The Non-Art of Objectivism

Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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    Posted by $ Starwagen 8 years, 6 months ago
    Thanks Mike, I was not aware of that presentation by Rand. And I think we have all encountered both types, Rand as Religion and Rand as Teacher.
    An anecdote here. About 1966 I was attending one of several taped lectures series from the Nathanial Brandon Institute. A stringer/reporter showed up to talk to those attending, working on an article that appeared (IIRC) in Saturday Evening Post. With the title (again IIRC) "The Angry Cult of Ayn Rand". Eventually she asked me what I thought about Ayn Rand. My response: "I find her a brilliant woman. She has come to many of the same conclusions that I have". That summed up the essence of Rand's philosophy, think for yourself! BTW, this went right over the reporters head, she didn't get it at all. But most of those around us broke into big smiles, they understood exactly what I had said.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 6 months ago
      That is what I thought when I first read AS. “Wow. Look at how beautifully she is expressing the things that I have thought.” I had believed that I (and my father) were the only ones who thought that way until I read some of her works.

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      • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 6 months ago
        That was my response as well. I thought, "where have you been all my life?" I had been struggling with those concepts, and she had them so well prepared that I was able to see how much she had accomplished by the amount of trouble I'd gone through just getting to that point. That's why I love Ayn Rand.
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years, 6 months ago
      Starwagen: "A stringer/reporter showed up to talk to those attending, working on an article that appeared (IIRC) in Saturday Evening Post. With the title (again IIRC) 'The Angry Cult of Ayn Rand'."

      "The Cult of Angry Ayn Rand: Followers of The Fountainhead Philosophy of Selfishness are Out to Lead Us Back to a 19th Century Paradise", by Dora Jane Hamblin, LIFE Magazine, April 7, 1967. Hamblin understood more than what she led you to believe. She knew what she wanted to kill. It was a planned hit piece for which she "found" what she wanted to find.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      Thanks, Starwagen. There's a couple of things going on here. I also took the taped lectures in 1966. In addition, as a high school senior, I was looking at colleges; and wherever I went, there was an "Ayn Rand Study Group" or - her own suggestion - "Students of Objectivism." You can appreciate the fact that she did not want her philosophy or her name misrepresented by college students on the path to (but not in possession of) knowledge. I must point to both Existentialism and Hegel as examples of philosophies that went out of control. Sartre resisted the Nazis, but Heidegger embraced them. Which was the true Existentialist? (Yeah, I know: both... But just from within the context of that school itself... Heidegger took it places that Sartre did not intend.) So, too, with Hegel: fierce advocate for the Prussian state as the highest expression of the Idea. Then came the "Young Hegelians" among them Karl Marx, who declared all nation states obsolete.

      So, you can see why Rand was wary.

      And rightfully so, as she insisted in her condemnation of the "Libertarian" Party, which stood for your right to use heroin and work as a prostitute. Indeed, you have those political rights. But Objectivism teaches something far different.
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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 6 months ago
    Great article. I think many people, including writers and other artists, are so influenced by Rand when they first read her that either consciously or subconsciously they try to imitate her. I know I did, back in my undergraduate days. It took a while to start writing in my own voice, including my own humor and irony, and I didn't achieve complete freedom until I started writing the financial, economic, and political pieces for the financial firm in which I was a partner. Those pieces were the forerunners of Straight Line Logic. In fiction, I didn't hit my stride until The Golden Pinnacle, my second novel. I will shamelessly borrow themes and philosophy from the Ayn Rand corpus. She was right about many things so why not use them in my writing? However, I am more interested in telling a story with strong themes, characters, plots and subplots, done in my own style, than I am in establishing "ultimate truth" down to first premises, which was her goal in Atlas Shrugged. I see no need to reinvent the philosophical wheel. I think some of my positions on current issues might not be hers, but I am comfortable with my own logical analysis while remaining open to further data and refutation. So while I acknowledge a huge debt to Ayn Rand, I have no desire to be an Ayn Rand clone. I've read enough from Ayn Rand wannabees to know it can't be done. From the article it is clear that Rand agrees.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      I agree with your main point. It is important to understand that you matured. It is that simple. You began with a healthy, rational-empirical psycho-epistemology, and from there grew into the person you were meant to be. As for borrowing from the Rand corpus in your work, I would see that as no different from a science fiction writer incorporating actual physics discovered by (unnamed) others -- after all, it's a story, not an essay. You do not need to footnote Von Mises (and others) for the economics in your books. So, too, is the technical philosophy simply a matter of fact. What you do with it is your business.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 6 months ago
    "Ayn Rand further emphasized the importance of independent judgement of all individuals--"
    Yes! Yes! Yes!
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years, 6 months ago
      She advocated intellectual independence as one virtue among many other basic virtues in her ethics: rationality as the primary virtue (including the "rejection of any form of mysticism"), and as derivatives: integrity, independence, honesty, justice, productiveness and pride. Her philosophy has a content, with positions explained and demonstrated on all the major questions in all the major branches of philosophy. She did not equate independence with 'go out and think whatever you want because it's you who is doing it'. She was not a subjectivist.
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  • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 6 months ago
    Rand was all about the individual. And I can safely say that no two individuals will think alike on all issues. It is ok to disagree with Rand on certain topics without misunderstanding the difference between individualism and collectivism.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      I believe that individualism is a physical fact. In your body no two hemoglobin molecules are identical. They are large and each atom can have chemically equivalent isotopes. (Not my idea, but that of Roald Hoffman, Nobel laureate chemist, author of The Same and Not the Same.) Be that as it may, it is nonetheless important to be clear on the difference between "I want" and "It is" -- between rational self-interest and counterfeit individualism.

