Just when you think it can't get more stupid: “Hillary wonders: Why is a State Department employee using personal e-mail?”

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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An email using hillary's private non secured email server has this gem ....

Why is a State Department Employee using private email for official business.

THIS is NOT evidence of presidential material.
SOURCE URL: http://hotair.com/archives/2016/01/08/hillary-wonders-why-is-a-state-department-employee-using-personal-e-mail/

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago
    The Clintons depend on the utter stupidity of the American voter. The whole defense of Bill's sexual predation was literally what rapists have tried, ineffectually, in courtrooms, which is that women really want his attention. Hillary's defense of her blatant disregard for protecting classified material is that none of the emails in question had classified markings, so they couldn't be classified. While that may seem laughable to those of us who have experience dealing with classified information, to a general public unschooled in such things, it sounds logical.

    Even if the FBI is successful at building a solid case for criminal disregard for protection of national secrets, it's doubtful the AG, Loretta Lynch, will issue an indictment against Hillary. The backstory will undoubtedly leak, but it will be easily played as just another "right wing conspiracy."

    The real backfire on the Clintons is building, and it revolves around Bill's "bimbo eruptions," and Hillary's role in the brutal suppression of those women's testimony. What some of the media pundits don't yet get is that the younger voters didn't live through the sex scandals of Bill Clinton that happened over 20 years ago, and they've been much more sensitized to women's rights and sexual abuse. As the old information is rehashed and disclosed, that will have a bigger impact with younger voters than the confusing email fiasco.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
    It may be that Mrs. Clinton is delusional when it suits her. I'm no shrink, but I have know people who perform reprehensible acts and then proclaim in all sincerity that they never did it, or were unaware of it, or someone else did it. Even though the evidence is irrefutable they will distance themselves from it so convincingly that followers who wish it were true, will choose to believe the blatant lie. Bill is even better at it. I bet they'd both pass lie detector tests.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 8 years, 4 months ago
    When I saw this post, my first thought is that it was something from The Onion.

    The fact it's actually true just reinforces your point; definitely not evidence of presidential material.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 4 months ago
      Oh yes, I posted a similar article showing the FBI and CIA are going to get very, very upset if she is not indicted and tried. They say it will make prosecuting any future classified information violations almost impossible because the bimbo sets precedence with her little mess. They are indicating if she is not indicted it will be pure politics (duh).
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
    This topic brings up a second and serious issue which is the cavalier disregard for something called the oath of office. All government employees have to take the oath in one form or another and all have something in common. Support, defend, honor, etc the Constitution.

    How many have the balls to say I cannot do that Madam Secretary it violated my oath of office and leave me knowingly committing a crime. If you do it it leaves me in the same hard spot. If you handed me a piece of paper I had never seen before I could honestly state to it's condition at the time.

    Most would rather break the law than uphold if there jobs are threatened not to mention future promotions. So let's put young office wonk in front of a Judge and Jury.

    "Did there ever come a time when you were asked to alter a classified document?"


    "And did you?"

    "Yes but I was following orders."

    That's called a Nuremberg Defense and it is not a defense but an open admission of guilt and acknowledgement of having committed a criminal act - with a plea for clemency usually attached.

    Hillary has no such defense not even the Nuremberg version. UNLESS she was given a a similar order and that would mean Obama. As the Senior Officer in the State Department She answered only to the President.

    But no Judge has asked the aide or Hillary that question. The FBI may have asked and asked others.

    The original Nuremberg Defense went something like this. ' I vast chust following orders Mein Herr. I had no choice.' People who tried that defense ended up on a gallows for war crimes.the were called National Socialists.

    A fair connection.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
    Or in another released HillaryMail she orders a state department employee to erase all the classifiction markings and use private email.

    Some how the excuse of following policy and regulations is so fricking bogus from the individual who sets policy and regulations.

    What does she say to that employee. Upside is YOU may get away with it. Downside is YOU get caught.
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