Open Carry Does Not Work: Check Out Short Video

Posted by $ allosaur 8 years ago to Video
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In the past, three different jobs required me to open carry and at least I was wearing a uniform.
As a civilian, I carry a concealed pistol.
This gives me the tactical advantage of surprise.
I even carry it into my credit union where I'm not supposed to.
Guess I'm a rebel with a cause.

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  • Posted by lkparkerjr 8 years ago
    In Texas, most of us concealed hand gun carriers wanted open carry only because in some instances it is difficult to completely conceal your handgun under your clothing. Open carry ensures we are not fined if for some reason our handgun becomes visible under our shirts. Most of us understand that carrying a gun in the open only makes us a target and eliminates the element of surprise.
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    • Posted by nsnelson 8 years ago
      I live in Texas and I open carry on occasion, but at the very least I conceal carry everywhere that is legal. I do see value in open carrying, as do most people in the groups Texas Carry (and Open Carry Texas, and Come And Take It, etc.).

      The video brings out the two major problems with OC. One is that a criminal may take it from you. Well, technically, this is also possible with concealed carry (e.g., if they are mugging you, and check your pockets, etc.). But the best solution is to just make sure you are situationally aware. All the time.

      The other problem is that if I OC it makes me a target. Well first of all, that is a good thing for you! If I am the first target, then that means you are not the first target. So why is this guy complaining?

      But also, guess what: that same line of reasoning applies to professional law enforcement. It makes them a target? And yet the vast majority of law enforcement professionals prefer open carry. I suggest it is because its impact as a deterrent far outweighs the risk of making you a target. Open carry is an effective deterrent and will stop (or at least postpone) most crimes before they begin. At the very least, this is a tactical decision that should be left to the individual.

      OC is more convenient. Not as much issue with tucking, untucking, adjusting, etc. It is nicer in hot weather. It lends itself to quicker draws.

      In some states, OC is the norm. In some states, OC has been legal since the beginning, and recent pushes to allow concealed carry have been met with opposition. "Concealed carry? That is sneaky. What have you got to hide? If you want concealed carry, you must be up to no good." Of course this is silly. It is true that most criminals prefer concealed carry, because they don't want to draw attention to themselves. But the fact is simply that people are used to what they know, and education is critical.

      The benefit of concealed carry is that it is out-of-sight-out-of-mind. Having a thin piece of cloth over your gun makes you less offensive to liberals. And it doesn't make you a target. But it does make you a more likely victim. Most criminals prefer unarmed victims, or at least people that appear to be unarmed victims. Look like a victim, become a victim.

      I conceal carry most of the time in order to stay legal and to not offend some of my friends (and for convenience, to avoid having to switch back and forth between open and concealed). But I do see a lot of value to OC, and wish more people would do it.
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    • Posted by Eyecu2 8 years ago
      Both you and the video are correct. I can't tell you how many times I have been carrying "Concealed" and had my weapon become briefly visible for one reason or another. I was always worried about getting into trouble over that but thankfully not any more.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years ago
      Open carry for concealed carry license holders passed with the understanding that trained gun owners could be trusted not to do something stupid. It was intended primarily to protect the CCW folks from "shooter with a gun" calls based on brief inadvertent display of a concealed weapon.

      Oklahoma didn't have any gun carry restrictions until the 1970s, and it wasn't unusual to see ranchers with sixgun on their hip, and gun racks in their pickups. Current gun laws being enacted are an attempt to recover that time, but with the cultural changes, and a more "diverse" population, we'll have to see if that's such a good idea.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      I bought a 9mm that fits in my pocket with a sort of holster that covers the trigger. It is completely out of sight.
      Right-handed me now carries my "pocket pistol" in my right pocket, having shifted my billfold to my left.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
    I think that open carry stopped making sense by 1910. Once again, however, I don't think that the government in all of its forms has any right to tell you how to carry a firearm. There should not be any laws against being stupid. If there were, almost everyone in Washington would be in jail.
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  • Posted by dbhalling 8 years ago
    I think it depends on the circumstance. I don't want to advertise that my house is a gun free zone, but I might want to advertise that my house includes a proud gun owner