      I also like to examine those challenges that you call "certain topics." Ayn Rand could be - no other word for it - idiosyncratic. She was happy being Ayn Rand, but not everyone can (or should) be someone else. I am not able to agree with all of her political opinions - but those are the minor ones, like whether women should wear midi-skirts or be President.
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      • Posted by ewv 8 years, 6 months ago
        Those were not political opinions. In particular she argued that she did not think wanting to be president is consistent with the feminine psychology, but recognized that some women had become strong leaders of nations and that there is no reason why a woman could not do a better job than the current string of men as presidents.
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      • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 6 months ago
        Hoffman's idea is self-evident.
        Because of DNA coding and evolution the chances of 2 individuals with the same DNA are astronomical. Interestingly, even identical twins are never exactly alike. They have yet to explain that phenomenon.

        2. As far as my use of "certain topics" I leave that to the individual to discern for himself.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
          Astronomical is a the word of a mystic. Whatever the number it is astronomical relative to what? The reason identical teams are never exactly alike is because they are not identical. A lot of close calls but no evidence of identical yet exists. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. The amount of 'almost had it by current definitions is far too many to be a phenomena.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
    A great post. Thanks, Mike. Many years ago, when Branden was still her #1 boy we formed a group we called The Ayn Rand Society. When she got wind of it, we were told in no uncertain terms to not use her name or the word Objectivism. What a blow! She slapped our hands. We were crushed. At least some of us were. They were the same type of persons as pointed out in the posting. The rest of us went on our merry way, learning and discussing. In my case, life got too busy and hectic to have any time to participate, and then I moved 3,000 miles away. There are certain basic premises and "rules" if you will, in Objectivism. They are to be used as standards by which you can judge actions, proposals and whether something is true or not. The difference is that unlike religion, if you fail to obey the tenets, you will not suffer hell, or retribution, except what you cause to happen to yourself.
    The thing that's so neat (Ancient word) about the Rand diatribe is that most of us know some "Randoids" and it is clear that they have diverted themselves onto a dead end path. You (or I) might want to get them back if they are not concretized, and point out their problem to them. However, if you use this as a weapon against them without being on solid ground, you become them.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      Right. See my post to Starwagen above (https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post.... As I recall, she allowed "Ayn Rand Study Group" and "Students of Objectivism" but your point is still valid. You can appreciate that Rand did not want neophytes and acolytes speaking as authorities on Objectivism.

      Look at the problems here. Someone watched Atlas Shrugged in a theater and likes it because it expresses what they always believed. But aesthetic reflection is not philosophical agreement. The line of (ahem) logic goes like this:
      I liked Atlas Shrugged.
      I believe X.
      Therefore X is supported by Objectivism.

      Then they claim things that Ayn Rand never did. (What she would say now is arguable, perhaps.)
      One clue is the focus on politics and the ignoring of of metaphysics and epistemology.

