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  • Posted by lookdad 10 years, 1 month ago
    I find this very interesting:

    "You’ve got a bunch of people there trying to take the law into their own hands and they shouldn’t be doing that."

    Aren't we a government of/by/for the people? There's a whole bunch of people that think that some government regulations aren't what's best. Instead of saying "Shut up, citizens," elected officials should be putting the law IN the hands of the people.

    "And the Bureau of Land Management is not government-owned, it’s publicly owned. There’s a big difference there. I blame both sides."

    If the BLM is not affiliated with the government, how in the world can they STEAL Bundy's cattle at gunpoint without resulting in countless BLM idiots going to jail? And if the BLM is PUBLICLY owned, wouldn't that make them the same as the government, which is (again) of/by/for the people? Private companies can do what they want. Public government groups have to do what the people want.
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 1 month ago
      the most striking difference is a private company could not take action against another private citizen in this way. AS well, public agencies should also have to respect due process and law enforcement should be separate from those agencies. Instead, each agency has its own law enforcement and this recent use shows us how powerful. If dumpy little BLM can reek this much havoc over the public, we are doomed. I fully expect to see National Park Rangers training as snipers soon-(they probably already are!)
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  • Posted by SRS66East 10 years, 1 month ago
    Senator Inhofe was playing semantics with the BLM is public owned comment. The fact is the Government is not respecting the people and is playing cronie capitalism games with our lives. Its time to send EVERY incumbent home for good. Career over.
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 1 month ago
      More and more of so -called public land is restricted or off -limits to the public, for reclamation, breeding seasons, no motorized vehicles, permits requird etc. It 's hardly public if the public can 't use it
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
    I wonder how the militia could turn this into a push for larger reforms.

    I oddly think of them the same way I thought of OWS. I don't agree with everything they're doing, but I like people getting together and petitioning the gov't to change.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 1 month ago
    Maybe this is a stupid thought: If Bundy was breaking the law why didn't they just simply charge him with a crime and try him in a court of law? I know I may be missing something major here...but I never heard any mention of such precedings in the news coverage. It was just a theft of cattle, destruction of infrastructure, and Bundy's sons getting tazered and ground into the gravel.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years, 1 month ago
    Exactly what is the "big difference"?

    BLM is part of the Dept. of the Interior, and the employees are GS workers (of which there are about 90% too many).

    Absolutely fantastic that people are standing up for their rights. Let's see how our socialist government treats Tiananmen Square.

    A support fund for the participants would be outstanding.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 1 month ago
    This is no isolated incident, this is the way farmers are treated, only the EPA comes in an ties their hands. It is just steps along the way to UN Agenda 21 and complete confiscation of property rights by government, as promised by Obama. Today it is a rancher, in the past it was someone along a bike path, or too rural for government tastes. It does not take much to make it happen. Hillary was putting out feelers when Bill was in, setting the stage for putting homeless in private homes with extra bedrooms - sounds like old Russia. Would ole Harry R. like to have that ranchers gone, so he could get government to expand his wind turbines onto that property for his profit.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 1 month ago
      You do not understand the whole picture. He has been fighting this for 20 years in the courts and the courts are stacked against him..all other ranchers have been run out..he's the last man standing. Read and watch the videos of him explaining the whole story. Are you for or against freedom? What happened with the BLM is NOT's brute thuggery. And "these militia guys" did NOT put their women and children on the front lines. Good grief, where are you getting your info? Harry Reid? Watch the footage. I'm also against eminent domain. (Starting to understand why we have the 2nd amendment yet? Our founders KNEW these things would happen if the majority got complacent about upholding freedom....and here we are.)
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 1 month ago
      I don't think you understand the whole history of the BUndy controversy. It has been mis-reported in multiple places in the press.
      1. Bundy's held property rights en perpetuity for both water and grazing on those lands.
      2. In violation of 5th Amendment, the dept of interior, ie BLM, those property rights were removed from the Bundy's with vague promises never fulfilled. In fact, a similar case was ruled on differently than this case but the basics were the same. They removed the value of the rights by charging grazing fees and eventually limiting the ranchers to the point of not having any real rights at all. 50 ranchers went out of business because of this. Bundy fought.
      3.They used these illegal rights to charge the owners for exercising rights that were already theirs. there is strong precedent against the BLM's actions in the courts.
      4. They then used the endangered species act in specious ways to further hamstring Mr. Bundy. That is when he said he would pay his fees to Nevada not to the BLM.
      5. I have not read about the Canadian pipeline case. Is this Keystone you're talking about? I don't like Eminent Domain either. Look how Kelo turned out. All those homes razed and people displaced for absolutely nothing. what a waste. Immoral.
      rmcd, maybe you could post something on the issue you have brought up?
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    • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 1 month ago
      Um. "...put their women...on the front lines..."??!

      It is not as if we are little puppets, rmcd. Had I been there, no one would have 'put me on the front lines'. I would have walked up to the front on mine own little two feet.

      Thinking tactically, there have been times in the past when I felt that a pending confrontation needed to be defused and I put my fingers in my pockets (palms clearly visible) and strolled up and began chatting with the aggressive parties. It is more difficult to maintain toxic testosterone levels with a smiling, polite woman chatting amiably with you. I think that if the situation had become explicitly dangerous that everyone would have dived to protect the children, but that 'women and children' in the front lines may have contributed materially to keeping the situation cool and not letting anyone pull the trigger. You will note that in the confrontations between the Russians and the Estonians in the late 1980's, women and children were also present.

      One of the realizations that my reading these lists has brought home to me is the degree to which we live in a hodgepodge of laws. Many of the local laws that have been passed would not survive contact with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but there is no easy touchstone to use to qualify a law for existence within that structure. Per my exchange with MikeMarrota yesterday, there is apparently no functional scientific division between 'disobeying a bad law because you are a patriot' and 'disobeying a good law because you are a nutcase'...but that does not mean that we cannot all make as best a judgement on this as we are personally able.

      And I do not think you will find many folks on this list who will defend eminent domain!

      Jan, hands in pockets
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 1 month ago
    unfortunately the whole of the us congress looks at the bundy situation as a threat. hooray for all who went to Nevada to prove to the congress that they are correct in thinking we the people are a threat.
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  • Posted by preimert1 10 years, 1 month ago
    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Well dad-rat-it, there's that pesky 2nd Amendment again. Militias are springing up all over the country. What a revolting development!

    With all due respect to Sen. Imhoff, I've generally preferred: "alternate path to justice" to "taking the law in your own hands."
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