The Daily Lie(s) CNNN Clinton NoNews Net Scores 1, 2,3 & 4 Today 8/23/16 Hillary listed as Security Threat By Military Intelligence? Why were her lawyers handling classified material? and two more

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 10 months ago to News
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Oh my… Army security brief lists Hillary Clinton as security threat posted at 4:01 pm on August 22, 2016 by Jazz Shaw

(for the actual pictures use the URL)

The Daily Caller News Foundation has done it again. While this isn’t one of those stories which is likely to blow up into (yet another) scandal for Hillary Clinton’s campaign, it does provide a peek inside of our military and how they view their potential next Commander in Chief. There’s a slide from a military security presentation making the rounds, allegedly coming from a solider who took this particular course. It shows examples of threats to national security through the release of classified information. The list of “suspects” is rather interesting to say the least.

Admins of the Facebook page “U.S. Army W.T.F! moments” told The Daily Caller News Foundation this is the second time they’ve received a picture of this particular slide in the last six months. They posted the slide to their page Sunday.

Admins said the picture came from a servicemember stationed at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri.

The brief, marked unclassified, lists servicemembers Nidal Hassan, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and Aaron Alexis as examples of threats.

On the second row, the brief pictures Clinton and Petraeus. The text of “careless or disgruntled employees” echoes FBI Director James Comey’s description, “extremely careless,” of Clinton’s handling of top secret and classified information when she served as Secretary of State.

My, my… that’s quite the rogues gallery.


In some of these cases you might think that Clinton would be proud to be displayed alongside them. Chelsea Manning in particular is a hero to both the transgender community and liberals who admire service members who leak classified data without permission or thought to who might be harmed. Snowden falls into the latter category as well, though he’s wanted for a chat with the FBI just as Manning was. And being next to someone with the military record of General Petraeus should offer a morale boost, even if he did get himself into trouble over disclosures which were nowhere near as serious as Clinton’s private server turned out to be.

But that heading at the top… “Who is the threat?” That’s got to sting a bit. My only beef with the course instructors is that none of these examples really fall under the category of “careless” now, do they? Petraeus was using an insecure system, true. (Gmail in that case.) But he knowingly and intentionally told things to his lover which he must have known might see the light of day. Clinton should be obvious at this point. She didn’t accidentally set up a private server at considerable personal expense and delete thousands of government documents from it, including some marked as classified. Those were deliberate acts. Everyone in the top row is pretty much a flat out criminal.

Still, as noted above, if this is how the military security community is looking at Clinton now, particularly to the point where they use her as a negative role model in briefings, what will they do if she’s in the Oval Office? Would you give full, unvarnished briefings to someone you’ve already been warned of as being a threat to your nation’s security?

2. Posted: Aug 23, 2016 1:30 PM
Clinton's Lawyers Didn't Have Security Clearance, Why Were They Handling Classified Information?

In July FBI director James Comey confirmed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stored and transmitted top secret, classified information on multiple private email servers. Last year during a press conference at the UN about her email server, Clinton said her attorneys went through all of her emails to separate work related information from her personal business. The problem? Clinton's attorneys don't have the security clearances required to handle the type of highly sensitive, classified information found on the former Secretary's server.

"They did not," Comey said during Congressional testimony in July when asked whether Clinton's attorneys had the proper clearance to sift through classified information found on the server. "There’s a great deal of concern about an uncleared person, not subject to the requirements we talked about in the read-in documents, potentially having access."
inRead invented by Teads

Now, Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz is asking Comey to look into why unauthorized attorneys were combing through and separating Clinton's emails without proper security clearance.

"Just as classified information may not be provided to anyone without an appropriate clearance, classified information must also not be stored on a computer system that is not authorized to store it. The transfer of classified information from a computer system authorized to store it to one that is not is called spillage," a letter sent to Comey late Monday states.

Clinton attorneys were not only handling classified information, they were doing so on unauthorized computer systems as well.

Chaffetz wants to know the names of everyone who handled Clinton's private server and whether they had proper security clearance to do so from the time it was set up in 2009 until the FBI launched its criminal investigation into the matter last year. He expects the FBI to turnover requested information as soon as possible.

3. Standing by for number three for the day.

Remember the Special Prosecuter System was Put in Place specifically when the current administration could not be trusted...By the Democrats but hen so was the War Powers Act.

You can find it at the url following

and Four

This Is Why Hillary Hasn't Held a Press Conference in 262 Days
Katie Pavlich
Posted: Aug 23, 2016 2:30 PM
This Is Why Hillary Hasn't Held a Press Conference in 262 Days

Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton hasn't held a press conference in nearly a year. In fact, it's been 262 days since the former Secretary of State made herself available to answer questions outside of a handful of individual, controlled interviews. On the campaign trail, traveling press is frustrated and so is the country.

Why isn't she taking questions? The answer is obvious. Remember what happened during one of her last press conferences? It was a total disaster.

"Like, with a cloth or something?"

That press conference prompted this, which was genius:

At least one journalism professor is justifying Clinton's lack of press conferences by....pointing out all of the things the press should be asking about.
Clinton isn't holding press conferences because she can't keep the lies straight about her private email server. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has held dozens of them since declaring his candidacy last year.

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