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  • Posted by LionelHutz 10 years, 8 months ago
    I don't understand the label of JUST on this headline. When 11% of the population wants to leave the union, that is an absolutely HUGE number, in my opinion. That is well beyond "nutball" territory into mainstream worldview. What if the article was "Just 11% of people don't think pressing the brake pedal will stop their vehicle?" Clumsy example, but my point is everyone should think their break pedal will work, and you'd be surprised to hear a number this high don't. Everyone should think their country is healthy enough to stay a citizen of. When you've got over 10% of the population wanting to dissolve the Union, that is a shocking percentage and a sign that the Union's days are numbered.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 10 years, 8 months ago
    Just a thought.

    What if that 11% and anyone else that would join, simply stopped paying any kind of income taxes. All the business that 11% owned (and others that joined in) simply did not do payroll taxes, or FICA or any other federal payments.

    How many more would join them? Would it be enough to financially stop the nonsense and in fact cause the entire system to collapse as it could no longer be funded? Would it cause lenders to stop lending to the other portion of the US that was still paying in?

    Its just a thought, but I find it an interesting one.
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