A deadly trifecta

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 1 month ago to Pics
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The 1960’s hippies, protesters, and draft dodgers are running the country now!

The Trifecta
Obama - - Kerry - - Holder

Doesn't it just give you a warm and fuzzy feeling all over too?
"If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government,
our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."
Samuel Adams, 1776

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  • 12
    Posted by fivedollargold 10 years, 1 month ago
    Throw in Reid, Pelosi, and Jarrett, and we have a Who's Who of "Libevil."
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 10 years, 1 month ago
      Yes, ValJar.

      "Why does ValJar get Secret Service protection?"

      -- "Because Obama's afraid that if she dies, HE will have to be President."
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      • Posted by NealS 10 years, 1 month ago
        I’ve always attested that ValJar is the one running this country, she’s pulled his strings from Chicago on. I’d bet she tells him what to eat. What’s so dangerous for this country is that enough people label the truths as conspiracy theory, and it is then left unchecked against any real facts, then totally forgotten. I’ve never experienced in my lifetime a group of people that can turn anything and everything around in their favor and make half the population believe whatever they say. They could have video of anyone in this administration crashing a car and turn it around to a story that blames it on the conservatives. They make people like Bill Ayers a hero. It has to be something in the water that makes people believe it’s still Bush’s fault. There are still things out there (practically everything) that have not been addressed to my satisfaction, that have been put aside for fear of getting a label. In fact it’s almost every issue, many personal and many public, nothing has come to a conclusion under this president, everything is turned around against someone else, laughed at, lied about, or totally ignored. I’m not sure how long we can continue hold our breath and just hope things don’t get worse. Everyone needs only to make one person change their automatic “D” vote to anything else. Teach them that it does make a difference how they vote. Some will have to change two of these people that vote as too many of us will do none.

        And John Kerry, why would anyone ever elect someone that there are still questions about his actions during Viet Nam (Vietnam as we knew it). Could they not come up with someone without that kind of baggage. Just look how he's performing around the world, they are all laughing at him again and he's making thing worse just like he did for Viet Nam. He and this administration should be telling the Jews to just kick ass until those missiles stop coming in to Israel, period, but John's theory is to put your tail between your legs and let them blow up your family so it looks better.

        Holder, what can anyone say, he should be brought up on charges of treason against the people. It so obvious he's a racist, or does racism only go one way? Those two thugs in front of that polling place with the batons is the image that always pops up in my mind when I think about him.

        Again, these are just my opinion, I could be wrong.
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        • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
          I think, no, I KNOW you are correct in these instances. Holder is a liar and a pandering bootlicker, whose sole goal is to push through any agenda of BO's, and smear the character of any person or group who should dare to question the legality of the actions. He is evil.
          Nancy Pelosi is seriously in need of a mental exam. She is an automaton, clearly devoid of any kind of intelligence or moral fortitude. A bobble head idiot spouting whatever garbage is fed into her empty head. These people are threats to the United States. They are treasonous and dangerous, and have been unchecked in their voracious need for power. Wake up people! Things are getting very dicey.
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          • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
            The whole cabal licks each others boots. This enclave is orders of magnitude worse than the yes men of the star chamber that JFK had around him - and far worse as they have as their objective the "fundamental transformation" of the nation.

            Mark my words, before 1/20/17 there will be a national crisis that "requires" suspension of much of the constitution and if not before the election (which would require suspension of elections), then it will be cause for suspension of the transfer of power in order to ensure continuity of power to handle the crisis. Mark my words.
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            • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
              Words have been marked. I think you are quite correct in your prophecy.
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              • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 1 month ago
                A very certain prophecy in my mind also. I hope everybody is preparing for the coming events and making the stores required to exist through those times. Food, medicines, fuels, weapons - not just guns and so on. Prepare.

