Rejected an Assignment, 1st Time in My Career

Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 3 months ago to Business
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I did something I have never done before earlier this week. I have always been the kind of engineer who management could turn to in order to pull their asses out of the fire. I could take on all kinds of challenges, even tried some impossible ones. All I ever really got was an "atta-boy" for those jobs. Well, I've been doing that for too long. Over the past couple weeks I was offered a task where I'd be working WAY over my pay level, directing multiple offices, tying to get data from a source that won't give it, etc. and was told that if I took this "high profile" assignment it would "make or break" my career. It was typical of so many of these assignments - I'd have all the responsibility but none of the authority. So, for the first time in my career I shrugged. I said, "No thanks." It felt great. I figure I'll get some fallout for this, but in the long run it will be worth it. I care so much about the work I do that if I'm tasked with building a tower of tinker toys to the moon I'll get a heart attack trying to do it. That's the engineer in me. Management picks up on that. They also, always, have demonstrated that I'm the guy who can figure stuff out. I just want to get paid more to do it, now. So...this week marks a turning point for me.

In my other line of work I'm my own boss, thankfully.

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  • Posted by jetmec 8 years, 3 months ago
    I don't blame you! The last time I did a project I found someone else's name on it! Strange that when I left so did all the paper work and all the information to do the job left with me! If you need any help any time contact me and I will help you, I'm off sick at the moment and need something to do!
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  • Posted by Tyler1215 8 years, 3 months ago
    It seems like this is an epidemic going around for quite a few of us.

    I reached a point with my own manager where we left a meeting with others, including the CEO, and my manager said that the project was my responsibility. I disagreed with him as the CEO has assigned roles to everyone else at the meeting beside my manager and me. I informed my manager that I am available to help with the project when requested, but my workload did not permit me to be actively engaged with the project. My manager then questioned my workload, which includes several high importance projects from the entire C-suite that have implications on the future of the company. My manager then told me to give those projects back. I was dumbstruck as the same manager told me that anything from the C-suite is a priority and i was very passionate about doing those particular projects. After a hour and a half of debating; and contemplating resigning on the spot, I stated to my manager that the projects will be done and I walked out of his office.
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  • Posted by $ Starwagen 8 years, 3 months ago
    BTDT many years ago. And it is a great feeling. And BTW, the person asking for what I already knew was the impossible with the tools available was gone a few months later. I was still there until I retired.
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