      I am not sure about the physical reality of "randroids" today. It had some meaning in the 1970s. I am not sure about today. Even Leonard Peikoff has found his own voice. I recommend highly Understanding Objectivism by Peikoff and Berliner.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
        Ditto on that if only as a way of understanding history. The why of it.

        My first question on that was to my own natural father a World War II veteran. "If it was worth fighting for why did all of you return and vote it into being here in our own country?" Took him s number of years to formulate an answer and articulate it because he had to admit for the first time he was wrong about something. "Because it came so slow just one little thing at a time that we never really saw it coming it until it was too late. Because we kept saying, 'That will ever happened here'."
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
          Well, yes, I understand, and I mean no disrespect to your father (or mine), but It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis was published in 1935. And the so-called "Mercury Dime" with a Fasces on the reverse was issued in 1917 and through World War II. It was just a struggle for territory among fascist powers, Germany, Japan, Russia (briefly), Italy (a little less briefly), versus the USA, the UK, and France (half of it) with allies all up and down the coasts including Argentina, Uruguay (gave harbor to the Bismarck), and Paraguay (where Friedrich Nietzsche's sister built an Aryan gulch, hence the Boys from Brazil).

          My point is that the facts were there. I stand by my mother's family. Staunch Republicans, they were opposed to US entry in World War Two. One time, when my mother told me about the concentration camps for Japanese, I asked, "Why didn't they put us in concentration camps?" and she replied: "Because they needed our labor for their steel mills." Republican.... back then...
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
            My parents were staunch only at one thing and that was showing one face to the community while living another.

            I refer to the XXth century as the Century of the Great Socialist Wars when reason is too often shoved aside to feed the emotions of the moment. I found my perspective was wholly reinforced after 24 years infantry.

            Another reference that predates Rand and AS is Caldwell and Devil's Advocate. But unless you are lucky it's a $40 some odd dollar expenditure to get a paperback copy. these days. 1952 a decade ahead of AS.

            Near as I can tell they never knew each other but may have known of each other.
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  • Posted by broskjold22 8 years, 6 months ago
    Definitely. There's a difference between understanding someone's point of view and rejecting it on Objective principles and discarding a rational thought that clashes with your point of view out-of-hand. On the other hand, I still reject most of what those darn conservative sympathizers say ;)
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      nothing wrong with that ever since they took power. became socialist, and with that neo conservative as all get out... it's harder than woodpecker lips to get them out again. I liked it better when they were honest straight up liberals than snake in the grass progressives.

      Man's Got To Know His Definitions....Words have meanings.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      Well, the off-hand remark would be that those conservative sympathizers are easy to dismiss. However, the difficult proposition is culling out the irrational claims from the valid ones. Ayn Rand was not an active supporter of World War Two. She spoke well of labor unions. She was not gung ho for guns. The problems with conservatives and conservatism have been addressed elsewhere here in the Gulch.

      And, yet, who else speaks up at all for individual initiative, enterprise, and limited government, except the conservatives?

      The basic problem, of course, is that with those positives come a package deal to support any war at any time and the abrogation of certain rights if not the fundamental concept of rights. That is the fundamental problem: conservatives only want to hang on to the glorious past - granted that parts of it were glorious - rather than to define first principles and follow them where they lead.... wherever they lead...
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
        That's articulated well especially the second para. except where are those type of conservatives today? Certainly no longer the Republicans who have, in the main, become the right wing of the left and the left of the left is solidly against those three principles.

        So the problem is either returning to first principles as they were and seeing who fits or redefining first principles to fit those who abandoned the first version. On balance I would make the first choice. i did that rather easily one day by realizing the center was the Constitution and what should have been and not the center of the left which is a fair definition of the center de facto

        Rand spoke well of unions 'then' not unions as they are now as similarly to the Republicans just part of the left. So who speaks for them now and first principles abandoned by or never really believed in by the 'big two' and are they really 'two' or really 'one?'

        I've been a career soldier and a union member. In the former role we were treated as cannon fodder and the survivors abandoned in the latter as factory fodder and then likewise abandoned or worse for many ignored and not allowed in those particular temples of labor. Add to that another group that abandoned itself the baby factories but I see the military itself is changing that .(2016 all combat jobs open to women but the military is demanding full equal rights and responsibilities meaning women to sign on the dotted line for benefits when turning 18. Women should be glad for that full acceptance which means they are no longer considered mere baby factories even though it means when the time comes so might their number.)

