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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 5 months ago
    I was the local base contact for Project Blue Book, which was the UFO investigation team started under President Truman. Our mission was to collect data, which was then sent to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, where analysts would weed out things like natural phenomenon, pranks, and claims unsupported by evidence or credible testimony. Those credible sightings were then assessed to determine if they indicated UFOs presented a threat to the U.S. or its national interests. No one asked us to determine if the UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin. After we were shut down, the Condon report used our data to make the claim that UFOs didn't really exist, and were definitely not of extraterrestrial origin - both positions not supported by the Blue Book data.

    The Black Vault web site has an excellent collection of the files related to Blue Book, here: Some very interesting cases in these files. We found about 5-8% of the reported sightings to be scientifically valid, with multiple credible witnesses, and technical data indicating a real vehicle.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 6 years, 5 months ago
      The History Channel did a good show on the most famous sighting, near Roswell, NM, which turned out to be nothing but weather balloons.

      I can't take seriously anyone who believes space aliens visited the earth. Although I would want to investigate an interstellar object such as this:
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
        The History Channel program may have been old, the latest story is better covered here:

        When the weather balloon story had some "holes" in it, the Air Force made a big show of being forced to disclose it was really project Mogul, which supposedly sent up sensors to detect Russian nuclear tests. Given that several books about submarine missions to do the same thing, as well as tap their cables, had been published, this little "secret" was really weak, especially when 50 years old. Just as an exercise, I would suggest you go weed through some of the UFO videos on you tube, there are a million or so, of which 99% are probably faked, or misinterpreted, but there are 1% that you see that are pretty hard to make up some way it was either faked or was something earthly. The latest Navy release a few days ago is either an attempt at disinformation, or disclosure, but is a good example of what has been reported for many years going back to WW2: craft with unnatural abilities out flying what we have, and at incredible rates.
        The year before my father died in 2015, he sheepishly told me of a sighting in Alaska, where they were on the DEW line (distant early warning radars in no wheresville). He thought I might doubt him, but like a lot of people before they die, wanted to tell someone. They had a "thing" reported over their radar base, and the next day were sent to investigate, and over a hill from their radar they found a ship on the ground, with 2 little guys marching around, surveying. When they came over the hill in their truck, they scrambled back into the ship (an oval shaped device with three landing legs) it shot up a couple thousand feet, stopped, then shot over the horizon. They agreed not to say anything, because of all the scoffing they would take, and went back and said they didn't see anything. I believe him, as he never told me anything he did not believe true. So, you can go with whatever "facts" you want, but I think there are enough available to say something is there.
        As far as the other object
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      • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 5 months ago
        So the video you refered to is an artists rendering and deserves investigating yet the other video is taken aboard a US Navy F/A-18 Superhornet , The unaltered footage was captured by a Raytheon advanced targeting forward-looking infrared ATFLIR pod that contains the most advanced sensors and tracking system in the world. With audio of the pilot that doesn't deserve investigation?
        Weird, you must really like the history channels
        Roswell weather balloon explanation to influence your opinion that way.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
          Dob, it is an issue of whether you have been digging around the mess that has been made of all things "not mainstream". History ran UFO Hunters until in the middle of season 3, they stepped on someones toes with the MIB episode, and immediately production stopped. Each individual has to weigh the quality and source of information for themselves, I just happen to not trust the government unless it is something like the FA18 video.
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          • Posted by $ jdg 6 years, 5 months ago
            It helps that I know someone who personally built thousands of "UFOs" and launched them as pranks. Isn't that a simpler and more likely explanation of the sighting by a Navy aircraft than is an actual space alien who (1) was never noticed while in space and (2) has never been found since?
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
              jan, no doubt a huge number of fakes have been reported and produced, that is all part of a possible disinformation campaign. Given all the crap slowly leaking out of the cesspool of DC, is it beyond credulity that something could be true, and the government has covered it up? I just watched a program of some of the breakdowns of the Kennedy papers, and amazingly, LHO went to Cuba as well as Mexico city before the assassination, yet this was never mentioned in any public documents, and the MI5 office received a mystery phone call saying that "something big was going to happen" 2 hours before the assassination? Yet you will find 90% of Americans believe whatever they are told. That is one of the issues a lot of people in the Gulch see, that media is now the arbiter of reality and truth. If your friend can make a drone or fake UFO that can go head to head with an FA18, they are in the wrong business. I would also ask you to look at this video, taken by the space shuttle:


              there are 2 separate videos, the 2nd part is one that is widely available, although I really like the first as it shows something exiting the atmosphere, and then accellerating, and the 2nd shows the ufo crusing and then dodging a bolt of energy. This was NASA produced video that escaped them as it was recorded real time and then exploded on the internet. Is it real? UFOs? I don't know, but it sure seems to be good evidence. How much is real, how much is faked, I don't know.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
      Thanks, Doc, I was reading books from the late 60's on about UFOs, and with todays digital recording devices (and, yes, ability to realistically fake them) there are thousands of times more evidence that 20 years ago. It has become almost undeniable SOMETHING is going on. The real issue is just what happened with Blue Book, it was used as disinformation, vice the stated attempt to rationally analyze. MUFON alone gets hundreds of reports daily, and can only investigate a very few. Added on to ther herd of "fakers" that set out to get attention and money, mixed with a government we cannot trust or believe, and it gets back to just looking at what there is and trying to make an informed decision. I have seen enough recordings to know there is something going on, or there is a metric butt-ton of people with nothing better to do.
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  • Posted by chad 6 years, 5 months ago
    I think it is entirely possible that there are more advanced cultures in the cosmos, have we been visited by them? The vast majority of claims are made by people with low IQ's and needing attention enough to be willing to lie about what they know and what they saw. There are some unexplained things but that doesn't mean that an explanation does not exist that would not include aliens. Of course some civilization would be the first to rise in capability and ours might be that first, in which case interstellar flight is not yet feasible.
    Reminds me of an occasion when I was camping in an RV park in northern Utah and while listening to the campfire gossip it turned to the possibility of aliens. I was asked if I believed in aliens. I said; "Believe in them, hell l have seen them!" There was stunned silence while they waited for my description. I continued; "I used to go down to San Diego and watch them sneak across the border!"
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
      nice:) Yet it is all something eachindividual needs to measure for themselves, I do not get upset either by yes or no, as I have my own opinion based on what I have seen and read, and there are too many unexplained, and unexplainable things to close the door. You are also correct that there is always other options and possibilities, it is getting good data to define it that is always the problem.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 6 months ago
    Such air-to-air sightings have been reported since at least World War Two. Ground-to-air sightings go way further back than that~
    Then there's that Ancient Aliens show that keeps coming on The History Channel. Thing is, whenever that silly looking wild hair guy pops on to opine, me dino often picks up the remote to surf elsewhere.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
      I thought Georges had black hair, or is their a different hairdo challenged predictor? Although this is supposedly high tech military hardware, the Mexicans released a long video bout 6 months ago from a jet of their own doing a similar tracking thing.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years, 5 months ago
        Georges, you say? Took me dino just four slightly misguided search attempts at typing "Georges Ancient Aliens" before I finally scored a find on the silly creature, to wit~
        Bingo, y'all! Thar thet bad hair day blows!
        Gee golly whiz y'all lookee see! He has a bachelor's degree in sports information and communication.
        Holly cow! Behold thet thar body builder promoter coming off as an ancient space alien expert!
        Alas, somehow me dino does not really think so. Nope, just don't.
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