Explosive Texts Point To FBI, Not Russian, Meddling In 2016 Election

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 5 months ago to Government
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This is telling, and shows just how their machinations tend to fall apart and why government and political parties never successfully cover up their own agendas and efforts to change things they don't like. It also indicates just how manipulative the previous administration was, in having people in senior positions who never got the memo their job was to the country, not particular party. All seemingly part of the collapse of our social system, where now, you just have to find the right people in the right places to make anything happen, or be true. This is why I just cannot believe anything anymore from our glorious leaders, as it never seems to ring true, about anything. AS continues to unfold...
SOURCE URL: https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/fbi-text-message-russia-clinton-email-investigations/

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    Posted by $ WilliamShipley 6 years, 5 months ago
    Far more important than the fact that they were and are investigating Trump is that they investigated Hillary. They granted immunity to two of Hillary's aids, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson. So who did they prosecute? Generally immunity is only granted in return for testimony that is going to lead to a prosecution.

    Apparently they were granted immunity and the FBI agreed to destroy their laptops to protect Clinton from prosecution.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
      Exactly. There is more stink to this whole deal than Watergate ever produced, yet NOTHING, NO ONE, seems too upset. Why? Remember Watergate? It was front page news, and took like a year or so of daily TV hearings, screaming and yelling, and the total destruction of the Republicans that took 10 years to recover from, and now....meh...no big deal, it's all TRUMP. Trump this, Trump that, any excuse to get him. Make one up if needed, get women to crawl out and claim he did this and that. Keep throwing turds at the wall, one is bound to stick.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 5 months ago
      We all could use some immunity from these partisan authorities; the FIRST LOYALTY for public servants should be the public.
      How ironic the word immunity pl: -ties [Latin immunitas, from immunis exempt from public service.
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    • Posted by ewv 6 years, 5 months ago
      The main aspects of the concept of "political crimes" replacing the protection of the rights of the individual through objective law are the use of government power in the name of law to persecute political enemies, and protecting those who commit actual crimes on behalf of favored politics.

      They get away with it through entrenched power that is practically impossible to touch, and through cover by the sympathetic media whitewashing and ignoring criminal acts to hide them from the public.

      The next step is to persecute those who do talk about it and who dare to demand that it be removed from government. We have seen the beginning of that with tax agencies like IRS exploiting non-objective law to persecute political enemies in the 'tea party' movement.

      The exploitation of the FBI on behalf of a political party against its opponents is now in a league with statist dictatorships with a secret police apparatus protecting those in power against their political enemies. The conversations that haves been reported, which are only the tip of the iceberg, and Mueller's frightening ruthless persecution of his targets, as he squeezes people for which he has no evidence of crime, to confess and implicate others under the torture, shows how they rationalize their police state actions: They think in terms of political enemies who are a 'threat' to their own power and statist policies -- regarded as the 'neutral' standard of what is right -- like any dictatorship, with no concept of due process and civil liberties. It's an ends-justifies-the-means crusade from inside government that intimidates everyone. That mentality inherently obliterates the protection of individual rights and political freedom.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
        Exactly, well said and defined. This is such a charade. Even old Holder is jumping in, and he never got prosecuted for Fast and Furious, let alone the US citizens killed with guns they gave to mexico drug gangs. This just gets so tawdry and visibly corrupt you have to wonder if they have any shame at all, or have no touch with reality....

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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 5 months ago
    What a betrayal! I can remember listening on the radio as the march from Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet thundered in the background THE FBI IN PEACE AND WAR!.The story of how the good guys took down the criminals. The mere mention of F B I was enough to cause a swell of pride in the bosoms of children such as me and pride in the organization created by J.Edgar Hoover. I remember as a kid after seeing a movie called "The Rocking Horse Winner" wondering aloud about what was the point of the movie, a film about a kid who was able to predict the winner of a horse race by getting on his rocking horse and rocking at a furious pace and being able to predict the winner to his adult friend of the family until he was betrayed by the friend. My adult friend said that the movie predicted that all heroes had feet of clay. I didn't know what that meant until much later, when I confidently replied that Mr. Hoover didn't have feet of clay. Was I ever wrong. And now, the squeaky clean FBI is clothed in dirty rags let alone feet of clay...
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  • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
    The liberals always seem to blame everyone else for doing the bad things that THEY are doing. I mean seriously and consistently.

    When a liberal leftist claims someone is doing something bad, i now look back at THEM for doing that exact thing.

    Everyone knows that the Obama people were protecting Hillary, at this point no matter how hard they try to deflect it and lie.