                Some of us are too old or too physically ill to survive what's coming, but for the sake of your families, prepare.
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                • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
                  Don't worry Star - push comes to shove, I'll come pick you up!
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                  • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 1 month ago
                    :) :) Just warn me you're coming, I don't want no friendly fire issues. :) :)
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                    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
                      I could pick you up on my way home. Doin' a stint down in Evansville, IN for a couple weeks. Drove the cat down to stretch her legs before the next winter (she didn't get much workout this past winter as it was too damn cold).

                      Hope you're doin' well. Had one of them artery clogging burgers with bacon and some cheese curds a week or two back (my one time indulgence for the summer).
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                • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
                  That is why some of us have been going through a Gulch planning exercise. I could easily be among the last to leave America if necessary, but it may become necessary nonetheless.
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        • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
          Why does he sound like such a moron off the teleprompter? Because he is a moron, and cannot think for himself, so needs to read what VJ has written for him.
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  • 10
    Posted by $ Commander 10 years, 1 month ago
    "Posterity, you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in heaven that ever I took half the pains to preserve it."

    John Adams
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 1 month ago
    "Evil, not value, is an absence and a negation, evil is impotent and has no power but that which we let extort from us." -- A.R.
    And, have we ever allowed it to extort from us. As a country, we not only elected evil and evil's cohorts, we celebrated their existence. Even most conservatives to this day, have a difficult time ascribing the degree of evil to those in power in Washington. They still find excuses such as "They didn't understand the consequences...etc." It's as if they would like to portray the Obama regime as a sort of force of nature. Americans must be made to realize that these people, the ones currently in power, are not delusional. They have an agenda and they are carrying it out. And, whether or not they believe it to be right or wrong, because of the consequences alone, they have to know it is bad, and yet they persist. One word for that -- EVIL.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 10 years, 1 month ago
    Even if all the elected players change, the rot still exists in the entrenched bureaucracies. If things start to look better in the next two national elections, insist that those elected demand zero-base budgeting for any new Federal budgets. Inefficiency and sloth ride on carryover budgets that simply add a percentage to the previous year's monies. Justification requires evidence of value.
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  • Posted by ISank 10 years, 1 month ago
    Think I'll have a Sam Adam's and start raising some hell!

    Point taken though, the inmates surely are running the asylum.well I don't know if that fits but we certainly cannot take much comfort with this motley crew being in power.
    But sure is a great day!
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  • Posted by BradA 10 years, 1 month ago
    Alternatively, and to follow Galt's plan, we need more evil, not less. We NEED as many philosophically bankrupt leaders as possible to further grind our productive population under their heel until enough of the masses have an epiphany about their leaders true intentions. Then this country may be able to sweep out these bottom feeding vermin. The fact that they are still in office and others of the same ilk continue to be elected is an indication that we are not there yet. We need to get to the point where we can write our own sequel to AS and begin to rebuild a moral society.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
      It won't happen. The Gulch was a plot device, it cannot work in reality. The only thing that will occur is that the collectivists will be even more entrenched than ever.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
        When we build the Gulch, will you come?
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
          Your Gulch will be on an island a few hundred miles east of Florida. You half-jokingly say people need to make up more ghost stories about electronic fog from the lost civilization who built the Bimini Road, just to keep the people from the Seasted west of San Francisco from hosting another winter hackathon on your Island.

          But as soon as there's some kidnapping or investment fraud and the nearest gov't wants to station advisers on a free state, they're all on the same side.
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          • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
            Wait an hour, and I'll post some options for places to convert into the Gulch. Actually I was thinking about a place halfway between the Caymans and Honduras if we have to build the island from scratch, but I am willing to consider a few other options as you will see shortly.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 1 month ago
    There was a time in our history when politician was actually a respected title. Non-coincidentally, it was a time before it was a full-time, paid position and it was a time before the vast lot of them became liars.

