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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years ago
    They want us to think this is about free trade, and about making sure goods will move properly. But Paul Ryan blew the gaffe. He actually said they must pass the bill so we could find out what was in it apart from the fog of debate! Just what Nancy Pelosi said! But of course Nancy Pelosi shot the bill down--maybe for the wrong reason, but still--we didn't like it any better.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 9 years ago
    This is not a question of policy, but of how to get better policies enacted. So I offer these ideas.

    1. The two-party system is the problem. Any reform that helps third parties gain seats in legislatures, including such radical changes as Ranked Choice Voting, the Single Transferable Vote, and/or a British style parliamentary system, can only help.

    2. Let's encourage more fringe-lefties like Bernie Sanders to run, while encouraging right-leaning candidates to quit early once there are more than a couple of them. So long as we are stuck with the two-party primary system we might as well game it by getting "spoilation" to happen on the left and not on the right.

    3. I would like to see more questions referred to voters -- but not as an alternative to legislation (unless it's limited to repealing existing laws). As a first shot (and example), I propose a constitutional amendment that any new law on certain hot-button topics (say guns, abortion, and any further bans of foods or drugs now legal), should require voter approval IN ADDITION to the legislative approval now required, not instead of it. Because too much sneaky lawmaking goes on on those topics, and making it harder can only help.

    While we're at it we should also require voter ratification of treaties and constitutional amendments. Many countries in Europe now have this, including the Swiss, and it has blocked a lot of stupid legislation.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
    It is proof that it DOES MATTER who you vote for.

    Every vote should be a vote against the state, and that means every vote should go for a candidate that is NOT part of the DemRep Party.
    The GOP does not represent you.
    The Democrats do not represent you.
    Vote AGAINST THEM BOTH by voting for a 3rd party.
    (It should go without saying that a vote for Democrats is a wasted vote.)
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    • Posted by strugatsky 9 years ago
      The country is so rotten, the culture is so destroyed that only a civil war can be effective in bringing back the Constitution. Everything else is just a bandaid to perhaps slow down the inevitable collapse. But it would be better for the country to hit bottom and have a civil war now than latter, for the chances of rebuilding are higher today than tomorrow.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
        The excuse that Lincoln used to attack the south was "to save the union."
        At that time the European powers had some chance of taking advantage of the two nations that would have resulted: the Union and the Confederacy, although it was a pathetic excuse for the war. (That's why the history was changed to the "free the slaves" lie.)
        However, today, if the socialist states of DC, New England, Chicago, WestCoast, and Hawaii were separated from the old South, old West, and Heartland, the result would be 2 of the strongest countries in the world.
        There is no reason to maintain the union except tradition and fear of failure by the socialists, corporatists, and banksters in control of the Dark Center.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 9 years ago
          That would be preferable to the status quo. However, I think that this civil war will be along the economic lines (and cultural) and will be too intertwined for geographical separation. It will likely be winner takes all. After all, we have become a copy of the Soviet Union, so may as well use them as an example of our future.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      Hope we see some third party alternatives that have a chance of winning. I have been trying to vote for the person and not a straight party ticket. Still, you may be right Freedom, Too many disappointments.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years ago
        freedomforall is beginning to sway my thinking too.
        Lately the GOP "in power" has really been p-g me off.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 9 years ago
          They're all part of the same old establishment. By all indications, a socialist like Bush III should not even consider the option, yet he is so sure that the establishment machine will get him there inspite of what the voters want - clearly, voting is not a one for one deal!
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  • Posted by Zero 9 years ago
    Do you really think McCain would have done the same damage as Obama?

    Neither party represents us. And there is no saving this country from within - it's too far gone. But choosing the lesser of evils still makes sense.

    Do you really think McCain would have done the same damage as Obama?
    (Repeated for emphasis.)
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 years ago
    Boehner is a disgrace to our state! He says one thing and does another. Trump, I am suspicious of, as he could well be the spoiler, the one you insures Hillary is elected, like Ross P a few years back.
    These guys expect a pay day down the line, and that is why they support TPA. They don't care about the folks back home, except at election time, the they turn their backs for years. They say they support gun rights, then vote for something like this. They say they are against Obamacare, and vote for something which would expand it. Yes, and the big environmental issue of Agenda 21, yest their vote would promote that as well. Jerks, one and all.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
    not as long as you are voting for the Government Party's two candidates for President and two candidates for Vice-President. But it still matters or at least might matter or an undetermined period of time ....Given the number of moral choices that shouldn't prove to be too difficult and has a lot of advantages. Self Respect at the top of the list. Respect of your family next.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 9 years ago
    I remember once engaging in a discussion with my liberal 82 yr old Aunt and saying: "The Democrats have become communists, and the Republicans have become Democrats."

    Her response? She punched me on the arm. Owww!
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  • Posted by minorwork 9 years ago
    Efforts to lower the cost of living by efforts to lower barriers to trade sees increased efficiencies in the exchange which lowers costs to consumers.
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  • Posted by kkeen842 9 years ago
    America can compete - silly that ExIm Bank & Trade Authority both expiring in 2 weeks! Would be good for small & medium business - the big corps don't NEED it! None of USA probs will be solved with only 2% growth, but most ALL can be solved with 4% growth!!
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 9 years ago
    Democans or Republicrats, doesn't really matter.
    The country is on the road to hell no matter who gets elected. The difference is the Demos have us on an express train to hell, and the Repubs want to put us on a local, which would make a few stops prior to arriving at the infernal destination.

    I've grown completely tired of the Repubs making promises to stop Oblabla before an election, then caving when it comes time to stand up for their values.
    They always have an excuse: "We only have the House." So now they won the Senate, and that excuse is gone. Now it's "We don't have a veto-proof majority".
    OK, so if a Repub prez gets elected, and they retain control of Congress, what will their new excuse be? I can foresee what will happen when they try to repeal Obamacare: the mainscream media will run story after story about the poor people that "will lose their health care", and the Repubs will cave again. Their excuse will be "We don't want to take away the social safety net." It won't matter that the left will redefine "social safety net" to include Obamacare as being necessary; the Repubs never seem to realize when the left changes the rules to benefit their own agenda.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      Select and Elect might have been useful if the citizens still did the selecting and electing.It rhymes if nothing else. Actually I'd have to say you do select and elect. Select to vote Republican or Democrat and elect eight more years of ....and eight more years....and eight more years....
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years ago
    From what I understand, TPA is only the ability to arrange a trade deal (only) in which congress votes up or down, which is very different from the obamatrade bill that has caused much ruckus because of it's secret know, balmy wants it passed before we find out how we get screwed!
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