Guns VS Junk Food... Choose your poison wisely!

Posted by $ Susanne 10 years ago to News
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I just saw this article about Sonic... add to this Chile's, Chipotle, and Jack in the Box, all have anti-firearm "statements"... Not that I spend a lot in fast "food" establishments, but this opened my eyes to places I think I'll have to issue a "pass" on...

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years ago
    Hello Susanne,
    I'm sure the criminals will be intimidated by the notice and comply... NOT! Gun free zones are a welcome mat for the ne'er do well. Ideology trumps common sense...
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    • Posted by $ 10 years ago
      Hey OA...

      Not my brand of ideology, that's for sure! Maybe the corporate ditzy-heads will think getting their establishment in the news by sponsoring mass-masacares at their restaurants will somehow boost business. True Looter/moocher mentality there...
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  • Posted by $ katrinam41 10 years ago
    I do not patronize any place that carries the "no firearms" logo if I can possibly avoid it. Unfortunately, many people do not realize just what this means to their own safety. If they care not to investigate, how can they possibly know that the mass shootings were nearly all in gun-free zones? The drive-by media chooses not say anything along those lines, thereby putting even more at risk because of partisan politics. When do we start holding these jerks responsible for their actions? The answer appears to be "never". I can't see it happening in my lifetime. Let us hope I'm wrong...
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
      Do you go in and tell that to the manager? You need to, so that they understand that they have lost a potential customer. I've been doing so for a few years now to those with signs that I disagree with. On the other hand, I also patronize those businesses that have been standing up for their convictions - Chick-Fil-A, Hobby-Lobby, and a gas station chain here in Wisconsin (Kwik-Trip). And I make sure to tell the mgrs. there that I specifically made that purchase because I support their convictions.
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      • Posted by $ katrinam41 10 years ago
        Hi Robbie. I have told store owners on both sides, and likewise patronize those who will accept my concealed carry. Hobby Lobby is one of our favorite places, and if there were a Chick-Fil-A here, we'd go there too. It is so important to let people know where you stand--we've found that many were afraid to say anything until they found they weren't alone.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years ago
      Any place of business that is that rampantly anti-2nd amendment, and doesn't care about their patrons safety and right to defend themselves from the jackals apparently doesn't have its customers intrests at heart.

      How about this instead... Armed customers receive a 5% discount. And a sign thanking them for their patronage and their patriotism.
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      • Posted by $ katrinam41 10 years ago
        i say yes--and the first time i read a quote about an armed society is a polite society was in a Heinlein book--he was probably quoting one of the Founding Fathers. I'll have to look it up, but it is more appropriate than ever these days!
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  • Posted by Turboe 10 years ago
    I love sonic, and was sad to think about having to tell the manager I had added them to my no-go list. Then I realized I couldn't go in and tell the manager that, because I am not sure if I have ever seen a Sonic where you "Go in". All of ours are drive-in's and they aren't telling people they can't have a CCW in their car are they? I have never seen anything like that? Are Sonic's set up differently in different parts of the country?
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years ago
    This is hilarious... Sonic is a drive-in place.

    So Sonic wants to tell you you can't carry a gun *in your own automobile*?

    And I don't care how it makes you "feel", or how "insane" you may think it is...

    The 2nd Amendment says that they cannot stop you from bringing arms into their establishments, *if they will allow you in without them*.

    They can turn you away, but if you try to go back in without your weapon, and they let you in... you should be able to sue the living shit out of them for violating your 2nd Amendment rights.

    The 1st Amendment specifies the federal government. The 2nd Amendment has no such specification; it's a blanket restriction.

    "...shall not be infringed".

    While moderns may think this insane (because even pro-gun people think, subliminally, that a gun-toter is a potential mass-murderer), it makes perfect sense. Imagine the tavern requiring you to leave your musket at home, or outside (if it's a wayside tavern on one of the many roads between villages), and then it, or the village it's in, is attacked by "red indians", or British regulars. Oops, can't defend ourselves, the tavern, or even the State, because we don't have our weapons in the tavern with us where we can get at them.

    If the Luby's case didn't make this clear to people... nothing will.

    Yeah, yeah, Objectivists scream property rights... but is property just a hunk of land, or is it coins, paper, clothing, pens, car keys... or any other property that a person might carry with them? In effect, you are saying that an individual must give up his own right to property if he walks into someone else's property, even if his intent is to trade value for value... the purpose of the property in question, after all?

    If merely carrying a gun into an establishment violates their right to property... then so does merely wearing clothing.

    Who here would support a restaurant that demanded its patrons strip naked before allowing entry?
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    • Posted by $ 10 years ago
      Point for remembering Lubys. Most anti-gun nuts will point at it as a reason to post those asinine signs saying "no guns", but had Ms. Hupp (or any of the other patrons of that fine Killeen establishment) they would have stopped the nutflocker Hennard and perhaps all the people who died at that coward's acts would not have...