    What disturbs me about this Russian collusion thing is that it is hurting Trump's ability to actually find areas of agreement with Russia to make the world a safer and more prospereous place. Even Putin has said this. They have their agendas, and we have ours- there is always room for negotiation and cooperation on things that benefit both parties, but Trump has to be a bit scared of being villified for collusion if he so much as makes ANY deals with the russians.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
      Just like the sexual harassment claims from 30 years ago, they just keep popping up now, when no proof is available, and still stick. Some of the cases are clearly egregious, but a lot of it is weaponized rumors.
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      • Posted by term2 6 years, 5 months ago
        Women are going to regret this sexual harassment craze. They decorate themselves to be sexy, but they aren’t going to get attention of any kind now
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
          Thats true, it seems a bit weird, we were discussing this at work and one pointed out that women yell about breastfeeding and do so for 2 years or more, and then are weirded out when same person 20 years later is ogling what used to be the dinner plate. Some things get hardwired....
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 5 months ago
    And here we have a view of the,.."Deep State", the Great Unwashed, those Not wanted, the delete ruleless class...descendants of their ancestral Nephilim retards...children of the Fallen Idiots that fell favor to the Daughters of Men.

    "They must Curse the Day they used that Clay"©
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    • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 5 months ago
      Enlil was actually the god who (according to the Atrahasis-Epos text) originally commissioned the creation of the human race.

      You might think that would be a good thing, but the only reason he wanted human beings was so that he would have a race he could enslave to do his bidding.

      In fact, this was itself a bid for power among the gods. In the Sumerian myth (not the Babylonian one, which involves Marduk, as discussed earlier represented by an owl in Bohemien Grove), a number of the gods are on strike because they are tired of maintaining creation.
      The texts chronical the Anuna’s genetic experimentations as they engineered the first humans. The texts write about six attempts and how the first five were failures for various reasons ranging from deformities to androgynous life forms. Finally, the sixth was successful and insemination was used to produce the first humans from this humanoid creation. Ninmah was the original scientist trying to engineer humans. After her multiple failures she became frustrated and asked Enki to take over the development. Each of these genetic failures was kept alive and cared for in the manner it required. This shows the benevolent nature of these advanced beings. Writings later reference the “black headed ones” whom the Anuna ruled. This is obviously a reference to early black skinned people who were likely the first mass-procreated creations of the Anuna. The reference to their color implies the Anuna were not black (otherwise, why call out the color?). But, no other skin color is described. Some theorize this genetic development took place in what the Hebrew and Christian Bible call the Garden of Eden and that Adam and Eve were the first two creations that were used to procreate humanity. The garden may have been a biosphere where the genetically engineered humanoids would be nurtured and studied–determining what needed to be improved upon. The obvious implication is that the Genesis stories of creation are actually rooted in Sumerian history and the Annuna (Annunaki).
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 5 months ago
        They couldn't successfully create us without the other half of the DNA strand, (residing in the clay's of earth)...the part today's geneticist call "Junk". That's the part carried upon the cosmic winds, as found by nasa scientist and probably exist on all planets as well...it can't just grow all by itself...it needs help, something to add to it, something to nurture it and a spark at inception. (which just may create an entanglement).-[my thoughts at this point in my studies].

        That "Clay" gave us a connection the Annunaki didn't have and aside from us, no others did either. We became conscious and connected, they obviously were not...hence, my designation: "The Fallen Idiots".
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        • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 5 months ago
          El lec tric mag net ic uni verse.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 5 months ago
            scooby dooby dooby dooby..."the electric chicken"...I just can't get that stupid song and dance OUT OF MY HEAD...and the electric universe is not helping...laughing
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            • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 5 months ago
              But now psychologists have come up with an explanation for why certain songs can get stuck in your brain like a broken record.
              Word memory association, situations of stress, a wandering mind and altered emotional states can all be blamed for the phenomenon, psychologist Dr Lauren Stewart said.
              Some tracks also have characteristics that make them more likely to repeat themselves again and again in the mind, she said.
              Long notes and “intervals that are very close together” make a song prone to replay itself mentally as it makes it easier to sing, according to the researchers at Goldsmiths, University of London.

              However, certain types of personality are more susceptible than others to what are known as earworms – a tune or part of the tune that comes unbidden into the mind and goes on to repeat itself, outside of a person’s conscious control.
              Dr Stewart told Radio 4’s Today programme: “It does seem to be very variable across the population and we think certain personality factors like the extent to which you’re obsessive compulsive might also play a part in how you experience these inner tunes.”
              Annoying as earworms are, it is possible they might have a greater function than to drive us mad, she suggested.
              “It’s interesting to us to think about whether earworms might have a role to play,” she said.
              “Are they just a by-product of the brain’s resting state or is something more interesting going on?”
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 5 months ago
                It never repeated in my head until I said...in response to a post..."It's Electric"...only then, did the scooby scooby dooby start.

