Went to see AS III with my two sons today....

Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 8 months ago to Entertainment
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Before viewing AS III in Vegas last weekend, Scott stood in front of us and, among other things (just before receiving his spiffy leather John Galt jacket), said "this will not be the movie you have in your head". He was right. (Hear me out though.)

Just prior to heading to the Premiere I re-read Atlas Shrugged, I wanted it to be fresh in my mind, and THAT is wanted I wanted to see on the screen. ALL of it. Which is completely unrealistic considering the multitude of events that happen in part 3 of the book.

Fast forward to today. I took my two sons (ages 17 and 21) to see the movie this afternoon. They have not read the book, but have seen both of the previous movies. I didn't tell them much about part 3 because I wanted their reactions to be THEIRS.

After the movie was over, and before the cleaning people kicked us out of the theater because we hung out too long to talk, I asked them, "Did you understand what happened, did it make sense?" They both explained that they understood the message. I asked what was the message? And they nailed it! And they both said they enjoyed the movie and were glad I took them.

So, perhaps those of us who know the book backwards and forwards and thirst to share it with others, but can't seem to get people to read a thick book, these movies will do the job quite nicely to open their eyes...and perhaps be the catalyst that gets them to read the book. (After all Part I worked for me.)

With that said, I want to thank John Aglialoro and Joan Carter for getting our favorite book on the big screen in spite of all the many road blocks they had to contend with to finally pull off that monumental task.

Thank You! ;)

(The theater had approx 30 people in it. )

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    Posted by richkinley 9 years, 8 months ago
    My 12 YO son accompanied me today. He got the message, and he definitely liked the movie.

    I feel like I'm raising a Renaissance Man, and it's a really good feeling.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      I know that feeling :) And it is good.
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      • Posted by ewv 9 years, 8 months ago
        How did your two sons frame the 'message'?
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        • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
          I'll tell you what, ewv, when they get home from work tonight I'll re-ask them and write direct quotes for ya. I will say this right now though. When we left the theater my oldest said, "there's some people with John Galt shirts on back there." I turn and looked..there were 5 or 6 in their group. I said, "Oh Cool." and kept walking. (wtf?!!) Why I did not turn around and go talk to them I have no idea....but we kept walking and talking and got in the car and came home. However, Late last night, he walked into my office and said to me, "I wish you had talked to those people in the Galt shirts today... why didn't you?" I had no answer. I'll be kicking myself in the ass for a long time over this. Stupid stupid dumb dumb!!
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          • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 8 months ago
            Stop beating yourself up over it Shrug. Let us do it.
            What were you THINKING!
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            • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
              Wow, rich, you're on a hilarity roll here...I've busted out laughing several times now inside of 45 seconds!
              I know.. what is WRONG with me!!!?? (Actually, the only excuse I have, besides it being a group of people, I might have hesitated because I could hear my boys saying "oh god, there she goes." lolol) No excuse though... bah! Lesson learnt! (Yes.."learnT"!)
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          • Posted by brando79az 9 years, 8 months ago
            I wore my shirt ("Non-Fiction") to the movie. Surprisingly, I have been stopped more times on casual weekends in random places than at the ASIII movie because nobody stopped me lol. I would have been happy to discuss with someone but, mainly, I just wanted support the movie.
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  • Posted by WBD 9 years, 8 months ago
    Thanks for conducting that little experiment Shrug. I know that the producers of the film wanted to reach those who had not read the book. Looks like they will be able to reach those who CAN be reached.
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    • Posted by mmb 9 years, 8 months ago
      That's a good point. The world was going nuts in the 60's and 70's, so there was occasion to be casting about ,looking for answers. These times are not being answered by student riots , so it's more difficult for the questions to arise. The main point for me was finding answers based on a different premise about our lives.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 8 months ago
    Aglialoro and Carter.
    Thank you for making a dream come true. I have been waiting since that fellow Ruddy, one of the producers of The Godfather, proposed to A.R. to bring Atlas to the screen.

    I am aware that it has been a great investment in more than just money. I takes courage, grit, and vision to do what you folks have done and there is not enough accolades that can be expressed for your accomplishment. So -- the most my family and myself can do is say thank you.
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    • Posted by khalling 9 years, 8 months ago
      hear, hear
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 8 months ago
        What they did was put their money where their hearts reside... What they gave us was more than just a cool movie to see; I think that, by bringing out the 3 installments of the book, they have made it possible for the message of AR to get out to the masses, to those who would not otherwise get a chance to be exposed to anything other than the communist manifesto being promulgated by the schools, the media, and the government.

