Security Officers Warn Of Huma Abedin's Tie To Saudis

Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 7 months ago to News
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This may help explain the fine mess O the Great and Powerful has made of the Middle East and shed some light on the yet to be disclosed Wiener emails.
~edited excerpts from the article~
"--the Saudi government established the Institute For Muslim Minority Affairs, the IMMA, and put Huma Abedin's father--in charge."
Alongside Huma Abedin on the editorial board was Abdullah Omar Naseef, the founder of the Rabita Trust, a financial institution founded prior to 9/11 for the explicit purpose of funding Osama bin Laden and Al-Quaida."
"Abedin then became an aide to Hillary Clinton, a senior advisor of Clinton's senatorial campaigns and office, and eventually deputy chief of state at the State Department."
"Now this was the period of time--that U.S. foreign policy flipped on its head, from going after--Al-Qaida (and) aiding and abetting known Al-Qaida jihadist militias to overthrow a sitting, sovereign government led by Moamnar Gadhafi, no choir boy--but our ally at the time."
"All this happened--when Clinton was secretary of state and Huma Abedin was at her side, whispering in her ear."
Huma Abedin-Wiener, Shillary's freaking Deputy Chief of State. Allahu Akbar!

All Comments

  • Posted by XenokRoy 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Thank you for the well written and obviously thought out response.

    I see in it Binary thinking. We can choose Trump or Clinton. Perhaps I am wrong in what I see there and its not Trump is not as bad as Clinton, but Trump will be good. If its the latter I hope you are right, but I think it more likely that you are going for the lessor of two evils. If that is true, so long as a vast majority think we are in a binary system we will continue down hill.

    I understand your points but disagree. I look at the actions of a person over time, and the people they are surrounded by as well. Trump ha a long term relationship with the Clinton...

    Trump loves to win, and has put together a good team for his campaign. The only thing that may make him a good president would be the fact that he loves to win and the people that would cause him to put into his cabinet. He is lousy but he may put good people around him in order to win.

    That is not true, there is a second thing that is good, he has and would continue to eliminate PC behaviors.

    The truth is I do not care which wins because from my view they are on the same track, one just drives the train faster than the other. I cannot vote for anyone I do not believe will change tracks.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The FBI rank and file are enraged for the same reason I am. As a former military security officer for Top Secret, special access systems, I know the penalties that are supposed to be applied for negligent handling of classified information, and whether or not there was malicious intent plays no part, unless you're also trying to prove treason. It was obvious that Hillary was getting a pass due to the corruption emanating from the White House.

    I gauge people from those they associate with, their offspring, and the policies they claim to be ready to impose. Hillary has no associates that aren't corrupt. Chelsea seems to have a little credibility, based on her insistence that the Clinton Foundation needed an audit, even when her parents resisted the idea. Trump has surrounded himself with a solid team, and chosen a program of policies that have a chance of invigorating the economy. Clinton promises to give no one tax relief, but shows no intent to trim government spending.

    Clinton seems ready to stumble into more disastrous military ventures, while Trump (logically for a businessman without weapons industry connections) is more inclined to pursue negotiation. Clinton hates, and is hated by, the military and law enforcement. Both of those entities favor Trump by large margins.

    Trump is a pragmatic businessman, and has dealt the best he can with a system of regulations and policies that he dislikes. He sees the opportunity to remold the American business environment.

    Is Trump a blowhard narcissist? Unquestionably, but any person seeking the Presidency that denies they have those same traits is a patent liar.

    I've had to deal with the Washington establishment, and it's rare you find someone in a power position that isn't repugnant. Compared to the many distasteful persons I had to deal with Trump is a choirboy.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The FBI timing and behavior show a anti Hilary pro trump political agenda. That may or may not be true, but any person looking at it has to think of that possibility.

    To be clear I like neither of them. Its a choice between Lillian Rearden and Orren Boyle for president.

    One is in bed with the bureaucrats because she is one, and the other because it has benefited his business to do so.

    Neither is a person of principle. They are both willing to initiate force against others. Commit fraud blackmail or anything else, if they think they can get away with it. Both want to be a tyrant that is not checked by anyone or anything.

    Trump has stated that he would like to do away with freedom of speech so that he can go after the press. He has stated with pride that he could shoot someone in times square with people all around and it would change his supports. He has held a package of steaks with a tag on them from some deli in New York while pitching the idea that he has Trump Steak in his hand and that they are the best. Trump steaks failed, it was a bankrupt venture and was shut down. It no longer existed while he was using it to agrue how good of a business man he is. Are you really arguing that this guy will be any different from the sack of lies Obama and Bush has given us. The only difference appears to be that he is not smart enough to remove the tags off the packaging before saying they are his.

    Hilary we agree on. so wont go into her as she is likely about to get busted for her actions, finally. I would love to see the same catch up with trump. In reality I have no confidence that Hilary will get anything but a review and then dropped again by the feds field of vision; a free pass is all that will come to Hilary. Time will tell.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Uh, Roosevelt and Stalin? They hated each other, Stalin got the best of the deal, the US and Britian spent billlions and thousands of lives sending them munitions, weapons and money, just because Hitler was worse then they were, and yet he did the same thing Hitler did. Patton was right, and got murdered for it.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    JW and Trey Gowdy, National assets.JW has been hammering the email thing for 2 years now and kept at it when all the media said it was over, Trey kept hounding them with their lies.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    There are several issues with her and her mother that the mainstream sort of glossed over in her Pre-Beast days...
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Be careful, the Beast will be claiming it next, if it is worth anything....there is probably an email coming up in the next dump...
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Doesn't it strike you weird we have to depend on a person being chased for a crime that is in some ways, not even a crime, and that the defense against the leaks is "the Russians did it"? If the Russians did it, the one thing the Dumbocraps miss is that they had to have hacked her homebrew, to get the oodles of emails they then "modified" to make her look bad, ergo, she lied out her little turd blossom to the FBI. I think Julian Assange may also be showing the Obamanation that information is power, and that it can cut both ways.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    A good train of logic, and may make sense. If the ties to the Obamanation come true, then his legacy will be as bad as hers, a criminal, and the term traitor may also added.....
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  • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    If Huma and/or Wiener turn on Shillary to stary out of prison, she/he/they may need to go into the protection program forever to avoid fatal accidents, suicides, plane crashes and so forth.
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  • Posted by Exitstageright 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Wayne Allyn Root's take on this..

