Never in the history of this Republic have so many citizens been so ill-served by so many "elitists" in government and the media.

Posted by freedomforall 2 years ago to Politics
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"The Wall Street Journal ran a scathing editorial on May 20, called "Hillary Clinton Did It".
the Journal explained how the Clinton campaign used the self-generated news of the investigation and the initial Slate article that came of it, both of which they had planted, as the basis for making tweet after tweet to the press about the Slate report to churn up mass coverage about it in the press and convince the public that the investigation was about something serious."
SOURCE URL: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/05/what_it_means_that_hillary_clinton_did_it.html

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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
    “the Trump administration was blocked from putting U.S.-Russia relations on a rational, mutually beneficial footing, to the point that, under the present Senate leadership, the specter of war with Russia is no longer an unthinkable thought.“

    There is little to worry about regarding war with Russia. Unless you are a Globalist. If that’s the case you are already at war , and losing bigly.
    Remember 2 months ago and the headlines claimed the sanctions have destroyed Russia because the Ruble collapsed and was 128 rubles to a dollar.
    Well today it takes 56 rubles to a dollar. You won’t hear that in the fake news.

    I wonder if any other govts have noticed the Rubles strength after Putin pegged the ruble to gold.
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  • Posted by $ katrinam41 2 years ago
    Considering that the New York Times and the Washington Post both received the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for the Russiagate series of 20 articles that were all lies, I believe the MSM will never again be able to report with objectivity on any subject. Sadly, not enough people out there understand just why this objectivity is so vital to the continunion of our Constitutional Republic.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 2 years ago
    The problem is the very idea that we should ever defer to "experts" on any matter of public policy.

    This is where otherwise smart pundits such as Scott Adams trigger Dunning-Kruger.
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