Went to see AS III with my two sons today....

Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 9 months ago to Entertainment
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Before viewing AS III in Vegas last weekend, Scott stood in front of us and, among other things (just before receiving his spiffy leather John Galt jacket), said "this will not be the movie you have in your head". He was right. (Hear me out though.)

Just prior to heading to the Premiere I re-read Atlas Shrugged, I wanted it to be fresh in my mind, and THAT is wanted I wanted to see on the screen. ALL of it. Which is completely unrealistic considering the multitude of events that happen in part 3 of the book.

Fast forward to today. I took my two sons (ages 17 and 21) to see the movie this afternoon. They have not read the book, but have seen both of the previous movies. I didn't tell them much about part 3 because I wanted their reactions to be THEIRS.

After the movie was over, and before the cleaning people kicked us out of the theater because we hung out too long to talk, I asked them, "Did you understand what happened, did it make sense?" They both explained that they understood the message. I asked what was the message? And they nailed it! And they both said they enjoyed the movie and were glad I took them.

So, perhaps those of us who know the book backwards and forwards and thirst to share it with others, but can't seem to get people to read a thick book, these movies will do the job quite nicely to open their eyes...and perhaps be the catalyst that gets them to read the book. (After all Part I worked for me.)

With that said, I want to thank John Aglialoro and Joan Carter for getting our favorite book on the big screen in spite of all the many road blocks they had to contend with to finally pull off that monumental task.

Thank You! ;)

(The theater had approx 30 people in it. )

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