    One can only hope, hey?

    " 10/31/2016 - Wayne Allyn Root

    This time it’s bad. The FBI has Hillary dead to rights. She’s been caught in a “Dikileaks scandal.” Weiner did her in. Who knew?
    How bad is it? It’s so bad that the FBI Director made the decision to announce this investigation 11 days before a presidential election. It’s that bad. Even Carl Bernstein has come to the same conclusion- he says this could not have happened unless the FBI has uncovered a bombshell against Hillary.
    How bad is it? A reporter for The Chicago Tribune just asked her to step down for the good of the nation.
    How bad is it? Wikileaks promises a shocking bombshell this week that makes this scandal pale by comparison.
    Remember John Gotti- the so-called ‘Teflon Don.” The government tried to nail him for years, with no success. They needed his best friend and partner in crime to turn on him to finally nail Gotti. When Sammy "the bull" Gravano testified against Gotti, it was over. Gotti went to prison for life.
    Well Hillary has a Sammy "the Bull" Gravano in her life. It’s Huma Abedin. Huma is her chief of staff, girl Friday and BFF. If Huma turns, it’s all over for Hillary. Like Gotti, she could spend the rest of her life in prison- because the email violations are only the tip of the iceberg.
    Huma knows all the dirt. Huma knows the secret machinations of The Clinton Foundation. She knows dates, times, bribe amounts, from whom and what the people who bribed the Clintons got in return. Huma knows everything.
    And Huma is between a rock and a hard place- otherwise known as Anthony Weiner (excuse the pun). Because Huma is in divorce proceedings with Anthony Weiner. I'm betting that Huma had no idea Weiner was making copies of all of her and Hillary's emails- as leverage in the divorce proceedings.
    When the FBI raided Weiner's home and grabbed his computer, they got it all. I'm betting Hillary and Huma were blind-sided.
    Weiner is fighting for his life. What's his future? Who will ever hire him, for anything? How will he survive financially? So Weiner has no choice- he will turn against Huma and Hillary to save his own skin. He faces many years in prison for sex crimes against a minor. His only “get out of jail card” is to turn "states evidence" against Huma and Hillary.
    Then Huma’s only choice is to turn against Hillary. Or face decades in prison.
    So Hillary has only a couple of “outs” here…and she has to move fast. Or she will spend the rest of her life in prison (at worst), or fighting off investigations, trials and federal government RICO suits from now until the day she dies (at best).
    Hillary out #1: Go to Obama and demand a pardon, or threaten to take Obama down with her.
    Hillary option #2: Here’s the remarkable one- Hillary’s best friend and only "out" here may be…
    Donald Trump.
    What if Obama is angry? What if Obama turns Hillary’s pardon request down and wishes her good luck alone in the world. What if he orders every friend in government and the Democratic Party to stay away from Hillary? What if he orders every government agency to go after her with everything they’ve got?
    Then Hillary has only one place to turn…only one hand to play. She can go to Donald and concede the election. Drop out today. Announce to voters she is no longer seeking the office of president of the United States. In return she gets a pardon from the new President Donald Trump.
    That’s her hand at this point.
    Let's see how Hillary plays it. "
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 7 months ago
    Under Obama, the executive branch has been loaded with radical Muslem sympathizers and activists. I have been posting and speaking about it, naming names and affiliations until I am hoarse. Hopefully Huma and compatriots will be bye-bye if Trump gets in. Just one more reason to vote for him.
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  • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    All that is Barrack Hussein Obama is contrary to our constitution.
    Hillary Rottendamn Clintion? Why be contrary with something you can shred?
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 7 months ago
    Huma actually advocated for Sharia law earlier in her career. Who wants a card carrying Muslim in position of power? Sharia law is totally contrary to our constitution.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 7 months ago
    Don't forget the snake in Obama's ear: Valerie Jarrett - also an Iranian. Obama grew up a Muslim and sympathizes with them, but he's not a die-hard.

    We're being taken over from the inside.
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  • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Oh, yeah, any Clintonista crook can get one of those and I'll bet even a "free" server paid for not by the multi-millionaire Clinton Foundation but by We The (bankrupt) People.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The FBI has investigated the claims of a Trump-Russia connection and found nothing. Hillary makes this claim without evidence, then contradictorily warns that Trump will put us into a nuclear exchange with his Russian masters.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 7 years, 7 months ago
    Hillary is in bed with the Saudis and trump is in bed with the Russians.

    Either way we are just as screwed.
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  • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
    In my email this morning~
    "Hillary's "Surrogate Daughter" Tied To Terrorists, 9/11.

    This article with an even better video rounds out the Muslim mole under Shillary's wing all the more.

    Old dino's question for today: Why does Mrs. Wiener aka Huma Abedin even have any freaking security clearance?
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  • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Nah! Wrong country, wrong Mesozoic time period, wrong species.
    I think old dino's mind is somewhere in my home.
    That's because sometimes I'll walk into a room and forget why I went in there.
    Maybe it's under my bed. Nope. I'll check the freezer later.
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