        Side point. Gung Ho is more properly translated as 'moving forward together harmoniously.' It's very collective in that sense. I hold A thousand points of light and it takes a village in the same basket - collectively.

        The foregoing not as an argument but as statements that come to mind by your remarks.

        Who speaks for the forgotten might be another way of putting it. Another way when examining the current voting system is who speaks for the Constitution and the idea of voting freely and not having a vote once cast turned into something else?"

        And why are none of those except perhaps two, momentarily, represented amongst the candidates?

        More unanswered questions but your statement as to who speaks for the forgotten, those who no longer bother to tregister, to vote to participate? The 35% to 45%? No one.

        No one and most who might are too busy squabbling or living in the past unable to accept the reality of the present.

        Well that's my serious 'vent' for the day. I shall retreat to using my Fiorini/Jindal slate as a way of finding a way....since nothing else has been offered.


        So who speaks for them now?
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
    I was able to approach this in two different ways. The purchase was almost an after though as I have more than several volume on writing fiction and non-fiction but fiction is the main interest at present.

    Second is diving deep into the books of Rand and some of her associates with a view point of seven decades versus one or two.

    And recently the discussion on open and closed objectivism

    Having spent some time going over the site itself I know consider it daily reading material and one where I don't participate but take sustenance..

    Thanks for that....7
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      Yes, MA, myself, I was caught by Rand's insistence on writing from the subconscious. I would have throught that she advocated for frontal lobe reasoning in writing. But, actually, she believed that your subconscious is programmed by your conscious. So, when you write from the subconscious, you really are drawing on the full history of all of your evaluations.

      I agree also that our six or seven decades of experience give us a wisdom that we did not have all those decades before. Is the wisdom of age "better" than the passion of youth? Would you trade the one for the other, if it were either-or?

      That aside, I do agree that the wisdom gained from a lifetime of experience provides a standard against which to re-evaluate the choices of our youth. Largely, I find agreement.
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  • Posted by dwlievert 8 years, 6 months ago
    Mike: That post is an outstanding one and should serve as a reminder to all.

    Rand will some day be recognized as one of he greatest thinkers in history - with her words "immortalized."

    She was however, subject to the same aspects of human nature as he rest of us. Though she could conceptualize and convey said conceptions on an almost unprecedented intellectual level, she encountered the same obstacles that each of us do when at times she behaved in a manner inconsistently with her words.

    One example: A cardinal principle she advocated was to always strive to understand reality and act accordingly. Yet when engaging in "politics," she would invariably allow herself to become focused on metaphysics (God) instead of politics (individual rights). There are other examples as well.

    Regardless, she was truly an incredible writer, teacher, intellect, and, from my personal experience, INSPIRATIONAL!
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years, 6 months ago
      Ayn Rand did not confuse metaphysics with politics and did not focus on God anywhere, let alone in politics. She focused on reason and individualism throughout her lectures and writing; as a consequence she rejected appeals to the supernatural when it came up -- as it did from Buckleyite conservatives pushing religion as the alleged basis of capitalism and with the attention to religion in the news on papal encyclicals of the time.

      She was a philosopher, not a politician or political policy wonk, and deliberately did not restrict herself to political commentary as the a-philosophical libertarians did and still do. She wrote in the first issue of The Objectivist Newsletter in1962:

      "Objectivism is a philosophical movement; since politics is a branch of philosophy, Objectivism advocates certain political principles- specifically, those of laissez-faire capitalism - as the consequence and the ultimate practical application of its fundamental philosophical principles. It does not regard politics as a separate or primary goal, that is: as a goal that can be achieved without a wider ideological context."

      "Politics is based on three other philosophical disciplines: metaphysics, epistemology and ethics - on a theory of man's nature and of man's relationship to existence. It is only on such a base that one can formulate a consistent political theory and achieve it in practice. When, however, men attempt to rush into politics without such a base, the result is that embarrassing conglomeration of impotence, futility, inconsistency and superficiality which is loosely designated today as 'conservatism.' Objectivists are not 'conservatives.' We are radicals for capitalism; we are fighting for that philosophical base which capitalism did not have and without which it was doomed to perish."