    A guard with a visible gun is more likely to deter a criminal than a guard with no visible gun. Concealing your gun can slow down the time that it takes to react. I don't think there is one right answer.
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    • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
      A lot may depend on where you are. When I made deposits in the night depository at the bank I prominently displayed my S&W. It might also be a good idea in a bad neighborhood, but generally, I think concealed is better.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      My outside yet inside closet kinda laundry room door is next to and 90-degrees from my back door.
      My laundry door has a NRA car sticker on it as a scarecrow to burglars.who always run the risk of an armed someone in the house.
      I preferred not to put that sticker on my car. That may clue a crook into breaking into the car to find a gun I always keep in it.
      Anyone can see no one is in my car when I have it parked somewhere.
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      • Posted by 23Skidoo 8 years ago
        It also tells a burglar to break in here to find guns. I don't disagree with you on the old guy in the corner, I'm with you CC is a great plan. My only question is why do you have a CC gun that has a safety?😎 Sometimes when I open carry, I do it with my Ruger 1911, which is my only gun that I carry that has a safety (besides a trigger safety).
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  • Posted by 23Skidoo 8 years ago
    I carry both ways and see the point of both sides of the argument. Sometimes I'll carry my .44 Superblackhawk with a 7.5 inch barrel just to remind people that you have the right to do so. A right not exercised is a right lost. The fool in that video that lost his gun was not using a positive retention holster. In addition, I would have followed the perp and retrieved my weapon. Some Krav Maga training will do wonders in allowing you to disarm people even when you yourself are not armed. As for that perp, he probably held the gun sideways and didn't have a proper sight picture on his victim.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      The gun instructor in the video even mimicked how that "gangsta" must have sideways held the gun.
      My argument is that, like when I was a bank guard, a crook or a terrorist would want to first take out anyone openly wearing a gun.
      My strategy is to be the old guy unexpected shooter. My semiauto is set so all I have to do is thumb down the safety, aim and fire.
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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 8 years ago
    When my buddies from Connecticut and California come in October to hunt, I make them open carry to feel what gun freedom feels like in Wyoming. I agree with the strategy that concealed gives the bad guy more opportunity to make a wrong assumption and I never carry open when I am alone.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      We have open carry in Alabama but you do not see it very much. Even that in urban areas is almost always a holstered pistol. Someone with a rifle or a shotgun in plain sight would be unnerving with domestic terrorist attacks in the news.
      But the sight of someone with a rifle or a shotgun out in the country? Especially during hunting season? That would gain hardly more than a glance unless you were from New York City or some other libtard zone.
      One time I bought an AR-15 as a gift for a close relative at a gun show in the civic center of downtown Birmingham, Alabama.
      I had to walk a long way back to my car and I knew other buyers had left the civic center carrying all sorts of firearms case or no case, but I still feeling weird outside carrying that weapon in sight of tall city buildings.
      There was no magazine in the unloaded weapon and I had no ammo for the mags I did have when a beggar hassled me for lunch money.
      Wondering if his asking was but a shark bump for a hit, snatch and run mugging, I shook my head and stayed as clear of him as I could.
      Once clear of that moocher obstacle, old dino still felt very self-conscious as he waited on a traffic light and crossed an intersection in sight of traffic on my way to several parking lots beneath a long overpass of Interstate I-20/59.
      I was glad to get what Killary would call an assault rifle locked in my car trunk.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
        Isn't Assault Rifle a PC Hollywood term? In my day the term would have brought a laugh and a round of sexually oriented jokes and bragging rights stories. To an Infantry Soldier it was a rifle. That's it. Using the term gun was even worse. Punishment was running around in circles weapon held overhead at full arm length chanting....

