DON'T FORGET: ASP3 Screenwriter Duncan Scott here in the Gulch TOMORROW (04.18)

Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 3 months ago to Entertainment
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Atlas Shrugged Part III Screenwriter, Duncan Scott with be here tomorrow (04.18) for a Producers Only Q&A session! If you've not yet signed up as a Gulch Producer, you'd better get to it.


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  • Posted by almpbr 11 years, 3 months ago
    I know nothing about makings movies, that should be obvious. However I have read enough, and seen enough films to know that the adoption of a book into a movie script takes talent and forethought and imagination. Plus a lot of story telling talent. All of that was missing, in my opinion.
    Therefore, the making of AS 1 was a disaster.
    At a time that cried out for a true telling of this important work, for important parallels to be shown, the story was butchered. Also, in unnecessarily leaving out large sections of the book, it must have made tying in Part 2 almost impossible.
    I have not been able to bring myself to watching Part 2, but will have to so I can view Part 3.
    I don't know MR. Scott, but his resume, as you give it hear does give me hope.
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      Posted by M-Dizzle 11 years, 3 months ago
      part 2 was a nightmare
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        Posted by M-Dizzle 11 years, 3 months ago
        why are you marking this as spam? This dude had not watched part 2 for fear it was as bad as pt 1, and I HAVE seen it so I let him know my take on it. Seems a lot of you are pretty harsh towards criticism of AS but also I don't see anyone actually saying they thought they were good.
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  • Posted by TheEggman411 11 years, 3 months ago
    Not to kill the fun banter of Comment Alley, but several early questions: What is the demographic buying tickets to AS (young vs. old, ah, babyboomers lol)? Is there any significant geographical difference (metropolitan vs. rural)? Are you taking this in account on any aspects of the making of ASIII? Are there any filmmaking principles, in regard to audience appeal, that you're following that apply to the creation of all forms of art (resolving the constant struggle of giving people what they want vs. sticking to your creative freedom)? The Eggman
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      Posted by darren 11 years, 3 months ago
      >>>Are there any filmmaking principles, in regard to audience appeal, that you're following ...

      They would have to clear that first with David Kelley to ensure that such principles were "consistent with Objectivism."
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    Posted by M-Dizzle 11 years, 3 months ago
    Did someone erase my request that someone ask him if he thought the Atlas Shrugged films failed financially due to gov't regulations or did the post not work? Anyway it's too late now, I will never know his response!
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