                I do have a wondering mind, though...it's amazing to me the stuff I find...lying around in the ether...

                seems you too! have some repetition goin on as well...just look below...laughing.

                Catch ya tomorrow my friend...time to water the dogs and go to sleep...oh, please stop sending me snow!
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                • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 5 months ago
                  Oops I usually lose text I am writing vs double duty. Yes the gray sky with a tundra landscape has a firm grip . The jet stream is north to south bringing a cold wind that blows against the empire.
                  BTW, I rarely don't have a song going through my head
                  I have been told it is from my PSTD.
                  I use it for memory, probably in a variety of ways.
                  Supposedly we use just a fraction of our brains power, if so maybe we all have room for a little tune.
                  god natt,
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 5 months ago
                    You do seem to have a great memory.

                    I once did a radio show, hosted by a veterans organization, when my first book came out. I was asked how soldiers could avoid PTSD. I stated at the time, I thought it might be beneficial if one could compartmentalize those experiences and designate them in a way that would be less harmful, less disturbing, away from all the other functions the brain and memory work in our daily lives.
                    The process would be very similar to one's BS detector or at least with the notion one could except as..."I had no choice in the matter".

                    Those functions are usually performed by the left, logical side of the brain so that the remembered experiences are put into perspective. It takes awareness at the time so that the experience doesn't go into the sub conscious un-noticed.
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                    • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 5 months ago
                      When I run into old friends from way back and we we visit about the shenanigans we would partake in. They usually comment on how clear my recollections are.

                      Re PTSD , when asked how soldiers could avoid PTSD
                      the only answer is : Don't let the. Kakistocrats start combat that the soldiers fight.

                      I did a lot of work to recover. From my expirience
                      Which was not trauma from military action.
                      I found a councilor who was a great fit .
                      My intent and objective was to not let the trauma consume me and my life. FYI most people can't really understand the impact from
                      I will share that I discovered my beautiful
                      18yr old son. Who had without any prior indication, anxiety, depression or warning left a note on the kitchen table saying he loved mom and dad and he was sorry he had to go .
                      I raced through the house hollering his name and had to cut him down from the rafters in the basement. He was gone.

                      Symptoms were : extreme difficulty sleeping
                      20 days without sleeping initially
                      Wondering into the kitchen at night 3 am ....

                      This was a dangerous time for me.
                      At the time I worked in an office tower downtown and the parking ramp had a skyway attached to the building as I would walk to my office and pass the same people that I had for 2 decades.I had negative images or visions. My mind would imagine that They all had ropes around their neck and had their heads cocked to the side. When getting to my office the same thing withmy coworkers.
                      Of course I knew that my mind was f'...d up and this was not reality. It went on for months but not as acute as the first time.

                      I sought help and started a path to recovery .

                      The main work with Rose my counselor was to recant each time I visited exactly what I expirienced in as great a detail as I could.
                      This was repeated again and again weekly for
                      2 years. She was a very strong woman to go through the event with me again and again.

                      When I had the negative thoughts she told me to immediately replace it with a positive image.
                      You see you need a counselor. You can notTell a friend or a family member your expirience More than once if that. The repeating of the expirience takes some of its power away.

                      Rose also benefitted from the sessions as she would tell me how she would use her observations of me and many of the things I would say ,she would pass them on to other parents in grief counseling.

                      My wife and I also have met with 2 1/2 dozen parents.
                      Who lost a child to suicide In the first three years to show them that they can stay together and Continue living.

                      Sorry for the ramble but maybe some enlightenment will come from it.
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                      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years, 5 months ago
                        I do remember you mentioning that you lost your son...I can't imagine going through that but it does seem that you were able to move that memory, that experience to a different place in the subconscious.

                        I have observed that you have a strong connection to your mind.

