Sen. Feinstein colluding with the enemy?

Posted by freedomforall 5 years ago to Politics
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See also the politico article:

Ho hum, another treasonous democrat.
Wonder who will run for her seat when she goes to jail?

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  • Posted by exceller 5 years ago
    "Perhaps when there’s a chance, though, someone with access can ask Feinstein what she told the Iranians. Did she share specifics about her faction’s efforts to undermine the executive branch? Did she tell the Iranians to wait out the Trump administration for a Democratic president who will once again kowtow to them? Did she tell Zarif that Democrats would possess more flexibility once the next election was over?"


    Fat chance it'll ever happen. This article is from the NY Post but it'll never be published in the NYT.

    The left is completely lawless. They do as they please, no laws, limits or God forbid, concern for the country.

    Feinstein is coming with a resume of being San Francisco's mayor before her Senate job. She is applying the same extreme leftist, communist methods and goals. This one attests her blind support of Obama and his corrosive and treasonous policies
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