DON'T FORGET: ASP3 Screenwriter Duncan Scott here in the Gulch TOMORROW (04.18)
Atlas Shrugged Part III Screenwriter, Duncan Scott with be here tomorrow (04.18) for a Producers Only Q&A session! If you've not yet signed up as a Gulch Producer, you'd better get to it.
Previous comments...
Anyone who buys a ticket.
All 6 of you. What about the other 2 million potential ticket-buyers who hear how appalling the movie is from word-of-mouth reviews?
Who needs 'em, right?
You just made my point. Thanks.
Whereas you believe that lack of quantity — failure, both commercial and critical — makes for quality so long as the "right" kind of people see it.
So far as I (and the majority of other moviegoers) can tell, both AS-I and AS-II were exercises in masturbatory self-indulgence on the part of Aglialoro, Kaslow, Scott, Kelley, et al. There was never any serious attempt to adapt the novel to the screen. I have no confidence AS-III will be any different.
As for AS III, I'd go see the movie to watch just the John Galt speech. The movie could have no beginning, or end. It could just be that speech and it would be a good film.
That much is obvious. You're also uninterested in commercial success. That much is also obvious. Therefore, there's no particular reason to make a movie except for reasons of masturbatory self-indulgence.
Since you admit that's the case, don't get so upset when the critics pan the film (you were uninterested in critical success), and don't get so snotty when it fails at the box-office (you were uninterested in commercial success).
Actually, no, it's the filmmakers and producers who have this obsession. I merely call it like I see it.
SOLE purpose, not "soul" purpose.
Self-styled Objectivists. Good grief.
Apparently, the fewer who see the films, the prouder you are.
Now, does that mean you would NOT feel proud had the films been a box-office smash?
You mean, "People like that obviously have never GONE to the middle of nowhere . . ."
LOL! And you want to hear all of Galt's speech on film, eh?
That assumes the media will waste their time watching it. They won't.
Seems as if you'll simply have to imagine lots of people you hate doing the cringing. Have fun.
I'm assuming Scott is getting paid for his efforts and that he wouldn't be so foolish as to work for "net points."
I see. They intentionally want to invest lots of their own time, money, and effort in a complex project that won't earn a return just to be cool and arrogant and say to the moochers of the world, "Look at what WE can do . . . just because we CAN!"
It's clear you've never made a movie. Let's start at the beginning: Do you know which end of a camera to look through?
Well, I tried reason, and that didn't work. You left me little choice.
> I know more about cameras than you have even thought about learning.
That didn't answer my question. Once again: Do you know which end of a camera to look through?
Kaslow should hire you to do the marketing for AS-III.