado is no different. It's the concept that is important. The authorities tell you to jump and the majority ask "how high". Just like the Covid jab. Kill the People's will to resist and they can get away with anything they want to do.
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  • Posted by rhfinle 7 months, 1 week ago
    On the slobbering guy:
    The best thing we can do is to (collectively, although I hate that word) dismantle the government 'public' school system.
    I consider myself a victim of public schools, and swore i would not inflict that PS BS on my kids.
    I'm fairly broke from it, but my kids went to private school. My daughter just got a Masters degree in Engineering in June and, instead of blindly going to get a job, just started her first LLC company.

    The way out of it is: don't fall into the trap of believing their BS and playing their game, to lose. This was the message of Atlas Shrugged.
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    • Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 7 months, 1 week ago
      neighborhood one room schools where the older kids teach the younger kids that WILL TEACH THEIR KIDS in a few short years.
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      • Posted by rhfinle 7 months, 1 week ago
        And that system worked well. Younger kids were exposed to the content material aimed at the older ones, so that when it was their turn, they had already seen it. Repetition works well and was automatic in that system.
        My father-n-law went to one of those schools; it was his job to go in early and start the fire so the room would be warm when school started. He had an excellent English teacher, who taught him as well as by wife and myself decades later. By that time, our school had lights and air conditioning.
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  • Posted by skidance 7 months, 1 week ago
    Supposedly, here in Oregon, the problem arose because checkers were selling alcoholic beverages to minors. So, rather than fire or fine those checkers, it was decided to force them to check the ID of anyone and everyone seeking to purchase such a beverage. Nonsense, I say!
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 7 months, 1 week ago
    While I completely agree with your premise. Let me take a different approach to what happened with you that day. Cashiers are required in to check ID. Most places set some standard of a person looking above a certain age 30 or 40 to not need to be checked. However, if you have a cashier who makes the mistake of selling to someone underage and getting caught or maybe a new manager just around the corner cashiers revert back to the standard of checking no matter the age of the customer.

    Here's a story for you. I served my time in the Army and came home just over 5 years. My dad asked me to pick him up a 6 pack. I stopped at the gas station that my family owned. My aunt was at the register and she carded me and then refused to sell to me as my ID must be fake as I couldn't be old enough. I was 23 at the time. I had to make her call my grandfather, her dad to confirm that I was old enough to buy beer. She still didn't believe me but she did what her dad told her to do.
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    • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 1 week ago
      you can vote at 18
      you can get drafted at 18
      you can buy a gun at 18

      buy alcohol at 18, nope

      and now, you can vote if you are an il-legal alien

      let me know when they start checking IDs for voting
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    • Posted by NealS 7 months, 1 week ago
      I guess it's hard to cover all bases at the same time. The rules (laws) set out by our politicians are to protect (harass) businesses by insuring nothing gets between the cracks. Like murder, in order to strop it, put a 10 day wait on buying a gun. If an FFL cheats, shut his business down and perhaps throw him in jail. But if Hunter lies on his paperwork, have the FBI protect him, like they are protecting Alex Baldwin, by destroying the evidence or some other means. It's, like everything else it's all controlled by power.
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      • Posted by Eyecu2 7 months, 1 week ago
        You are correct....but hasn't it always been like that? Not saying that it is right but those in power or influential, in the old days nobility, whatever, have always gotten away with what ever they want and we have to toe the line.
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        • Posted by NealS 7 months, 1 week ago
          Laws seem to be made today on everything, for or against the people. Laws should be (as they are) made against murder, but we should not have to make laws to protect someone against someone else that broke some other law. Today's gun laws are ridiculous. They should be about misuse, intentional or otherwise, but not specifically related to a specific tool. Take Chicago, all the gun specific laws, apparently not for the crimes. If Chicago obeyed the criminal laws (robbery, holdups, breaking and entering, harassing, rape, murder, etc.), would they still need gun specific laws? I guess it must be alright to rob someone at knife point, but using a gun will get them in more trouble. Should we more knife laws too? (brings to mind Vietnam again, we could not use bayonets with more than one sharp edge, while the enemy used triangular three sharp edge bayonets). Or how about crowbars, or tire irons? That makes little sense to me. If we would execute the laws that were on the books a long time ago, prosecute and sentence the law breakers, we could hold back on crime. The federal government wouldn't let me in the Hoover Damn because I had a pocket knife, a very small one, even though the law specifies a specific limit to length. I guess that was just that guards rule, not the rule of law. I went up the trail and hid the knife in a rock then came back and they let me in. Today, I might have gone to prison if I tried to get in with that little knife.

          The intent of the new gun laws is to reduce the number of guns that criminals have. That will never happen. In fact, and I am guilty of responding to the new laws, I have added to my collection over the majority of my adult life instead of reducing it. We now have, in WA, rules on handgrips, pistol grips, even flash suppressors and silencers (they don't even know the difference), barrel shrouds, magazines (clips as they call them), and more. We can no longer buy, sell, manufacture, import, so many "guns" based on our representatives fears In fact I have a whole bunch that I can't do anything with, not even give them away. This is an imposition on my freedom to engage in a business. Suppressors now require a fee and approval from the ATF, yet they sent me to be a batter commander of an 8-inch self-propelled firing battery in Vietnam. We had to use ear plus to suppress the noise shock or blow out our ear drums. I don't like to hunt with ear plugs, it's just not right.

          Sorry for the long dissertations, but I'm in a mood today. It's like drinking out of a spittoon, once you start it's difficult to stop.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 7 months, 1 week ago
            IMHO, all gun/gun accessory laws are unconstitutional. If you want to make people safe from guns, then make it against the law to shoot somebody. Oh wait, I think that law is already on the books.
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  • Posted by 12AngryWomen 6 months ago
    To answer the question about getting people to think more, I would say we need to ask questions that solve a perceived problem in their lives. People need an incentive greater than fear to get them to climb the uphill battle out of blissful ignorance. Independent thinking AND living both require effort, and for those already in the Matrix, that is a lot of gravity to overcome. They need to see the tangibles and have the intangible benefits sensationally described to them to ignite a passion for living real life. I think there are appeals from many different groups- preppers, Amish, etc. How about the health benefits of growing your own food? The superior results of educating your family together? Worshipping together? Working family trades together? We do run our own school and during Covid, had no restrictions or interruptions. In fact, we held dances and parties and made herbal remedies together and our families were not traumatized. Being able to tell real success stories showing the fruits of living in liberty can inspire others to wake up and get up.
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