    I'd love a reset, but I wish there were some way to do it other than a natural disaster or national calamity of such magnitude to force the change.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 1 month ago
    “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”
    ― Thomas Jefferson
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      I'm having a hard time with CG's comment. It's irrational! There is no A=A! What could possibly induce him to think Ovomit is doing a good job???? I'm going to bed. I will try to stem the tide of nightmares caused by that commentary. You, on the other hand, posted a comment based in logic. Thank the gods ;-).
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
    Washington was the only non vain/aspiring president that I can think of. All the rest have had those characteristics.
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  • Posted by radical 10 years, 1 month ago
    "Experienced patriots" is quite a provocative term in the present - day context. The number of patriots is growing, but where is the experience? Most of those who have awakened to the threats to our country are still 'go along to get along.'
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 1 month ago
      The patriots who are experienced - our former men and women who are former military - are now classified as domestic enemy combatants by the DHS.
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      • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
        Deplorable. Really and truly.
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        • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 1 month ago
          I was thinking more like Criminal. or Treasonous.

          I think it has to do with the oath that they take - they don't swear allegiance to, and to protect and defend, Potus and his rulemakings and decisions, but this thing called the Constitution and to defend against ALL enemies, foreign and Domestic.

          It's street gang mentality - if you not part of our family, you the enemy. Since they're not loyal, proven, and vetted Obama-ists, they're outsiders.
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 1 month ago
        Spot on, Susanne! I also feel that there is the possibility that the pink slips that went out recently on the battlefield were more about promoting those who have been joining up since Obama has been in office then a budgetary concern. Fundamentally changing the face of the military? They forced a lot of generals to retire last year.
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        • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 1 month ago
          The face of "Change". All we can do now is "Hope" we can return to some sense of normalicy once the political pull party is no longer in office.

          My thought is they didn't follow the politics of the CiC ergo they were "asked" to "retire" so the political machine can roar on through... with the ones who swore an oath to protect and defend the whim of the fuehrer...

          When you get to that stage of your career in the military, its well known that you have to play politics to stand fast and keep your job. Been that way for years, no, decades. Whats sad is the politics are anything but American they're being asked to play.

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  • Posted by Retired24-navy 10 years, 1 month ago
    If we could get DC to pass the legal marijuana bill, than all these fools there could get high and laid back and never notice when the rest of us take over. They probably would not even protest as long as the weed hold out.
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  • Posted by Notperfect 10 years, 1 month ago
    Pelosi's main problem is her non-brain activity. She spouts obscenities at those she considers insignificant in her eyes which is all she has that is held in that head of hers but only by fragments. Reid only puckers if his head swells. Boehner cries.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 1 month ago
    We questioned the status quo. We sought personal solutions to personal problems. We stood in protest to the mass conformity of a generation that obeyed the orders of a military-industrial complex. It was our generation that received _Atlas Shrugged_ and formed campus "Ayn Rand Study Groups" and "Radicals for Capitalism." It was Ayn Rand's lawyer, Henry Mark Holzer who defended so-called "draft dodgers" because conscription is involuntary servitude. When the people refuse to fight in a war, we can only assume that the Republic is not really in danger.

    The so-called "hippies" were a broad and nebulous trend over the course of a decade. Typifying it well would require a book; and many have been written. I understood a revolt against conformity, both corporative and govenrmentalist and the combination of the two, of course. "Hippies" included the high-tech craft workers who created the Apple computer in particular and the computer revolution in general. The Peoples' Computer Company of Berkeley sponsored in part by the Portola Institute and the Whole Earth Catalog put a computer terminal in a storefont to give cybernetic "power to the people."

    Is that what you oppose?

    John Kerry was a soldier in uniform who stood up and stood out in protest. Meanwhile Bill Clinton and George Bush took two easy ways out. Think of Kerry as you please, he never denied his actions - "I never inhaled..." He stood up for his beliefs. That, too, was part of the hippie thing of the 1960s and people died for it. Innocent kids at Kent State and protestors at Jackson State were gunned down by corporatists-militarist soldiers obedient to orders. Do you want the current generation of soldiers to obey orders when the time comes to confront you for your hippie individualist self-indugent refusal to serve the needs of society?