        We owe all those involved with this project a huge debt of gratitude for bringing a balanced and objective story to the forefront. And to that, I say... Well done.
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  • Posted by Bfurri 9 years, 8 months ago
    I'm so happy to hear about others who share these movies with their kids. My son is 13 and my daughter just turned 12 on opening day . Like with your kids, it's unrealistic to expect them to read the book. But they love watching the movies, we just caught up with part 1& 2 on Netflix and will be checking our part 3 shortly. They get it, it's all common sense to them And their young minds haven't been spoiled yet by the propaganda. Movies like these and those by Dinesh are acting as the antidote to liberal propaganda! I'm so gratefully to the producers and actors who made it happen.
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  • Posted by lrbeggs 9 years, 8 months ago
    Wonderful, Shrug. I have wondered about this often. I want to believe the movie drew people in and exposed them to Rand so they could further explore her writings and philosophy. Thanks so much for sharing! And for being a terrific parent.
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  • Posted by mmb 9 years, 8 months ago
    Before we went to see Atlas III my husband and I talked about it. I told him about Dagney and John Galt, and the other " players" It was confusing for a few moments to spot Wyatt and the others. But I told Joe I was especially looking forward to the fight at Rearden Metal and Hank's escape.
    I remembered the torture scene from reading the book many years ago and was not looking forward to that. The outstanding part of that scene is when the F machine no longer works and John Galt is the only one who knows how to fix it. The "bad guy"finally realizes that the man they are trying to subjugate is the smartest one in the room. He finally gets Galt's message and wakes up in an instant. Joe and I had just spent the day at the railroad museum in Strasburgh, Pa and wee admiring the level of workmanship in the engines. When the line " You haven't nationalized the railroads!" was spoken by Dagney it really jolted us. That and the Taggart bridge. Joe said it reminded him of the Tay bridge in Scotland. There webout 20-25 people in the theater for the 7p.m. show on Saturday. One young woman had a "Who is John Galt? tee shirt on. We talked a bit abad I said I wished I had worn my "Rearden Metal" bracelet! I wish we could have talked more.. I wonder how the talk on campuses will go?
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  • Posted by Kittyhawk 9 years, 8 months ago
    We drove about 45 minutes to see a 11:40 showing of ASIII on Friday in the Tampa area with our six year old, who said after, "I like Atlas Shrugged. Let's go see it again tomorrow." There were probably about 12-15 people in the theater with us, mostly aged 60 and over.
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  • Posted by livefree-NH 9 years, 8 months ago
    I watched it last night, and wore my Kickstarter T-shirt too! I took a friend with me who had not read the book, but was roughly familiar with my Libertarian view of the world. She had a very very positive reaction to the movie (I should mention that she has NOT seen part 1 or 2).

    I enjoyed the movie and it's killing me to keep from telling you any spoilers. I will say that there was an appearance from one of my personal heroes "as himself" which delighted me (and made my friend chuckle too).

    I had a little trouble finding a showing nearby - I live in NH and there were none in NH, VT, ME, or anywhere other than Danvers, MA. So I ventured into the Commonwealth to see it, with an audience of about 20 other people, and not really clear to me as to their enjoyment of it (or not).

    Right now I think I am going to watch Pt.1 and Pt. 2 on TV at that friend's house, just to backfill the "who's who" for her sake.

    I'm in complete agreement with LetsShrug about the movie being a good way to introduce the thought to people who have not read the book, and also my thanks to John and Joan!

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    • Posted by slfisher 9 years, 8 months ago
      None in NH? That surprises me.

      I saw it in the one theatre in Idaho's Treasure Valley that showed it, and there were about 30-40 people at 6:40 on a Friday, opening night.
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  • Posted by therev1953 9 years, 8 months ago
    Our theater didn't have many people and after the scathing reviews- well, I think there were good intentions but the real casting directors and writers here already at the Gulch. Almeida was way too old and Galt was way too young and Rearden was --a cameo? Louis Herthum (Mouch) should have been cast as Galt- ruggedly handsome and slightly older than middle age because let's remember the story in the books happens over a few years - like what we're suffering with this administration. I own the books and have now read THE WHOLE TRILOGY plus The Fountainhead 4 times. The first time entering 7th grade and then before the release of each movie.
    I love the books. A librarian who was trying to keep me entertained suggested them during my summer after 6th grade. Atlas Shrugged was only slightly above the required reading- 1984, Farenheit 451, animal Farm, Logan's Run. That was the difference.We had The Hunger Games X 100. Somewhere in the 70s, the dystopian novels that shaped our value system turned into Judy Blume, Danielle Steele, Eudora Welty, Maya Angelou and Toni Morrison. If you haven't read the books- read them! If those books are too long to dive into, try The Hunger Games. While they aren't Ayn Rand they're a solid Orwellian quality. I understood most of what she wrote at age 11. Don't underestimate your children. They arent too young to be taught different values than the communist indoctrination being rammed down everyone's throat.
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  • Posted by xthinker88 9 years, 8 months ago
    I went to see it Friday night in a predominantly well off Republican area of the Philly suburbs. About 20 people at the 7:05 showing.

    Saturday, I went to visit my son at his college. At lunch I told him about the movie and he seemed interested. We did our usual visit to the town's used bookstore after lunch and they had a copy so I bought it for him. The length won't daunt him given that he's read the whole set of Game of Thrones. Lol.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 8 months ago
    It's 7:30 on September 14. The seven of us have seen A.S. 3, had dinner, had discussions, and gone to our respective homes. Here's my take for what it's worth. First of all, there must be a disclaimer, which is that it is impossible to make even three movies of an over 1100 page book filled with people, polemics, and plot and include all there is in content. The best that can be done is to hit the high points and present them in a way that is interesting and attainable. In addition, movies need some eye candy. They should be visually engaging and movies must move. The task is not an easy one.

