Obama's reference to moochers

Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years ago to Politics
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Obama said, “By telling hard-working middle-class families that the reason they are getting squeezed is because some moochers at the bottom of the income ladder, because of minorities and because of immigrants or because of employees or because of feminists, because of poor folks who aren’t willing to work, they have been able to promote policies and protect special interests and those at the very top of the economic pyramid. That’s just the truth. I hope you don’t mind me being blunt about this, but I have been listening to the stuff for a while. And I’m concerned when I watch the direction of our politics. We have been hearing this story for decades, tales about welfare queens, talking about the takers, talking about the 47 percent. It is the story that is broadcast every day on some cable news stations, on right wing radio. It is pumped into cars and bars and VFW halls all across America and right here in Elkhart. If you are hearing that story all the time, you start believing it. It is no wonder people think state government is the problem.”

I'm feeling just a bit tweaked right now.
My mother taught me that if I didn't have something nice to say, to not say anything. OK, I'll just grumble under my breath.
SOURCE URL: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/06/01/obama-right-wing-radio-spreading-lies-economy/

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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years ago
    Excuse me, Mr. President but too much government is the problem and I can cite case after case of it. You blame "right wing radio" because you hate the sunshine peering into that coffin in your castle as you avoid mirrors. You are a vampire and seek to create more vampires just like you. The problem is that eventually you run out of people to suck blood from and all the vampires die too.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 8 years ago
    Obama says that for one reason only: he's been a moocher all his adult life, and he is the champion of moochers. And I don't see him paying any, and I mean any, of the price he demands we pay.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years ago
      Obama is the poster child for the government supported entitled black culture. He has done more to hurt blacks than anyone in modern history.

      I used to be a supporter of the oppressed black minority. Now I just want to stay away from the modern black culture now, because it is so entitled. These people complain all the time as customers that things are not right for them, they saunter across the street so white people have to wait, they are loud in restaurants and let their kids run all over the place. The problem of course is entitlement, but our government has coddled blacks especially- making them the most entitled group now. I am politically incorrect, but I am tired of political correctness.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years ago
        You are so right about that! I thought we were turning the corner on this us vs them mentality, but reverse discrimination is taking off again. What a step backwards, and O was largely responsible with his "circle the wagons" approach to garnering support.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 8 years ago
    Amazing the brain cramp Barry seems to have displayed - on purpose. Its a deflection from the 19+trillion national debt plus the 120+trillion unfunded liabilities our political elite seem to accept. Yes, the economy is growing at a dismal rate and yes we are faced with a economic sinkhole caused by the debt. And yes, too many people are on the government teat. And yes, we are a long way away from economic prosperity. And what is the point in busting your ass in your business and to have it taxed to the point that your efforts end up on someone else's table and bank account. I would love to see Barry start a business and hear what he has to say five years later - if he is event still in business. Its no wonder that only 4% of people polled have a favorable view of Congress and 'the government."
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
    There is no problem with moochers. They hardly make a dent in our society. It's only when non-moochers are encouraged to become moochers from the moochers in government that it becomes a problem.FDR opened the mooching door a crack, LBJ kicked it wide open, and Obama took it right off the hinges.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
      Maybe moochers on the street hardly make a dent but you failed to add the moochers in government, (laughing...you referenced them yourself)...that's one BIG dent...not likely that happened in the Home Depot or shopping mall parking lot.

      I suggest that we are almost out numbered by moochers in And out of government...
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      • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
        "encouraged to become moochers from moochers in government" pretty much covered that, I thought.
        By the way, I'm amused when elitists like Mrs. Clinton denigrate denizens of Home Depot or Wal-Mart. These are the very people, the mid-section of America that the candidates need in order to get elected, but whom they think are low-life, bible-thumping, gun-toting, slobbering defectives. If anyone would ask, I would pick any ten people at random in Wal-Mart over ten of the most feted politicians in Washington. And, I'd do better solving problems than the Washington Weasels.
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        • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
          The clintonias and the like, of the world, Are the great unwashed...as we've been discussing here...they have been trying to make Us in Their image...but they look down upon those that do reflect their own image...kinda just like the fallen idiots of the book of Enoch...(still think they're related)
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      I politely disagree. There is a problem with moochers. Without moochers, we wouldn't be saddled with President Zero, let alone the possibility of a President Sanders.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
        Please read past the first sentence.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years ago
          Your point is that there would be no moochers if they were not encouraged by their looter masters. Perhaps this is so for some moochers, but I do not agree that this is true for the majority of moochers. I may not have as positive a view of humanity as most in this forum. I think that there would be a significant number of moochers ready to accept the unearned, even if they didn't have the encouragement of their looter masters.
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          • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
            I meant to infer that the mooch population was a trickle until Washington turned it into a flood.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
              I have been toying with or thinking about making minimum wage of some use though it is in any form a violation of supply and demand it does have a smoothing out effect but I'm not sure for whom unless it's setting union wages which apply only to a small minority.

              When raised to high people get laid off when too low they look elsewhere to work.
              When not enough workers available wage offers go up when too many they go down.

              But the idea or glimmer of one is tying minimum wage to welfare payouts as a percentage in such as way as to make work more profitable and make welfare more temporary. - using supply and demand as should be

              Now the start point is cost of living equals a living wage and begins at the bottom which of course is where the starter worker/employee begins. Living wage, family wage and retirement earning wages are the main bums strived for. Except the family now includes some unknowns against which no form of birth control can protect except physical surgery

              Start point.

              Minimum Wage = value of total welfare (not unemployment) times 1.5 plus unemployment, and unemployment medical, and taxes. Make it worth while to work.

              Value of Total welfare equals Cost of Life that which it takes to exist and includes all forms including job retraining or relocation.