                        It has bothered me so, that I just can't figure out how to awaken others, how to strengthen their connection to the mind...maybe, I never will because such a process is up to the individual. All I can do, I guess, is make them aware that it is possible...the rest is up to them.
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                        • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 5 months ago
                          Thanks Carl,
                          You can be an example but I truly is up to them.
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                          • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
                            Yes, Dob, as an alcoholic for 17 years memories can come back to haunt you at their weirdest times. I still have them 30 years later even some of the really bad times when just one little thing saved me from either jail or death. I have learned to treat them as ghosts of the past and let go, but they are poweful juju.
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                            • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 5 months ago
                              Thanks Nickursis,
                              As conscious human being we have the
                              ability to change and improve our lives.
                              Being mindful of the results and Aware
                              of destructive actions is key for self improvement.
                              Have a great day!
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            • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 5 months ago
              But now psychologists have come up with an explanation for why certain songs can get stuck in your brain like a broken record.
              Word memory association, situations of stress, a wandering mind and altered emotional states can all be blamed for the phenomenon, psychologist Dr Lauren Stewart said.
              Some tracks also have characteristics that make them more likely to repeat themselves again and again in the mind, she said.
              Long notes and “intervals that are very close together” make a song prone to replay itself mentally as it makes it easier to sing, according to the researchers at Goldsmiths, University of London.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 years, 5 months ago
    This is an amazing story! What's even more amazing is that nobody will go to jail. Amazing...
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    • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 5 months ago
      The FBI murderers at Waco and Ruby Ridge weren't punished either. Vince Foster's murderer wasn't brought to justice. The Clinton administration opened that Pandora's Box and no one has had the courage to close it.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
        Probably because no one has enough horsepower to ever close it. The days of J Edgar are gone, there are new power brokers afoot, many who we do not know of, behind the scenes. Way too much goes on that flies in the face of reason and previously assumed standards, all seemingly done by people who really, really believe they have some God given right and authority to do whatever stupid crap they want, and at any costs. Kill someone? No problem, just another body to dispose of, or label "failed robbery".
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 5 months ago
    Watch the swamp and the media ignore the important parts of the evidence and Hitlery never pays for her treasonous acts. Gross negligence still infers there was no intent to break the law. The only reason for the servers was to break the law and Hitlery is guilty.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
      The point comes out that the same people investigating Trump, ran hers, and they were clearly, completely partisan.The corruption level of all this is beyond belief, and the lamestream media , is like, Ho, Hum, is there any more bad things we can make up about Trump?
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      • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 5 months ago
        None of that is surprising to me and thee, nick, but it is indicative of the hidden agenda of the federal government and its corrupt corporate partners. Sure would be nice to have the rest of Trump's supporters to wake up completely to the master-serf model that is the goal of both major parties.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 5 months ago
      With respect to national security, intent does not have to proven for serious jail time. Gross negligence is sufficient grounds for indictment. I was a security investigator when I was on active duty, and provided evidence for two people to lose their clearances and one to be indicted for far less than Clinton's reckless ventures.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 5 months ago
        Yes, I know that intent is not necessary.
        However, displaying her intent was opposite of her duty and of her oath of office would utterly destroy her political career and increase jail time (assuming the sentencing judge isn't bought.) If it is possible to show intent the case against her is much stronger and that was the reason that I mentioned intent.
        She should lose all ability to detrimentally affect the honest people forever; she should be ruined financially forever and made to walk barefoot on broken glass and hot coals. Her life should be a living hell.
        Am I clear?
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years, 5 months ago
          No more self-respect than she seems to have, don't you think it already is?
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          • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 5 months ago
            When she is dead I will believe her political career is over. At present I think she still gets support from 50% of voters- virtually all those who voted for her would still vote for her today for POTUS. If the FBI and Justice Department served the people, then she would already be serving a life sentence in jail, probably for murder and treason. She would not be eligible for high office, but even then her political power might still be considerable, like a mobster running her empire from behind bars.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
        I did security on a submarine as well as a submarine group in the earl 90's and it did not take anything to lose your clearance, we lost nukes and weaponeers on a regular basis, many for things that were really minor. The fact Hillary Beast got away with all her stuff, and got what she wanted is indicative of the mindset of the establishment now, where power overrides rules and law, and kissing butt is a job skill. Look at all the other egregious acts done by her, and members of Obama's gang, with total arrogance and impunity. The Lois Lerner thing still irks me, and we pay her every month in retirement. Ack!
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 6 years, 5 months ago
    No surprise. While I anticipate much more coming out about eh antics of the last Oministration I have to question whether this one, or the next, will prosecute.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years, 5 months ago
    I still have trouble understanding why the Russians, or Putin, would be motivated to try to get
    Trump elected, when it is the Democrats who were so lenient toward (or should I say "in bed with"?) the
    Russians for so many years, even generations?
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 5 months ago
      I do not think there ever was any Russian connection beyond Vlad seeing that Trump really did have a good chance of getting elected, and they just were sending out feelers. Even Flynn did nothing really wrong, as far as I know, beyond just try to start dialogs with people they would have to talk to, before it became so public a thing. Quiet backroom chats, etc. All administrations do that, and should.
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  • Posted by CarrieAnneJD 6 years, 5 months ago
    Now THIS is a much more accurate headline than anything else I've seen about these texts. One slightly less emotional/opinionated headline that's perfectly accurate and precise would be "Key Agent's Texts Point to FBI, not Russian, Meddling in 2016 Election." But still, this article's headline is way better than any other I've seen.
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