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  • Posted by $ 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    Posted by $ allosaur 59 minutes ago
    First time I ever thought Fake News could be a kid's Halloween costume.
    Me dino thinks anyone who tattoos anything above their shoulders, wears a ring in their nose or wears anything stuffed inside a gross hollowed out earlobe is saying to the world, "Please, don't hire me so I can sponge."
    Once again I'm reminded that an allosaur has by far better ascetically pleasing arms than a T-Rex.
    Cremation is a good way to make an ash of yourself.
    From now on any time I see a metal statue, I'll think of never owing money to Jabba The Hutt.
    And it never dawned on me that forgiving enemies could be an act of passive aggression: for example, "Hey, I forgive you. Bwahaha!"
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    • Posted by $ 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 hour ago
      Believe it or not . . .

      PS . . . when you get a chance, bring you curser down here and hit the back button a million times. Of course, you could also write a short fiction story in the space between here and UP THERE .
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    First time I ever thought Fake News could be a kid's Halloween costume.
    Me dino thinks anyone who tattoos anything above their shoulders, wears a ring in their nose or wears anything stuffed inside a gross hollowed out earlobe is saying to the world, "Please, don't hire me so I can sponge."
    Once again I'm reminded that an allosaur has by far better ascetically pleasing arms than a T-Rex.
    Cremation is a good way to make an ash of yourself.
    From now on any time I see a metal statue, I'll think of never owing money to Jabba The Hutt.
    And it never dawned on me that forgiving enemies could be an act of passive aggression: for example, "Hey, I forgive you. Bwahaha!"-
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    • Posted by $ 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      Believe it or not . . .

      PS . . . when you get a chance, bring you curser down here and hit the back button a million times. Of course, you could also write a short fiction story in the space between here and UP THERE .
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 months, 3 weeks ago
        As the colonel said at the end of The Bridge Over River Kwai, "What have I done?"
        And I don't even have a plunger to drop dead on in order to blow the bridge.
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    Thanks OUC for another hilarious grouping (and with none of the anti-Semitic garbage memes someone posted elsewhere here.) 'Stealing some of these, definitely. The Jim Beam version of the woodchuck thing is particularly cool, especially for us pun-addicts.
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