I don’t believe any of it…

Posted by jack1776 1 year, 8 months ago to Politics
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Given the performance of the current administration and the democratic party, they should have been decimated. The MSM kept stating that the mail in vote traditionally favors the democrats, this is a simple case of “if you repeat it enough, they will believe it”; this supposition makes the results more believable. Mail in voting a few years ago (call absentee ballots) has mainly been composed of people away from home (the affluent) and people stationed outside the US in the military. This typically has been highly conservative but the current mail in voting if tantamount with election fraud. The delay in results is also designed to allow them to generate the votes needed to steal the election.

I don’t see Fetterman winning the election legitimately. Kari Lake seems like an outstanding candidate when compared to Katie Hobbs in a swing state. The samples go on and on… I don’t believe any of it…

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 8 months ago
    +1 to you, jack1776. The Fetterman win is sickening at best.

    Side note: When I voted here in western NY as I slipped my ballot into the machine I Iooked for a manufacturers logo. None. I remarked, "Is this one of those Dominion pieces of junk?" and the monitor guy at the machine gave me a real dirty look. F him!
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 8 months ago
    I may be paraphrasing another Gulcher....if so...take credit. But, either through successful Brainwashing, or Election Shenanigans the Democrats have figured out how to “win” elections, no matter what.

    It matters not how they did it. What matters is we have empirical evidence that we are surrounded by morons when it comes to choosing self-governance .
    Plan accordingly.
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  • Posted by 1 year, 8 months ago
    I thought they would try to steal the election, but I thought they would have blatantly done so as to be obviously deliberate, demonstrating their power and control. It would have been an obvious declaration of control and it would be in the open, I now see that the status quo is the intended result.
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 8 months ago
      the dems are learning to steal elections in a much quieter way, to keep the peasants in the dark

      2020 was too evident a steal
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 8 months ago
        I had an interesting time at the early voting at the library. The guy doing the polling list misspelled my name and said I wasn't registered. A lady grabbed my arm and called me by name leading me over to another section. She gave me a ballot, pointed out the machines and when I picked one took me over to it. Then she watched me vote my entire ballot and I handed it to her and watched her put it in the recorder and store the original ballot. She obviously wanted to see how I voted and I watched her carefully. I was an election judge for many years. I didn't care if she knew I was a dedicated conservative.
        The nasty people in this town know who I am.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 8 months ago
          What blows me away is that fellow “American” citizens are eager in suppressing your constitutional rights. Its basic deduction that if they can do it to us, someone will do it to them in the future.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 8 months ago
    seems voting no longer matters
    plan accordingly
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    • Posted by 1 year, 8 months ago
      Agreed, but what do we do… For some time, I’ve said that there will be a trigger moment and then job, property and life become secondary to defending our freedom. This moment will be different for each one of us but in the end each one of us will struggle with this decision. Once we cross this line, there is no returning.

      Like most, I still have a mortgage, which is control. I have a job I use to pay my mortgage, which is control. I must give these up if I take the next step…

      Before that, the best I can come up with is to simply to not comply with the demands of the faults administration. How I do this is a difficult decision, for now, I’m working as fast as I can to pay off my mortgage and become 100% self-reliant with both assets and skills. I think our community can come together to further our skills needed to survive in an environment without access to the benefits of a society. For example, I bought my wife a freeze dryer to save produce/eggs from our garden and chickens. I’m buying a manual well pump for our well. We have generators but these will only last as long as I can source fuel, need to look at a limited number of solar panels. Books on skills are constantly being added to my library. I’ve reached out to others in my town to organize the same and plan to coordinate my research with others of like mind.
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      • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 8 months ago
        Not to assume your ancestry but......my ancestors left EVERYTHING to come here and start anew. Knowing that their children would enjoy the fruits of their labor because they were starting over. History shows us that it takes that kind of dedication to your principles to ensure the blessings of Liberty are passed down. Where ever you may be, if it is obviously turning into a leftist shithole, vote with your feet. Accept a lower standard of living for a time. Our ancestors did. And we should be thankful for that.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 8 months ago
          Already voting with my feet as me and my wife homesteaded property in Idaho after leaving California. I want to have a place for my children to go when they decide they have had enough.
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  • Posted by 1 year, 8 months ago
    I’m watching the results roll in and it's almost like a drama, its neck and neck right to the end, and the dem wins.

    The senate will come down to the Georgia run off and we all know the results of that election even before the ballots are printed. The house lead keeps getting smaller and smaller, as the results are manipulated, I mean counted, we’ll see our hope evaporate. I hope I’m wrong but strangely enough, the pessimists are the fortune tellers of late.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 8 months ago
    As I warned before the election.
    The Deep State found they could cheat easily in 2020 with no repercussions.
    Of course, the GOP is almost as bad anyway so voting really is a waste of time.
    Buy more ammo, food, seeds, etc. and go on strike forever.
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