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Me dino met those bananas before. When I got a leg cramp swimming, a sister-in-law told me I needed potassium by eating one banana a day. I did for about two or three years. Until I took a blood test and flunked it for having to much potassium. Now instead I eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away. So where is my diploma?
Me dino met that napkin dispenser before. It took one look at me and did not dare complain when I took my obese handful of napkins home. Me am dino. Hear me roar!
Me dino met that page not found before. Me no wanna talk about what happened to a handkerchief in an outhouse beside a Camp Lejeune range for M79 (bloop tube) grenade launchers during 1970.
Doubt those trees are still there. Not exactly something tree huggers would care for.
Oh, well. During the Nineties I was listening to my car radio when the late Rush Limbaugh said, "There are more trees now in North America than there were before the European settlers came. Trees are a renewable resource."
What a wild bunch these are! I about lost it with each one. Had to set my hot tea down until I finished reading. So many true dats in there! Thanks for the early heads-up!