Oregon isn't over

Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago to News
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This is a game-changer - if in fact these allegations are true. If the protesters managed to find incriminating evidence on the wildlife refuge and send this to outside legal counsel, you can bet it will be brought up in the Bundy trials.
SOURCE URL: http://freedomoutpost.com/2016/02/lavoy-finicum-murder-witness-interview-fbi-confiscated-my-video-showing-agents-opening-fire-on-vehicle-occupants-before-finicum-was-shot-video/

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  • Posted by oregonflyer 8 years, 3 months ago
    Most people that don't live in the western states have no clue of what is happening in the western part of the country. Ranchers and farmers being run off their land, or put out of business by the BLM using administrative rules to restrict activities. Forests being closed down and access roads blocked. Dams being torn out of rivers, some of them with powerhouses, others for flood control and irrigation are removed as environmentalists try to "re-wild" the west in accordance with Agenda 21 goals. Oregon is actually proud of these policies and calls them "The Roadmap to 2020" The Hammond Ranch thing has gone on for a decade or so, and ended with the Hammonds being charged with terroristic arson under the new Anti Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty act for a couple of land burns (one approved by the BLM, one that was a backfire to save forage from a wildfire) that totaled 144 acres and actually improved the land according to the BLM. Everyone makes a big deal of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge as some historical site. The Malheur Wildlife Refuge wouldn't exist if the Hammond's and other ranchers hadn't built it and provided the irrigation to bring the wildlife back to the high desert area. The Hammond ranch is 10,000 owned acres with another 20,000 to 30,000 leased acres. This whole thing, I think,is about the BLM doing a natural resources survey and finding a significant amount of natural gas, oil, metals, and uranium in eastern Oregon. (Links provided) The government has been systematically removing any private use of the leased lands, have put about 1000 ranchers and farmers out of business and even had a clause in the settlement agreement with Dwight Hammond that if he defaulted on the $400,000 fine imposed, the BLM would retain the "right of first refusal" to any potential buyer. Also, something curious happened in Burns with PCM's (private military contractors) and 'crisis actors' showing up from the CIA or FBI. The PCM's were, according to a local judge, from the IMF and the UN. This was going to come to a bloody end and somebody had to die. It was the 3rd time that landowners stood up to the federal government and in the Hammond situation, the truth was beginning to come out what the land fight was really about. First was the Bundy's in Arizona, then the Sugar Pine Mine in Southern Oregon where the Oath Keepers held off the BLM from removing miners from a productive claim, and then the Hammond protest. The Federal Government can't have landowners protesting the BLM's abuses of private land owners. Here's the links and most aren't from "tin foil hat" websites: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/... http://www.captainsjournal.com/2016/0... http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-nor... https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/20... http://www.newswithviews.com/JohnMars... http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa... This one isn't specific to Oregon, but interesting http://reagangirl.com/federal-agencie...
    That will give you access to a lot of other video.
    Now, the environmentalists are all happy that the BLM cleared these 'terrorists' off the public's land. The irony is going to come when they realize it's not the publics' land, it now is going to be leased/ owned by the Russian State Nuclear Energy Corp. (ROSATOM) aka: Uranium One in the future. It was when I learned the PMC's were from the IMF and UN that I put it together. They were protecting their assets.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 3 months ago
    Twenty years ago, I would never have believed this tale. Now, unfortunately, based on past events, I must give it credence or be a fool. Yes, the times they are a-changin'. Clearly, not for the better.
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 3 months ago
    Of course it is true.
    I wonder what steps the government will take against us if a significant number at some point stand up to them locked and loaded.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 8 years, 3 months ago
      They will have no choice but to respond with max force to maintain power and control over the lesser beings, us.
      We may find out in the very near future, as I don't see O giving up the office easily.
      Probably, just me.
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  • Posted by $ splumb 8 years, 3 months ago
    Further proof that we no longer live in a constitutional republic.
    Unfortunately, I doubt this will change anything. They got away with Ruby Ridge and Waco, and they'll get away with this.
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