      Why is it that these worthless spineless psychotics always shoot the wrong person (themselves) last, when they should be first...
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    • Posted by johnpe1 10 years ago
      hey! I saw one of those on a french beach, once --
      believe that it was St Martin(/St Maarten) on the
      SW corner -- enticing!!! -- j

      p.s. if I had a restaurant, I'd call the media and ask
      that they cover my posting a "please arrive armed"
      sign. then, I'd only have to provide security for my
      "closed" hours. the customers and the employees
      would be among the 99.9% of fine upstanding U.S.
      members providing security when open. -- j

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  • Posted by Outlaw 10 years ago
    In Texas there is a group that insists on carrying their rifles openly to restaurants and other establishments - the law allows this, but is it 'smart' or are they being 'show-offs"? Where restaurants are concerned I think local laws apply and concealed carry permit holders are allowed to carry in accordance to state and local laws. Open carry (pistols) is not allowed in Texas at this time. Permit holders MUST keep their weapons concealed at ALL times and any profiling or admission to carry is unlawful - thus any discount for carry is useless. All of this being said I think the above mentioned restaurants are trying to keep the 'open' carrying of firearms out of their establishments and I can understand that and seeing how this is referring to long-guns I tend to agree. Most 'no firearms allowed' signs have a statement saying 'unlawful' - a Concealed Handgun License holder carries legally.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years ago
      " Open carry (pistols) is not allowed in Texas at this time. Permit holders MUST keep their weapons concealed at ALL times and any profiling or admission to carry is unlawful - thus any discount for carry is useless. "

      Now you know why concealed carry laws are unConstitutional.
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    • Posted by kathywiso 10 years ago
      That's interesting. Well, I am so glad that I PAID the government for the permission to defend myself in a concealed carry license, otherwise, I would be defenseless in these restaurants..of which I have no intention of supporting.
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  • Posted by superfluities 10 years ago
    When I go to one these named places, sheep I'm with that know I carry usually tell me "hey they don't want you to carry here" and I tell them that's WHY I'm carrying here.. a few of them get it and get their own CWP. As far as Chilies goes and the alcohol excuse- State of Florida differentiates between carrying in the bar at a chilies or in the restaurant which is legal so that's a BS excuse, in Florida anyway. I think in GA now CWPermit holders in bar carry is legal.
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  • Posted by sfdi1947 10 years ago
    This is adequately descriptive of our minimalist, talking point driven society. Give the robbers, thugs and religious fundamentalist what they want, we don't want any violence here.
    The old west of Judge Roy Bean was a safer place, not because everybody carried a gun, only about 50 percent of the people did, as a working tool, but because 99 percent of those who carried knew what they were for and how to use them, but were also responsible enough to know when to use them.
    Now we are unsafe because almost the only people with guns are those involved in thuggary and they don't know how to use or control them.
    Its hard to believe that this is the same world where an insane school board is willing to expel a kid for a cap gun.
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  • Posted by NealS 10 years ago
    I think we need to adapt the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rule to guns for restaurants and other businesses, the military no longer needs it and it would be a shame to waste it. Suzanna Hupp ( ) will probably never leave her gun in the car again. Those that are brandishing rifles openly in stores are not helping the cause, they are just plain stupid. No one ever questions or challenges me, because I don't open carry except for Redmond Derby Days. Then I carry either my USARMS Rodeo 38SP Revolver in a new style western holster and my cowboy hat, or my Colt/Iver Johnson Single Action Army Buntline Revolver from the Robert Peterson-Hollywood Stembridge Movie Gun Collection which was used by Clint Eastwood and "Lee" Van Cleef in some of their western movies. It's a .45 caliber with a 12-1/2 inch barrel and it’s a whole lot of fun. I wish I could attach a picture.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years ago
    It's too bad about Chili's. I happen to like their food. But, I can live without it, because I'll carry my gun wherever I want. OK, Chili's -- love me (my money) love my gun! Besides, It is a good incentive to patronize the locally owned restaurants.
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  • Posted by gafisher 10 years ago
    If they post an armed Marine at the door, maybe. Otherwise I'll go to a place where neither criminals nor I know if someone there is armed. Well, I *might* know ...
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years ago
    I just don't get the position these establishments are taking. What kind of pressure could the group Moms Demand Action put on them? If they have not had an incident then why cater to one group like this?
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    • Posted by freedomforall 10 years ago
      My guess... they think that there are more customers to lose in the defenseless soccer moms than there are in the gun toters.
      Perhaps all the gun toters should walk by Sonic carrying signs proclaiming their intent to eat elsewhere. Hitting them in the revenues is the way to get attention and to get results.
      Of course many gun toters have work to do while anti-gunners are unemployed.
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      • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years ago
        I wonder how many criminals, carrying a concealed firearm, visit the places and walk right past their GFZ sign or posted "policy" statement?

        As long as they feel this way, I and my family will stay out of the places.

        Here in IL, if a business wants to keep licensed concealed handgun carriers out of their businesses, they must post a specified sign conspicuously on their door. Where I live there are very few and the number is dropping like their sales figures.

        One business that's not posted but has within their "membership agreement" every "member" signs, a clause that members will not carry within their store is Costco. While they can potentially revoke the offending persons membership, I know several who carry there anyway.

        I don't use the place myself, but since they don't have metal detectors there (can you imagine what my wheelchair would do to one?) I doubt that aside from a firearm becoming completely bare, they have any idea how many guns pass through their doors.
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