              Cost of Life is that amount needed to exist and is also a Tax exemption under both income tax and end user consumption tax. The thought is government has no business taking what is needed to 'live.' Food, air, water, shelter, medical and education.

              Under both types of taxes the Right To Live exemption is right up on top and 100% none of this fourty percent of trickery. Per Adult Per child and per older child in school to age 23. Same as now.

              In the end user consumption tax system that single contribution paid at point of sale is automatically not charged one twelfth each month for any of the RTL listed items. Income tax system it's exempted automatically the reverse of with-holding.

              The minimum wage slash maximum welfare total may be adjusted locally by the State or County. NYC obviously costs more than Podunk, Flyover. Let NYC pay that extra bill but the RTL exemption minimum would not change.

              Run numbers through that in any direction one can come up with the answer to any of the missing parts. And yes i threw in some extras.

              One point five? Who knows? It might be two point five? or point seven five. The rule is enough to encourage, almost force people to go back to work and get off welfare.
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 8 years ago
    Fivedollargold was particularly disgusted by Mr. Ovomit's reference to VFW halls. Kind of explains the low priority given to cleaning up the VA by the present Regime. Pathetic display by our Whiner-in-Chief.
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    • Posted by MinorLiberator 8 years ago
      I've been offline for a couple of days, but apparently the VFW has responded forcefully and reasonably to what he said...basically calling out Vets morons...look in the mirror, sir...
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
        However during the Carter years many veterans recall the shameful act of the VFW leadership treating. Carter like a somebody at the National Convention. As a former Life Member and former Commander of VFW Post 100 Margarita Panama Canal Zone I know not what are other members eventually did but I believe like me they resigned and joined the American Legion. Having never seen the VFW apologies to it's members and former members and veterans in general I have seen fit to turn my back on those who turned their back on me.

        They must have taken me seriously I mentioned if I saw my name as one of their members again I would next call an attorney. Given the social media exemption for claiming non existent members that may not work anymore.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
    Just like ALL things progressive...the opposite is True...and it is true; We, the middle class, the least able to support everyone else and Ourselves, are being taxed to death and if we get a second job, create a patient or write a book...they tax us more! and we're no better off than before.
    It's the law of diminishing returns...the more we make, the more they take.

    Every time, I make an extra buck or get some overtime...I grumble...I'm just feeding the beast!...another $666.00 out of my check this week.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years ago
    Obama likely never made it through AS, some speech writer likely started, but did not finish it. Obama does not have the IQ to understand AS.
    Of course they pander to blacks, whcihsrewin them over. The black communities are the worst after his 8 years!b Why should we be surprised, while a state legislator, he got $5 million for a part in depressed balck Chicago. The money never went to that park, He never felt one with blacks, but did feel one with commies.
    Our real problem are generations of students comine out of Dept. Of Ed run schools, which have taken the ability to reason as an individual, and replaced it with peer socialism.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years ago
    The lefties always squeeze race into every topic. Always. As soon as I hear reference to race anymore my brain shuts off and I start planning my next fishing trip or round of golf. I just don't entertain it anymore...
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 8 years ago
    How did Romney lose to this mooching idiot?
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    • Posted by term2 8 years ago
      Because Romney is the same thing. He had romneycare even before obamacare. He is mormon, which is a scary thing. In addition to some financially conservative beliefs, They have other very scary beliefs and they try to force everyone else to adhere to them.
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      • Posted by fivedollargold 8 years ago
        Yep, Romney screwed us with his dumb health plan. Agree that the LDS have some odd beliefs. But, I had a Mormon roommate and have some Mormon friends today. Nice, hardworking people, Harry Reid excepted. None of them tried to force anything on me, and we had interesting discussions.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years ago
          Hopefully that will gain traction in the mormon faith. Religions need to be more accepting of non believers or risk a lot of negativity from the plurality of non believers.

          Try being gay (or black for that matter) and interact with at least the mormon heirarchy. One would think they would be more accepting of other people, given the fact they were really persecuted themselves for years and years.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years ago
            Theres a documentary on Netflix called THE WEST, and one episode touches on the relentless persecution of the mormons for (of all things) their allowance of polygamy. I mean, really, who cares how many wives you have.....

            Anyway, the mormons were chased from state to state until they finally got to Utah (which was part of mexico as I remember). The US persecution stopped there, at least for awhile, until the uSA took over the mexican territories all the way to the coast. Then the mormons were under attack again, and their territory minimized by the US. Eventually, the mormons just gave up (mostly) their belief that polygamy was OK. I can see why they are kind of a closed society today and very protective of their members.

            Too bad, really, since I could care less about polygamy. I am willing to live alongside them and accept them, so long as they give me the same consideration. I wont try to convert them, so long as they dont try to convert me.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years ago
    That's why I never listen to his comments on the the statte of our economy and society. It seems that he is is trying to transform the US into a bizarre conglomerant landscape. That where we lose our selves and individuality.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 8 years ago
    He said "poor people unwilling to work"
    Where we are headed that will end.
    In the USSR there was no welfare system. the govt told you what your job was and where to live.
    your choices were do it or die.
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  • Posted by jetmec 8 years ago
    Ok I'm tired of hearing this crap about Moochers!! Find them something to do!!!! Infrastructure needs repairing or replacing. Find out the real cost of living in the various areas add $100 and the amount of tax payable and that can be the pay for thee people, If they have a problem then no money at all They then produce something and give back to the country
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years ago
    After taking one luxury vacation after another at taxpayers expense, he has a lot of nerve talking about others describing people of his ilk as moochers! I particularly enjoyed the mention of VFW halls as echo chambers for the hate filled. Can one imagine the hue and cry if a republican had been so tone deaf as to spit on a group like the VFW!
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