Is Obama more like Ellsworth Toohey or Mr. Thompson?

Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 2 months ago to Philosophy
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In some respects, I see Obama as both of these characters.

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  • Posted by jsw225 10 years, 2 months ago
    Obama is not Ellsworth Toohey. Toohey, in the Fountainhead, is brilliant and devious. Toohey understands all that happens in the world, and yet acts on his corrupted sense of morality. Obama, on the other hand, is a dullard. He is bumbling his way from one scandal to the next.

    If you want a more real-world shoe-in for Toohey, you'd be better off looking at the murderer and communist Bill Ayers. For proof, just take a look at how he made a dumb young follower with a bad drug habit, no personal identity, and a hatred for any and all male / father figures into a polished respectable looking black man who has reached the top yet hasn't actually accomplished anything in the world inside the government, and outside of the government.
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    • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 2 months ago
      Excellent observations. You have the intellectual lightweight pegged. He has several handlers - Ayers, Soros, daily Valerie Jarrett (former Chicago slum lord), and of course the indulgent CFR, who hand picked him. I question the "had" about the drug habit - why was that enclosure built by the back White House door? Obama is being used like Michael Jackson, by people with their own agenda, and he is just happy talking at people or being the rock star to his followers.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 2 months ago
      I certainly agree with your comments regarding Toohey. Obama looks like a bumbler (as did GW Bush), but he has comprehensively accomplished the fundamental transformation of America that he promised five days before the 2008 election. Ayers is unquestionably brilliant and devious. You may recall a book about GW Bush named "Misunderestimated". I think that many have done the same with Obama.
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  • Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 2 months ago
    Toohey, because he is always working an angle. Thompson was more of a spokesman. Obama is more of a behind the scenes mover. He certainly has a public side that is like Thompson, but he's very vindictive and manipulative like Toohey.
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    • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 2 months ago
      Personally, I think Obama has gone mental and his aides are running the show from behind the scenes and just throwing him in front of the camera for appearance sake.

      President Wilson’s wife got a way with hiding his ailing psychical state for quite while.
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  • Posted by KevinSmith1281 10 years, 2 months ago
    Toohey. Unlike Mr. Thompson, Obama does manage to be noticed, most of the time because he interjects himself into things that don't involve him. (If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin) I could see Toohey, having organized coalition of science "experts", running around claiming "99% of scientists agree..." while leaving out the part that they are all loyal to him.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 2 months ago
      I do agree with you. The obvious counterpoint is that Ellsworth Toohey never achieves the power that Mr. Thompson (and Obama) does.

      Which one (Toohey or Thompson or Obama) is the real puppetmaster or just a puppet? Some would argue that Obama is a puppet of George Soros, although at this point, Obama may be more powerful than Soros.
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  • Posted by amhunt 10 years, 2 months ago
    "Mr. Thompson" is a physical bully.
    "Ellsworth Toohey" is an intellectual bully.
    So I conclude that Obama is pretty much a "Mr. Thompson".
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 2 months ago
    Obama is more Mr. Thompson than Ellsworth M. Toohey. At least the latter had a complete manifesto and stuck to it. Rumors have Obama dreaming his way in front of a large-screen TV half the time.
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  • Posted by truthseekr1 10 years, 2 months ago
    Also remember that Obama couldn't do what he does without the complacency and conspiracy of the major news media. The same media that for 8 years did everything they could to crucify the Bush Administration (which they deserved for the most part). If the media were as gung ho on Obama as they were for GW Bush, Obama wouldn't be getting very far at all in his evil agenda. And without people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the others, (who are represented in Atlas Shrugged as people like Wesley Mooch and Mr. Thompson). Remember, no dictator does the dirty work by himself- they always need the assistance of those around them. I.E. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Dung never really pulled the triggers themselves - they get their armies to do that. This has gone on throughout history and it hasn't changed. The Play remains the same, only the cast of characters change.
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  • Posted by truthseekr1 10 years, 2 months ago
    Obama is very much like Toohey. Look at the similarities. Toohey is an organizer. In the Fountainhead, Toohey organizes all the unions: writers, musicians, art, etc. He brings the people together but is not part of any of them. He stands in the back of the room and lets the people do the work of building the group. Obama never really does anything. He gets all his cronies to do his work: Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc. Toohey is what Ayn Rand wanted us to realize as the Intelligentia. He has all this great knowledge, but uses it for an agenda of power. And we finally find out the truth of Toohey in his speech to Peter Keating (at the end of the book) that this 'Friend & Lover of Humanity" is actually a closet dictator who wants to control the world (with a few others along side him). Look at how Toohey speaks of "the Collective Neck" that needs to be chopped off with one swing of the axe. "Just lie out a certain fertilizer", "we serve you poison as a main course, and poison as an anecdote", "observe the pincer movement - we have you coming and going". Look at how many Executive Orders Obama has signed and forced upon the people. In his first term, he signed over 900! Tell me he isn't a dictator. Obama is getting away with things that even George W. Bush could only wish for. Don't be fooled by Obama's obvious tomfoolery. Remember, A. Rand warned us about Obama and the whole evil of government in her books. Obama is just a symptom of the cause. Everyone wants to focus on Howard Roark, but the real emphasis has to be on the evilness of Ellsworth M. Toohey.
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  • Posted by $ 10 years, 2 months ago
    In summary, more people liken Obama to Toohey than to Thompson, but both attracted quite a few votes. There was considerable agreement for comparisons between Saul Alinsky and Wesley Mouch, as well as Bill Ayers and Toohey. Very interesting discussion today.
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