    As a very long time Objectivist I went to see the film with anticipation and an almost maniacal desire to love it. So, at the outset, I admit my prejudice. I did not go away unsatisfied. The high points were hit, and it was visually attractive. The actors acted well, delivering what are sometimes awkward dialog with credibility and expression matching the words. Polaha couldn't have been a better John Galt if they had created him from scratch. He looked like a hero, and he spoke with the calm certainty that you'd want a hero to sound like.

    I think that there will be much negative criticism. This is a movie that you may have trouble approaching cold. If you are an uninformed voter, or someone who doesn't pay attention to current events, or has not had some grounding in philosophy, the film will likely go flying over your head like a NASA Orbiter. However, even if you haven't read the book, but you're a thinker, you'll get it. You may need to see it more than once, but if you want to understand, you'll even learn -- a lot. It didn't disappoint. If I have to criticize it at all, I would have made the rescue of Galt with more action and suspense.
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  • Posted by brando79az 9 years, 8 months ago
    I went to the same theater as you. I went on a Friday night and counted about 20 people; seven came as a group. By the halfway point I counted a total of 11 walk outs. They were made up of the group of seven and 2 couples. I do not know the reason. Perhaps they did not know the story of AS? Or did they think the production was bad enough to walk out? Whatever.

    *Spoiler* Definitely a low-cost production. Also, it has been quite some time since I read the novel so forgive me when I say this was a very different ending than I remembered. That did not bother me as much, however, as did the character's continuities. I understand re-casting but this movie seemed to stand out in its own universe. The is will make watching the movies, back to back, frustrating. That out of the way. I will still buy it and watch it to my heart's content.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      A group walked out... what ages? I wonder if they took a vote first, or if the leader of the pack decided it. Odd.
      There was much that was different than the book, and it had a whole different feel than the first two, which takes some adjusting, but I liked it much better the second time around.
      I was starting to wonder if you made it to the show. lol thank you for replying.
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      • Posted by brando79az 9 years, 8 months ago
        Yeah, my Saturday was crazy so it took me awhile to comment. The large group seemed like a family. They were probably 2 generations. I didn't see them discuss but that was probably because I was engrossed in the movie.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
          That's really too bad. There was on lady a few rows in front of me who had a few outbursts of laugh and then about half way through she and the man got up and left...but he came back and I saw her near the entry, but she never came back... weird. I think people feel emboldened to openly hate the message because they feel they are in the majority and it's safe.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
    AS 1 was THE movie to introduce people to Ayn Rand. Much better than the other two. AS 1 shows you how capitalism is better- very little pontification which just alienates people.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      Someone who 'feels' alienated by the Capitalism talk is someone who's having a mental blank out and probably won't get it anyway. Although, sometimes it takes many different examples, references, different ways of explaining an idea for it to finally sink in.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
    Movies have gotten so good lately that the bar has been raised pretty high. AS III didnt rise to that standard unfortunately. A lot was unbelievable, such as the advanced things in Galts gulch (Refrigerators, cars with Colorado license plates, all kinds of furniture and construction supplies) that somehow got there undetected and unlikely brought by air. Not to mention the unmemorable actors. AS I had good actors; none of the remaining two had good actors. It was just hard to stay within the movie's plot. Way too much pontification about capitalism through words, instead of SHOWING how capitalism is best.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      And yet two young men still understood the message within. And I think the movies did a fine job of 'showing' how capitalism is best. What other ways should they have showed it? (Keep in mind the budget issues please.)
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      • Posted by term2 9 years, 8 months ago
        I think a lot of what I felt was due to budget restraints. As I said, the bar has been raised on movies quite high. Your sons probably got the message partly to please you, and partly because you have probably raised them to understand capitalism and its benefits. I have my own business and understand capitalism pretty well since college. I feel the mood of the country is changing towards acceptance of an apocalyptic end to our country (look at the rise of apocalytic movies in the past few years), so socialism's end is not far off. I will probably never see it, however, but maybe your sons will.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
          lol to "please me"?.. Um...I have not raised "pleasers". Thank you for admitting your "feelings" are due to budget constraints. Maybe the bar for high budget movies has been raised quite high, but the substance in hollywood has hit an all time low.
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  • Posted by pmcconathy 9 years, 8 months ago
    I watched the movie today and unfortunately there were only 2 of us in the theater. I really enjoyed it very much. WE had NO theaters in KY showing the movie so I was on vacation in NC this week and was able to catch it in Cary NC. I have purchased parts 1 and 2 and look forward to my copy of part 3.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 8 months ago
    Hello LS,
    I saw the movie on opening night with several friends. There were thirty-two people in the theater. When it ended half of them clapped. I concur with your analysis. The movie is what it is. It is what it had to be and the choices made were not mine to make. Of necessity it would have been much longer to satisfy all. I will not criticize the choices made. I look forward to a potential mini-series that would present opportunity to tie up loose ends. My guests had many questions since they had not read the book. I enjoyed the ending as it left one with a feeling of optimism.
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