DOJ Is Considering Whether To "Lynch" Climate Change Deniers"

Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 2 months ago to News
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Attorney General Loretta Lynch told the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday there have been discussions within the DOJ about pursuing civil action against so-called climate change deniers.
She added (in my words) that such First Amendment free speech has been referred to the FBI to decide whether they should oppress it or not.
Senate Judiciary Committee member Senator Shelton Whitehouse (D-R.I.) compared the past health danger denials of the tobacco industry to statements made by climate change deniers.
Old Dino has a big fat personal problem with being called a "climate change denier." My view is that the climate has always been changing from way, way before the species of my moniker even walked the earth.
Bet the early humans appreciated global warming during all those ice ages. Wonder if any whack job witch doctors were encouraging the Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals to keep those fires a-blazing in order to warm the planet up.

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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years, 2 months ago
    Well said, allosaur. I think that I will be one of the first to be "lynched" because a couple of years ago on Earth Day when all of us in the country were to turn our lights out as a way to signal that we were all in unison to save the planet, I turned ON every light that I had in the house including the outside lights. I hoped that my house could be seen from outer space. I'm sure that the EPA and the FBI took notice.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      I think the EPA and the FBI may have been distracted.
      In my Alabama neighborhood no one dimmed anything that I could see.
      No one here cared about what we were "supposed" to do.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 2 months ago
    We don't deny the "Climate" is changing it is how or what direction it's changing and the mechanisms involved with those changes.

    WAIT...I can answer that: It's the SUN SILLY! and I wouldn't throw our your winter woolies if I were you.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 2 months ago
      It's the sun, it's the magnetosphere, it's volcanic activity , its the alignment of the gas giants and their affect on our magnetosphere . Your post 2 days ago
      Disclose TV interviews Davld DuByne Adapt 2030
      Mini ice age 2015-2035. Warns of climate change in the next year or so. He is claiming that soon we will have rapid cooling and he makes a very reasonable factual interpretation of past data.
      The data (weather history) he examines corresponds with Sun activity and the gas giant lining up and sandwiching the Earth as the planets orbit the Sun.
      I am glad that he was freely able to speak his conclusions and back up his prognosis.
      Why ?
      So I can learn from his data. Indeed take in his idea and contemplate, and compare it with other information. So I reason . I come to a reasonable conclusion how it will effect me and my family and what do I want to do about it.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
        Should we have that mini ice age, count on the libs to call it man-made.
        "Global warming" was changed to "climate change" to spin the blame game for any conceivable outcome.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 2 months ago
          How could we expect anything else ? When "they" control the media , the universities who then control the (money) sciences and add celebrity endorsements. The average citizen who is on the rat wheel and now bullied to conform to the deceit buys into it all hook line and sinker. No time or desire to reason or unable to. Likely both in my experience with contemporaries.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
            +1. Ain't that a sorry shame for the late great USA?
            By the way, old dino is a quarter Irish born on St. Patrick's Day this week to hit #69.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 2 months ago
              Happy Birthday allysaur . Tomorrow I pick up my daughter and my grand daughter at the airport for her 1st birthday Saturday. My moms bday was yesterday and my son is Sunday (spring equinox) I was hoping he would be a St Patrick's day baby and we gave him Erin for his middle name in consolation .It became a popular girls name sometime after but he is proud of his Irish heritage
              And he forgives us.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 2 months ago
    allosaur said: "Do not blaspheme against the pseudo-science religion of the collective."

    The reason for this article is that the AGW people are scared. A decade ago, hardly anyone dared to murmur that they were wrong; now entire countries are openly dissing them. It is hard to overestimate the power that would be given to 'those who control carbon'. The fact that the liberals almost had that and can feel it "...slip through their fingers..." (Leia) is tormenting them.

    An increasing number of prominent scientists and former-Greens are coming out against AGW. It is an increasingly uphill battle for the Greens to try to defame each one of them in turn. General polls of both the importance of AGW and the validity of AGW have been sliding downhill rapidly.

    It is good that Lynch is doing this. If she gets FBI 'approval' and tries to go ahead, a lot of organizations will jump up to contest this on constitutional grounds.

    They are running scared.

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  • Posted by roneida 8 years, 2 months ago
    As Orwell stated in "1984", Truth is lies and lies are truth". New world philosophy where disagreeing with the government is a crime... thought police should be outlawed....Vote as though your life depended on it because it soon will.
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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 8 years, 2 months ago
    To the best of my knowledge no legal action was taken against people that argued the case against tobacco was overblown.

    The case of AGW is much much more ambiguous. There is no grounds whatsoever to silence those that disagree in various ways with the case as it is usually trumpeted. There are ample reasons for doubting especially the cries that the sky is falling or the claims that only by taxing the heck out of all carbon emissions can we deal well with whatever real harm is actually present or likely.