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  • -2
    Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
    "The 1960’s hippies, protesters, and draft dodgers are running the country now!"
    We 90s "slackers", cynics, and irreverent people will be there before we know what happened. :) The generational stereotypes are that accurate.

    I'm thrilled to have President Obama and his appointees in charge, BUT it makes us complacent. I almost want someone I disagree with as president so the protesting can start back up. I predict people will frequently say, "Who set this and that outrageous precedent? Obama? Why weren't we outraged then?"
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
      The only reason that you should be in this forum and be happy about Obama and his appointees in charge is if you are trying to accelerate the collapse of America, as in Atlas Shrugged. Otherwise ...
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
        "The only reason that you should be in this forum and be happy about Obama and his appointees in charge is if you are trying to accelerate the collapse of America, as in Atlas Shrugged."
        Why do you say that? I don't have the flood-myth fetish. I think things are good, and the ending of AS is a warning that liberty is not the default condition for humankind; and if liberty collapses, so might all the amazing stuff we created.

        I believe that President Obama is a good leader and supporter of liberty, at least compared to other mainstream choices. I would love to get a moderate but non-mainstream person/party vowing to reduce Exec branch powers, reduce gov't intrusiveness, reduce gov't size, and reduce either money in politics or the tendency for special interests to lobby for a slice of the gov't-spending pie. Compared to someone like that, President Bush or Obama would be horrible, but as mainstream choices go, I think he's a good and smart person trying to do a good job running the exec branch.
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        • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 1 month ago
          Circuit please tell me you are joking. Obama is a disaster. The country has survived weak and incompetent Presidents before and I hope that we will survive this but you can't be serious. His appointments have been far left ideologues that have blindly pushed an agenda. He has pushed thru policies that are wreaking havoc on the economy and then he plays golf as if all is well. His foreign policy is simply trying to undo American influence regardless of the consequences. The man is not qualified to be President.
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          • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 1 month ago
            Strong presidents are worse than weak ones. Do you want Franklin D. Roosevelt in the White House? Every President's appointments have to live their professional lives in the offices they accepted. The Supreme Court is the quintessential example. Liberals become strict constructionists; and conservatives from the Reagan and Bushes administrations decide to violate property rights.
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            • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 1 month ago
              I disagree Mike. James Buchanan was weak and helped bring about the Civil War. John Kennedy was weak and caused the Cuban Missile Crisis. Jimmy Carter's weakness resulted in hostages spending over 400 days in captivity. Bill Clinton was weak on foreign policy and didn't take out Bin Laden when he had the chance. Obama is not necessarily weak but he is incompetent.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
            "Circuit please tell me you are joking. Obama is a disaster. The country has survived weak and incompetent Presidents before and I hope that we will survive this but you can't be serious."
            I wish he were weaker in some ways and not expanding exec branch power. That's the biggest problem I have with him. He's just carrying on the trend. Neglecting that trend, he seems to be a good person, at least from what I can tell of him. I've never met him, and I don't follow gov't policy that closely.

            "He has pushed thru policies that are wreaking havoc on the economy and then he plays golf as if all is well."
            I think the economy is fine (not thanks to any president) and things basically are well, not counting the issues of liberty, gov't intrusivness, and exec over-reach. Those are huge issues, but I can live with President Obama not personally solving them.

            "His foreign policy is simply trying to undo American influence regardless of the consequences."
            I actually want to decrease US influence in some ways. He's not doing enough IMHO. Regarding Syria he said something to the effect of we're the only ones with the huge military to do something about the conflict, so it's up to us. I really wish it weren't. Having a huge military budget means an endless search for foreign dragons to slay. I want US influence further reduced, at least militarily.

