HARD LEFT: New Poll Shows Most DEMOCRATS Prefer ‘SOCIALISM’ to ‘Capitalism’

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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From the post/article:
"A stunning new poll released by Gallup shows a majority of Democrats now prefer “socialism” to “capitalism,” signaling the shocking new direction of the party just months before American voters head to the polls.
The survey finds that “for the first time in Gallup’s measurement over the past decade, Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism.”
Just eight years ago, 53% of those asked said they held a positive view of socialism. That number rose to 57% in 2018. Those numbers widened when liberal voters were questioned over their views of capitalism, with just 47% viewing it favorably in 2018."
If one assumes that the Dems make up 40% (admittedly high estimare) then 23% of Americans favor socialism. Said anotherway, 23% of the country is now dedicated to the Looter mentality. Not sure what the tipping point is but I have to think that we are getting very close to it.
Perhaps I'm being too pessimistic. The poll look at who has a favorable few of socialism. Favorable view does not necessarily mean all want to adopt socialism, but they all do consider it as an option to capitalism. Even that is a scary thought.
SOURCE URL: https://www.hannity.com/media-room/hard-left-new-poll-shows-most-democrats-prefer-socialism-to-capitalism/

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 9 months ago
    Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" (in condensed form, as it's a heavy read) should be mandatory reading for all students. As far back as the 1700s, enlightened economists recognized that a large economic market was simply too dynamic and complex for any entity to control efficiently. Smith referred to the consumer-producer relationship as the "magic hand" that governed the direction of a market.

    The failing of Utopian systems (socialism, communism, fascism, e.g.) is the misguided idea that the state can control markets efficiently, refusing to accept Smith's observations. Democratic Socialists claim that they will guide the economy by setting the rules for markets, rather than by state ownership of the producers. The only difference is that serious socialism is a rapid train wreck, like Venezuela, while democratic socialism is a slow train wreck, as Europe is once again discovering.
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 9 months ago
    The appeal of socialism is purely emotional. Its like "mother" taking care of us all again. "stronger together" gets us what we want. There isnt a lot of thought as to how this will be made to happen.
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  • Posted by mshupe 5 years, 9 months ago
    They don't even know what socialism means, they're just conditioned to be in favor of things that sound good, they don't want to appear as asocial. Just a bunch of second-handers.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 years, 9 months ago
    For yers, the US gov school system has taught capitalism is bad, and expose students to only crony capitalism. First they were enamored with Japan, and from there jumped to teachering students socialism was good. They eventually went to hardcore socialism as examples of benevolent societies. Students have not been exposed to writings of people from communist countries, Dostoyevsky and Rand, have not read "Brave New World" or "1984". They don't know history, or how Gorbachev came and put Green Religion in their schools in the promotion of communism. They are unaware that UN Agenda 21 and 2030 are NOT sweet little save the planet ideas. No, they see the call for an end to capitalism, and red meat, and reproductive freedom, a limit on electricity and loss of private property rights, for which it calsl, as sving us all. They are nt told abut the One World agenda and the end communism which will result if they continue to follow the UN path. They have not looked inside a communist regeime which has starved citizens to get compliance. They have not looked at the limited resources and freedoms real citizens in socialist countries live, including Scandinavia.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 5 years, 9 months ago
    clever polling...getting the answer they want as opposed to what people really want...i.e., do you want runaway inflation, crime, joblessness, poverty, and murder?...or...do you want a freebie from govt?...
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  • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 9 months ago
    In the world of liberal democrats "Ignorance is Bliss". They have no idea what true Socialism is or what it will mean to them if they get us there.
    Like all of us here I get offers for "Free Stuff" every day on the TV, Radio, in my mail and on this internet and the truth of the matter is we can't possibly afford all this "Free Stuff"!
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    • Posted by Temlakos 5 years, 9 months ago
      That depends on whom you ask. As I see it, some of them know exactly what socialism means, and can't wait to implement it, just to stick it to the neighbor they hate worst.

      The chief mover of the left has been, not altruism, but spite.
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  • Posted by DeangalvinFL 5 years, 9 months ago
    This really is amazing to me.
    If you ask even college educated people for a definition of "socialism" they won't actually describe socialism. They truly BELIEVE that it is possible for the government to give more than it takes. They do, and not just short term but forever.
    They can't see that any generosity is dependent upon the prior "capitalist" production of wealth.
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  • Posted by DeangalvinFL 5 years, 9 months ago
    Surprise, surprise.

    We want subsidized stuff and let the "wealthy" pay more. If that isn't enough, then borrow more more more. It hasn't mattered yet so lets keep going.
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  • Posted by TheRealBill 5 years, 9 months ago
    How is any of this stunning to shocking? It has been this way for decades. Those Democrats who aren’t outright socialists tend to be Syndicalsts, even if they don’t know the term, and fascists even though they don’t know that term either. As far back as I’ve researched, this has always been part and parcel of Democrat Party agenda. They have always been collectivists, to the extent an organization can be any “its”. Whether it was racists wanting to preserve slavery, or FDR and company openly espousing Fascism and its policies, right through to the modern incarnation of racism the soul of the DNC has always been collectivist.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 5 years, 9 months ago
    It's FREE STUFF! Why wouldn't you prefer that over stuff you had to pay for? You're no fool, right? As it happens that's right, you are a fool. Who pays? Why, you do. Things don't just magically appear and all the Genies have abandoned their lamps.I guess you need to personalize it so the Dodos can understand. Like: You know the fruit you ate? Someone grew and tended to the trees upon which they were grown. Didn't they desrve to be paid? So.....who pays them?Let them just answer that simple question..
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  • Posted by chad 5 years, 9 months ago
    When socialism is correctly defined most voters right or left prefer socialism. They just prefer the government control the economy in slightly different ways. Whether it is public schools, roads, water treatment plants, I have always been able to find where a 'conservative' wanted socialism sometimes perhaps not as much as a socialist democrat. The problem with giving any power to a government to enforce its ideas on people is that it will eventually enforce all control of property and thinking if it can. You cannot sell a little of your soul for slavery without expecting that those who would purchase your slavery want all of it.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 5 years, 9 months ago
    This doesn't stun or surprise me at all. I always knew they wanted socialism, for the same reason James Taggart did. They don't want to live; they want us to die.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 9 months ago
    The original report is better the summary: https://news.gallup.com/poll/240725/d...
    I find it odd that 56% have a positive view of capitalism, yet 79% have a positive view of free-enterprise. I thought those were the same thing. I wonder if the people who like free-enterprise but not capitalism think capitalism means something else.

    Toward the end of the report, it says the decreased support could be a response to President Trump. I could see this affecting young people more, who have less experience and for whom President Trump might be the most prominent representative of capitalism they've known.

    My gut feeling, which could easily be wrong, is young people are not more socialist than previous young people and they'll grow out of it at the same rate as previous generations.
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