        This is my rifle
        This is my gun
        this one's for fighting
        This one's for fun
        The descriptive part i left out had to do with what was dangling as one ran their punishment laps. I am so glad I was soldiering back in the real days when by the one it took more than one day singular to claim any sort of bragging rights. Months or years was more like it.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years ago
          I first heard that "poem" just after I was drafted into the Marines back in '69. The Marines did not like a rifle called a gun. Period.
          Any recruit who called a rifle a gun would either have to do pushups or stand at attention, rifle held at point arms.
          When he said "rifle" or" fighting" he would give his rifle a shake--when he said "gun" and "fun," he would point downstairs.
          The only time I ever saw a whole marching company led by a drill instructor groping themselves was in the "Full Metal Jacket" movie.
          Keep in mind that I only saw what little bit I saw. Parris Island and Camp Pendelton are big places with lots of squad bays.
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      • Posted by jimjamesjames 8 years ago
        Things have changed. I went to Australia in 1968, traded a Winchester 94 for an old (in great condition) Winchester 1892, .44-40. Buddy and I left Sydney on the train to Townsville (1000 miles). No case for the gun, just carried it like John Wayne. Never a word said by anyone, never hassled by cops, never occurred to me that I was doing anything out of the ordinary.
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  • Posted by nsnelson 8 years ago
    I open carry on occasion, but at the very least I conceal carry everywhere that is legal. I do see value in open carrying.

    The video brings out the two major problems with OC. One is that a criminal may take it from you. Well, technically, this is also possible with concealed carry (e.g., if they are mugging you, and check your pockets, etc.). But the best solution is to just make sure you are situationally aware. All the time.

    The other problem is that if I OC it makes me a target. Well first of all, that is a good thing for you! If I am the first target, then that means you are not the first target. So why is this guy complaining?

    But also, guess what: that same line of reasoning applies to professional law enforcement. It makes them a target? And yet the vast majority of law enforcement professionals prefer open carry. I suggest it is because its impact as a deterrent far out ways the risk of making you a target. Open carry is an effective deterrent and will stop (or at least postpone) most crimes before they begin. At the very least, this is a tactical decision that should be left to the individual.

    OC is more convenient. Not as much issue with tucking, untucking, adjusting, etc. It is nicer in hot weather. It lends itself to quicker draws.

    In some states, OC is the norm. In some states, OC has been legal since the beginning, and recent pushes to allow concealed carry have been met with opposition. "Concealed carry? That is sneaky. What have you got to hide? If you want concealed carry, you must be up to no good." Of course this is silly. It is true that most criminals prefer concealed carry, because they don't want to draw attention to themselves. But the fact is simply that people are used to what they know, and education is critical.

    The benefit of concealed carry is that it is out-of-sight-out-of-mind. Having a thin piece of cloth over your gun makes you less offensive to liberals. And it doesn't make you a target. But it does make you a more likely victim. Most criminals prefer unarmed victims, or at least people that appear to be unarmed victims. Look like a victim, become a victim.

    I conceal carry most of the time in order to stay legal and to not offend some of my friends (and for convenience, to avoid having to switch back and forth between open and concealed). But I do see a lot of value to OC, and wish more people would do it.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      When I'm like walking out of a Walmart alone or by myself elsewhere, I keep track of everyone around me.
      But then I've had a lot of practice being a speck of blue in a prison yard or a day room where all the convicted felons wear white in Alabama.
      Being retired from that is so nice now.
      I'm even done with my semi-retirement security guard work.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
    A mix of the two in any area gives pause. The would be attacker sees open carry on some and has to wonder about the rest of the shoppers. Same thing as marked police cars demonstrating presence and unmarked cars providing a back up deterrent. The first slows most traffic down by being seen.The second takes care of the non believers and both are connected by the fastest thing on the road. A radio. The unmarked cars are seen when the tickets are being issued or a field sobriety test conducted.

    John Q. Public can add. One marked one unmarked means my chances of much greater than five over working are nil.

    Just an add on. If are stopped for speeding and were within five over ask to see the police cars calibration card. That's a written record of the start of shift, end of shift, and during operational use accuracy checks of the radar type units or speed guns. Without that your claim of being within the limit is as valid as the speed guns claim you were speeding. Depends on the location. Some areas treat the whole thing as administrative which means a non defensible situation without courts and regular protections. No fault is another bad deal unless you were true guilty party. I often wonder if the insurance companies kick back anything to the jurisdiction that issued a No fault ticket. Guaranteed your rates are going up for both involved parties. .
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