            It's unfortunate that I don't feel like I get good info on the issues you pointed out like his appointments. It may be his appointing people for political reasons promoting political agendas instead of doing their jobs. Or maybe he's just appointing good people who happen to be left leaning in their ideology. It bothers me that I get just the surface. There is probably some non-partisan weekly summary I could sign up for, but I don't know where it is.
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            • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 1 month ago
              I don't believe that he is a good person. I honestly feel that he believes weakening the US helps the world. I truly think if I met him that I would dislike the man.
              Reducing our military abroad is something we agree on.
              The US can be a force of good without using our military if we have a strong and stable economy. Keynesian policies that Obama blindly follows always fail. They only result in more power for the government.
              His appointments have been horrible. From the Fast and Furious scandal to Benghazi to the IRS it is clear that this administration feels they are above the law. I hope that changes soon.
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        • Posted by dbhalling 10 years, 1 month ago
          That is the most outrageous, absurd statement under the SUN. Obama is pushing the same philosophy of SOCIALISM, which is slavery not Liberty, that killed over 100 million people in the last century.


          You're too smart to actually believe what you said. Please take you propaganda elsewhere.
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          • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 1 month ago
            You can think what you please. If CircuitGuy is "too smart to believe" what he said, then why do you order him to leave" (Not that such an order is within your province; and it seems contradictory of the premise.) As I said, I did not vote for Barack Obama in 2012, but I voted for no one for president. Mitt Romney was just as bad, a right-wing reflection of the post-modernist scholar in the White House. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian, is spearheading marijuana legalization. While that might be an acceptable MINOR political goal, it really makes him epistemologically more like IVY STARNES than like Hank Rearden. Our political and cultural goal is a nation of PRODUCERS not a nation of drugged-soaked hippies. Even if, objectively, marijuana should not be illegal, many other issues are more pressing. So, I did not vote Libertarian. I certainly did not vote Republican.

            CircuitGuy's statement compared Barack Obama to the other mainstream choices. Even Leonard Peikoff has advocated voting Democratic. if you accept the pro-life premise of the person, then you can disagree with the vote, but not the motive.

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            • Posted by dbhalling 10 years, 1 month ago
              Not one of his brighter statements. Obama is clearly pushing the same philosophy as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc and Rachel Carson. Together they killed over 200 million people and are PURE EVIL.
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            • Posted by dbhalling 10 years, 1 month ago
              Because this is a site for people who are interested in reality. CG has been pushing this theme that Obama is a good guy. but to suggest that Obama is for Liberty is clearly propaganda. When people start pushing propaganda for EVIL SOCIALIST policies, then it is time to go. That is not what this site is about. Try the Huffington Post, or New York Times or a hundred other places
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            • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
              Other than the marijuana issue, I agree with Gary Johnson on many things. As for the marijuana issue, if people choose to ruin their lives that way, I will gladly let them weed themselves out of the population - just as long as I don't have to pay for their medical care or anything else for them.

              Marijuana legalization might decrease gang violence, but it might not as well. The consequences of that are not entirely clear to me. What it could do is remove the need for the ridiculously wasteful war on drugs.
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              • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
                The war on drugs, and decriminalization of marijuana and other "recreational drugs" is one of the things that I wholeheartedly agree with GJ about. You cannot force your morality or value system on others, it is impossible. At most, you can make the penalties so severe that most will not venture to break them, but we certainly have not done that. All we have done is create a system whereby those willing to take some moderate level of risk can get a huge payoff for doing so.

                Prohibition also causes the potency of these intoxicants to increase dramatically. Prior to prohibition alcohol in the US was principally beer and wine. Yes there were distilled spirits, but they didn't command much of the marketplace. With the enactment of prohibition, beer was too voluminous for the amount of alcohol, so distilled spirits gained in popularity - and since much of it was not very well quality controlled, adding other things to it to mask the taste created the cocktail. And potency, so that more alcohol per unit volume, increased dramatically. It also led to the crime gangs like Capone, Moran, and the mob families in NY/NJ. Once alcohol prohibition was repealed, most of that control by gangs was abated. The same would occur with "recreational drugs" in my humble opinion.

