Cubic Prism Systems

Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 2 months ago to News
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Ingredients in a David Hoagie sandwich.

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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 2 months ago
    Do you believe in serendippity? Hell, I can't even spell it.I guess I'm caring less about back stories. All I know is that the average conclusions from the left are generally insane. How they got there is a teaching moment that is a waste of breath.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago
      No I am not much for occurrence and developments by providence. Your reaction is not atypical and real journalists probably have struggled with being shot as a messenger .
      A leftist tactic is do things in plain sight and flatly deny the evidence of their behavior.
      "Never argue with stupid people they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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  • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 2 months ago
    Wow. I knew the kid was a fake - he's an actor and wasn't even present at the Parkland shooting (he skipped school that day), but I didn't know the depths of it. This should be exposed on every news outlet out there. The kid's as big a fraud as Fauxcahontas.
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  • Posted by mgarbizo1 6 years, 2 months ago
    So, I live just down the street from the Parkland High School where the shooting occurred. I'm pretty surprised at how many believe that this kid and/or the whole shooting is a hoax/conspiracy. Then I looked at the article that was linked as the point of reference, and come to find out that the writer is based in Hong Kong (Hong Kong???). Does this not strike anyone as odd and at least make you a little skeptical about the information that's presented? Where's the objectivity folks? I am by no means a gun control advocate, but there's a lot of crap being spewed by both sides (gun and anti-gunners), and I'm not one to partake in either side of the lies. Can we meet somewhere in the middle on a topic such as the gun debate, or is America stuck in these left and right trenches with no middle ground to be had?
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    • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago
      First off I would like to give my condolences to the victims in this horrible crime. Next The kid is a hoax his phony video. When in fact he just admitted that he was not even in school during the shooting. What is odd is that you think the MSM will tell the truth. If the information regarding the Hoag's father is false please show your evidence. Because the left has chosen to divide the country with Marxist socialist identity politics there is no middle ground .You can't sit and straddle the fence. Truth and justice fall on the same side.
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      • Posted by mgarbizo1 6 years, 2 months ago
        I decided to look a bit closer into this hoax about David Hogg not being at the school during the shooting and his phony video as you claimed. I found that people on the internet are discrediting that he was even at the school because of a single quote he gave in an interview to CBS, here is the quote used to discredit him:
        "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."
        Hogg has said in multiple interviews, and has been corroborated by multiple witnesses, Hogg was sitting in class when the shooting began. Hogg returned to his high school later that day, in the evening, specifically to document the aftermath of the shooting he had just experienced. was one outlet known to break this story of Hogg not being at school, and then later retracted the story with this quote:
        "After reviewing all of this, it appears that the problem was that CBS included a very confusing quote without context. Hogg was on campus during the shooting and returned several hours later to interview people across the street. The original story remains below, in strikethrough. I am sorry for the error and have updated the post accordingly."
        The final update on includes a video interview of David Hogg and also video of himself and other students in a closet during the shooting:
        What I find odd is that there is little fact checking of these types of outlandish stories by what I thought were objectivists on this platform. You appear to be more willing to believe a farfetched tale about crisis actors and phony videos with an evil plan of taking away the 2nd amendment. Just because someone makes the claim somewhere doesn't make it newsworthy or true, you should still do some fact checking to verify what you read. Case in point, someone else on the internet showed a picture of David Hogg in a yearbook photo and claimed that he went to high school with Hogg in California, raising all kinds of suspicion. This was proven false when people recognized the yearbook photo as being from the Stoneman Douglas yearbook, where other kids in the pictures are shown wearing high school shirts that clearly display their Eagles Mascot. The fact is there is no truth in your claim that David Hogg was not at the school during the shooting per multiple reports and eye witnesses. Can you really sit there and discredit students and faculty that have corroborated to police that David Hogg was at the school during the shooting? While I may not agree with David Hogg on the subject of gun control, I'm not going to discredit what he did in fact experience because of a political issue that he and I disagree on (and I do disagree with his gun control beliefs), and I'm not going to jump to conclusions on the first article I read that claims David Hogg is a phony. The fact is you've already made up your mind about this teenage kid and will use whatever you can to discredit him even this retracted story that no longer holds any weight. My question is Why? Why is it not possible to you that this kid is coping with his experience by actively trying to change laws that he feels would make kids safer (keep in mind, I disagree with this portion, but I do understand he is trying to effect a change)? If you're going to throw more sites making the claim that David Hogg was not at school during the shooting, just do me the decency of fact checking your sources first. I'm willing to read any reports you may be able to provide if you think it will change my mind on the subject.
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        • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago
          You certainly have the right to question my objectivism. My post was related to his father and you didn't like the source but you didn't discredit it.
          Many questions remain about this event.
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          • Posted by mgarbizo1 6 years, 2 months ago
            I agree with this latest post from you about the source regarding Kevin Hogg, the dad. I remain skeptic, but will not discredit the source just because the writer is based in Hong Kong. I also agree that there are many unanswered questions about this event that will hopefully be revealed after a thorough investigation is completed. Do you agree with my findings that David Hogg was in fact at his school during the shooting?
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