    What we should lynch people for, especially those in Justice, is trying to silence dissenting speech.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Saying let's lynch Lynch for ditching the First Amendment would be construed as racist hate speech.
      It is the same as me saying that the Liar-In-Chief is a socialist without a moral compass and guilty of treason.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years, 2 months ago
    i will be one of the ones they send the black helicopters to collect. A couple years ago on Earth Day, I wrote a letter to the editor wishing everyone a happy Earth Day, stating it just happened to be Lenin's birthday. I then asked if they thought it coincidence, especially since Gorbachev came over and got the green agenda in US government school0, while still holding his communist party card. I try to blog the truth online each year as well. Funny Justice Lynch does not mind that Move On. org hired people to cause unrest at the Trump rally, much as Obama's ACORN did at bank and corporate stockholder meetings. Dangerous is only what does not promote the liberal takeover agenda. At least Rubio did say that there is "climate change," because climate change has always happened.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 2 months ago
    Shades of Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition. All those that defy sacred truths are declared anathema and excommunicate. AGW aka "Climate Change" is ten percent science and ninety percent politics. There is enough sloppiness in climate change science that an objective criticism is not only warranted it is the duty of honest scientists to question both the methodology and the conclusions. In another thread I pointed out the fallacy of using static rather than dynamic models in complex problems. For the politician AGW is not a problem it is an opportunity to wield power under the color of a scientific "consensus" even if such a consensus is fabricated. The end justifies the means.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      I noticed that the libtard religion of Global Warming was relabeled as Climate Change when the weather warming aspect of this control freak conspiracy no longer looked so hot.
      Of course, there has always been climate change. Therefore, whatever the weather does is man-made and money needs to be thrown at it while coal miners lose jobs. .
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  • Posted by maxgeoac 8 years, 2 months ago
    Why is it that I feel like I am starting to live in the Dark Ages?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Because we have been Progressively entering as new dark one since early in the last century.
      (That's my reply after off and on mulling over your question for about an hour).
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      • Posted by maxgeoac 8 years, 2 months ago
        I can see your point.
        Living in an age of scientific learning and innovation, this one question of "Human Involvement in Climate Change" seems to perplex me. I know I'm a geologist, and have a better than average understanding of earth processes, but the stuff that comes out of these people's mouths make me aggravated. In the most part due to the fact that If I try to set the record straight, they will denounce me and it has nearly come to violence on their end a few times. Are these "Climate" questions such a hard thing for people to learn and understand, or it more that these changes occur so slowly (that one or two lifespans is still not long enough) that people cannot conceive of them?
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 2 months ago
    I would so much like to say that there is no such thing as Climate Change/Global Warming to her face. That the whole gov't is dillusional. Just maybe there are cycles the Earth goes thru in decades, centuries, and thousand of years which we have very little understanding.
    Obama is trying to save us from the Earth itself.
    One of the members of the Gulch did a fantastic Proof that man is not really responsible for climatic effects. That should be emailed to Lynch.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 2 months ago
    I never agreed with the lawsuit against tobacco either. I was born in '75, and I've known all my life that the scientific evidence pointed to smoking being a health risk. I've also known all my adult life that burning fossil fuels is bad for the environment, at least according to current understanding. So I don't think the industry is really fooling anyone if they say smoking is healthful or CO2 does not contribute to global warming. It would be false advertising if they marketed an energy source as being carbon neutral and it really wasn't or if they made a cigarette they claimed were formulated to be more healthful but it wasn't. I don't think it's false advertising to say "modern science is wrong. Smoking is good for you. Burning fuel doesn't cause global warming" They're selling the stuff. Caveat emptor.
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    • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 2 months ago
      But, how did you know all your adult life that burning fossil fuels was "bad for the environment"? I would like to hear a clear definition of what "the environment" actually is.

      Who defined the "current understanding"?

      And do you also know that there has been no global warming for the almost the last 20 years?

      And how does the analogy of the tobacco issue even compare to the burning of fossil fuels? The parameters (i.e. premises) are so different that the attempt at equating the two falls flat on its face.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 2 months ago
        "And how does the analogy of the tobacco issue even compare to the burning of fossil fuels?"
        I'm just repeating the analog Sen Whitehouse was quoted using in the article. It has similarities in that modern science shows a product has hidden costs, and the people selling deny it. It's different, though, because apart from second-hand smoke, most of the costs of smoking are borne by the product users.

        " how did you know all your adult life that burning fossil fuels was "bad for the environment"?"
        I'm 40, so the science has been pointing that way most of my life, and the evidence became overwhelming in my adult life. My point is people know what the mainstream scientific opinion is. It's different from someone selling homeopathy. In both cases we wish it were true, but I think many people don't know the scientific opinion on homeopathy, so making health claims about it really could be fraud. If start suing people for saying things that are scientifically incorrect, there would be a lot of law suits.
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        • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 2 months ago
          Ah, so you don't remember the hysteria in the 70's that we were heading for an ice age.

          But think about the phrase "mainstream scientific opinion". Who determines what is mainstream? There are claims that 97% of scientists are on board with the AGW theorem and then you find well, 30,000 scientists signed a petition of non support for the AGW theorem.

          Regarding the analogy between AGW and tobacco, the only similarity is that ginned up science was used to promote a position. The tobacco comapnies tried to hide the health hazards of smoking tobacco and the AGW cronies pushing for global controls are hiding the fact that satellite data - which covers far more of the atmospheric volume then isolated temperature stations positioned in areas of urban heat - shows no global warming for the last 20 years. Half of your lifetime.

          But, you're right there would be a lot of lawsuits. But that would be one thing if it were just individuals suing each other. The point of this post was the fact that government is considering going after those that don't toe the politically correct party line agenda. That is dangerous.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      If you don't have a problem with my freedom of speech, I do not have a problem with you.
      I may argue with you. I may get mad at you. I might even make fun of you.
      What I will never do is try to shut you up.
      I will even fight for your right to say anything you want.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 2 months ago
        "What I will never do is try to shut you up."
        I agree. This is a bad thing about UK libel laws. People can sue people, even foreigners to the UK, for libel, and the burden is on the person speaking to prove he thought it was true. I'd rather err on the side of not suing people.

        The issue in this article is when it becomes fraud. My thought is it's not fraud if you say there's a conspiracy and [insert undesirable scientific theory] is wrong. It is fraud if you lie about your product.

        This means someone in the 80s rejecting the mainstream opinion about fats being unhealthful would have been right. If they sold food with high fat and said they rejected the scientific opinion that all fat is bad for you, they would have been right. If they had sold food with higher fat and called it "low fat", that would be fraud.
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