                You cannot protect someone from themselves. If they are intent on destroying themselves, they will find a way.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
              " Gary Johnson, the Libertarian, is spearheading marijuana legalization. While that might be an acceptable MINOR political goal, it really makes him epistemologically more like IVY STARNES than like Hank Rearden."

              One good thing about the marijuana issue is *maybe* it could be a step toward thinking from "should the gov't allow activity X" to "should we grant the gov't permission to control activity X".
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        • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
          We agree on more than you agree with most other people here in this forum, CircuitGuy. I also agree that "the ending of AS is a warning that liberty is not the default condition for humankind". In fact I took some heat recently from other Gulchers for taking that position. I also agree with your desire for candidates who
          "reduce Exec branch powers, reduce gov't intrusiveness, reduce gov't size, and reduce either money in politics or the tendency for special interests to lobby for a slice of the gov't-spending pie." However, Obama does none of those things. He is more antithetical to Ayn Rand values than any president in US history by far over LBJ, Woodrow Wilson, and the Roosevelts. And just to be clear, I rank George W Bush near the bottom of the president list as well.
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        • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 1 month ago
          Well, I gave you a point back up for an honest opinion well-stated. I voted for him in 2008, but not in 2012. It is like the old joke of the boy selling "Democratic Puppies." The President wants a photo op but the next day the sign says "Republican Puppies." What changed?, the President asked. Said the boy, "Their eyes are open now."

          I do not think that Barack Obama is the epitome of evil, except as an empty suit. He is just a product of forces. As you and jbrenner both know: d'Alembert's Principle applies to politics - the sum of the forces is zero. In my criminology and sociology classes, I met a lot of girls like him.

          It is funny (or not) how Ayn Rand and the conservatives led by Buckley all condemned President Kennedy, while now JFK is recognized as a conservative for standing up to Moscow, for launching the Green Berets and escalating in Viet Nam, and even as is claimed having been assassinated by the Federal Reserve because he wanted to launch a silver-backed Treasury note.

          Obama is not my favorite president. He is near the bottom, in fact, but he is down there in good company with Chester Allen Arthur (also lacking proof of citizenship), Millard Fillmore, James Tyler, and Meddler-in-Chief Herbert ("Brave New World") Hoover.

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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
            "I do not think that Barack Obama is the epitome of evil, except as an empty suit. He is just a product of forces. As you and jbrenner both know: d'Alembert's Principle applies to politics - the sum of the forces is zero."
            I remember my wife and I talking about him in '07. She wanted Hillary to get the nomination. I wanted Obama or Ron Paul. If they both won their parties' nominations, I didn't know which one I would vote for. My wife said he carries on about Change but DC will change him more than he changes it. My wife worked for DoJ and a famous DC law firm in the 90s and became disillusioned with gov't. Her prediction has held true.
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            • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 1 month ago
              I find it fascinating that you would have trouble deciding between Ron Paul and Barack Obama. I see the two as polar opposites. After six years Obama has shown himself to be a far left extremist. Ron Paul was considered to be too right wing to get the Republican nomination. A matchup of those two would have offered the clearest choice in a generation.
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              • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
                RP was not too far right, his foreign policy was out of the realm of reasonableness. But his domestic policies were very reasonable from a conservative/libertarian perspective. As you say, he was too far right for the Republicans, to that I heartily agree.
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            • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
              A vote for Ron Paul would have been a vote for AR values. A vote for Obama is a vote for everything AR stands against. I can find literally nothing that he does (as opposed to what he says, because on occasion he does sound reasonable) that I agree with.
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              • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
                CG has been ensconced in the liberal enclave of Madison for far too long. His basis of judgment is so skewed left that it is impossible for him to judge anything by rational criteria anymore. As evidenced by a comment that he could not discern a difference between RP and BHO.
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