Claire Wolfe: If you really want freedom, do something yourself. Don't wait to be led to freedom

Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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Thanks to SFMedic for posting this link as a comment to my question:
When is the proper time to resist with force?

This is not an answer to that question per se, but it is a relevant article for the Gulch.

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 7 months ago
    The article reminds me of a pillar of Deist thinking: if you want a miracle, make it happen. I hope bringing any form of religion into the discussion doesn't offend too many, but classical Deism, which was prominent during the time of the founding of the United States, was not simply the idea of God as a cosmic tinkerer, or the "great mechanic" who created the universe and left man to his own devices. Deists of that time believed that humanity was created by God as his agents, and that it was our duty to make the attempt to make the world a better place through our own individual efforts. That thinking had significant influence on the creation of the Constitution, aimed at relying on the will and effort of the people rather than subservience to an elite leadership.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 7 months ago
    Freedom is expensive but more costly is the illusion of liberty where the slave is conditioned to be unaware of the weight of his own chains.
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  • Posted by Ed75 7 years, 7 months ago
    Freedom requires individuals to desire freedom almost above all else. Many, if not most, statists are actually afraid of Freedom. Not only do they not feel competent to rely upon their own resources, but hold their fellow man in such low esteem that they fear their neighbor's freedom will be dangerous to them. They opt for the false and temporary security of the state.
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  • Posted by mminnick 7 years, 7 months ago
    Freedom is never free. It costs everso much more than dollars, Pounds, Yen or Rubles. It coasts the lives of many brave people.
    It takes positive actions by involved people to obtain and keep freedom. Too many have forgotten that, if they ever really knew it.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 7 months ago
    Leaders arose among primitive societies. They became the doers, the decision makers. They limit freedom because if you have 10 people you'll often have 15 different opinions. Someone, through power of personality, or physical strength arose to be decisive. However, Freedomistas know that while we cannot do without leaders, the ultimate goal is to dispense with them. Not tomorrow, not next year, but eventually that is the end of the road, where mankind no longer needs leaders because everyone knows and understands what is best for mankind and follows the path to that end.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 7 months ago
    The late Harry Browne explained how to live free in his book "How to find freedom in an unfree world." He made a number of errors, I think, in the book, but his theme was excellent: Do what you would do if you were not "fighting" for some cause or other and stay under the radar. Sort of Galt-like.
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  • Posted by bspielb 7 years, 7 months ago
    We can try to do it without bloodshed using Article V of the Constitution. In the Federalist Papers the situation we face was addressed directly. The situation of the central government trying to impose itself in every part of our lives, different branches exceeding their limits or abandoning their proscribed jobs and taxation without proper representation has become untenable. Our recourse is a Convention of States to propose constitutional amendments. No one will rewrite the constitution as many opponents claim, to scare people. A group has gotten many states to approve the gathering but more are needed. If you haven't heard of them or want to find out more go to There you will find the three specific problems to be addressed. They are term-limits, balanced budget amendment and well defined separation of power. If that fails I can see armed conflict as a possibility. I believe if it comes to that we can count on OUR National Guard to be on the side of freedom not government. I have been putting out feelers to local politicians to find out if a local armory can be opened. It is our right under the second amendment to form militias and keep any manner of weapons, including fully automatic man portable and vehicle mounted weapons. This is a battle that can be won by the people. By law the Army cannot operate on American soil. As I said I believe the National Guard would join us, or at least refuse to fire on civilians. We could probably count on state and local LEO's too. Jefferson was correct in saying 'the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants'. Here is a good article about why Jefferson wrote that quote that puts it in context: Know that even over 200 years ago those great and honorable men that started this republic knew a central government, especially the executive branch, could become too powerful.
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  • Posted by wiggys 7 years, 7 months ago
    Is she talking about political leaders or business leaders. If a the business leader then since the leader pays the bills i.e. your pay check you do as you are instructed to do, if the leader makes a mistake then who is the loser, the leader. If she is referring to political leaders things are NOT the same. If a political leader makes a mistake such as the current president forcing socialized medicine on the country and it is obviously a mistake he leaves it for the next leader to correct if the next leader wants to try to make a correction. while I agree we need government but those who work in government must learn that they too are citizens and therefore must act in a manner that they would like to see someone in there position when they are no longer in that position. Otherwise I see no benefit to any who are leaders(?) today.
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