Hi. My name is Leo Rizzuti, and I am an Atlasoholic.

Posted by LeoRizzuti 11 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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Leo Rizzuti has been following politics since the age of 8, sitting in front of his Mother's television cheering on the defeat of Jimmy Carter at the hands of Ronald Reagan (he was a very odd child). Growing up in the farmlands of North Carolina, he learned at an early age that hard work will keep you young, if you are not actively learning you are actively becoming dumber, and that life is too short to spend it complaining. A former editorialist for The Citizen newspaper, Leo Rizzuti has been writing on politics for nearly 20 years. Having worked with several campaigns, including as Campaign Manager for State Senator David Nicholson, he has spent years examining issues and the impact that they have on the freedoms established by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution, and the efforts of political entities to remove them inorder to increase their power. Having served in the Marine Corps, he is fiercely patriotic and loyal to his country. He is a family man, a passionate Christian (who was once an atheist), a writer/humorist, an artist, a businessman, a news junkie and an American American - no hyphens allowed. He believes that Ronald Reagan is the greatest President in the last 100 years, the New York Yankees, not the Dallas Cowboys, are truly America's team, barbecue is best in Raleigh, NC and that Dean Smith is the single most overrated coach in the history of organized sports, including the drunk that coached your little league baseball team. In other words, Leo Rizzuti is a man for all seasons.

Leo Rizzuti sometimes prefers to speak in third person about himself.

And he is extraordinarily modest.

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  • Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 6 months ago
    LEO! Let me say it again! LEO!!! Man it's good to have you here! Look out Gulch, $%#& just got real.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 6 months ago
      Thanks, Scott - and thanks for introducing me to Ayn Rand back in the day! Oh yeah, things are about to get real. With the mood I've been in for the last several weeks things are gonna get darn real.

      Now I just have to figure out how to use this thing...
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