      She quoted that again in 1971 and added:

      "I am not primarily an advocate of capitalism, but of egoism; and I am not primarily an advocate of egoism, but of reason. If one recognizes the supremacy of reason and applies it consistently, all the rest follows."

      Throughout her writing you find explanation based on relevant principles and concepts and the facts that give rise to them. Such a principled, philosophical approach is not a "focus on metaphysics (God)" (and "metaphysics" does not mean "God").

      As an advocate of reason she did not focus on religion at all (as some contemporary 'professional atheists' do today), she dismissed it as not worthy of further intellectual efforts as a philosophy -- other than in the context of posing a specific threat (such as some prominent politician promoting it to impose restrictions) and in a few key articles like those revealing the meaning and consequences of the papal encyclicals. Those articles explained the destructive meaning of religion for human life on earth, which she emphatically regarded as the good, with an emphasis in those articles in showing the contrast and the consequences of the religious advocacy for man's life in reality. That, too, was not an inappropriate "focus" on God . Libertarians and conservatives wishing for something else is not relevant.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      One day is here and has been for some time. As full time egoist only my opinion counts. I have been called stuck up and snobbish on account of that attitude but riposte..."those words are for ordinary people I am wither ego centric or a consummate egoist."


      "Thats what she said."
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  • Posted by dwlievert 8 years, 6 months ago
    EWV: Wonderfully stated and I concur in full! My point, summarily stated, is this: If you are choosing to engage in POLITICAL discourse, with the purpose of winning to your arguments, supporters who will help enact/elect laws/people that move the “ball” toward freedom, you must not allow yourself to become “unfocused” into getting into other, more fundamental issues. Issues that YOU know are PHILOSOPHICALLY rationally relevant, but that you also understand, within the context of philosophy as it exists at present, are POLITICAL losers.

    YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, and a key aspect of that is knowing your audience! Stop your POLITICAL arguments at the point of agreement and not wade into that with which you KNOW going in, you have “irresolvable” disagreements.

    Rand nudged the seemingly inert and “dead” philosophical ball with an irresistible force resulting in ever-increasing momentum that is ultimately unstoppable. She did so by ALWAYS integrating her ideas using reason, thereby MAKING them unstoppable. However, she did little to move the POLITICAL ball (except as it will inevitably move concurrent with the philosophical one). I am not faulting her just recognizing reality.

    Most on the conservative political Right, admittedly in an inconsistent fashion, endorse the idea of individual rights. While you and I both understand said rights emanate from facts – from reality, they believe they come from their creator – in most cases “God.”

    When I have chosen to engage one of these many, many people, I always direct the discussion in a manner that appeals to their sense of said rights, leading them to the point where the political issue becomes a MORAL discussion – tied to their fundamental belief in morality – that Man is an autonomous moral agent – with which I demonstrate we agree. I never let it progress more deeply, and will cordially end the discussion ( in most cases) if I am unable to prevent it from doing so

    If as an Objectivist, possessing the rational understanding of metaphysics, epistemology, morality, and politics – and their inextricable relationship, you decide you do not wish to engage in such a waste of your time as current political discourse demonstrates, fine. You get no quarrel from me. But if conversely, you choose to enter the political arena, KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! In my judgment, Rand, no doubt in part owing to the power and focus of her mind, seemed to “drop context” when entering said arena.

    If you rationally (?!) think you are going to convince someone that they should not be (politically) concerned with how someone else chooses (morality) to live their life, by convincing them that they are irrational and evil (epistemology and morality) because they believe God (metaphysics) told them to be concerned with same, we simply disagree.
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years, 5 months ago
      Ayn Rand did not drop the context when entering a political arena. She rarely engaged in specific political battles at all in her public speaking and writing. On the few occasions when she did, she gave her reasons for her positions in terms of the damage she was fighting against and the value of the specific kind of freedom she was fighting for -- which did not coincide with conservatives, especially the Buckley religious types. Most of the time she was speaking out on fundamental trends where it was imperative to name the issues, and she did -- to anyone willing to listen.

      When I have to engage in political activism, which has been extensively and much more than I ever wanted to, I ally with people who remain intelligently ifocused on the issue at hand and who don't try to turn it into a religion or a side political issue. I don't confuse this kind of activism seeking to change specific government policy with fundamental change and I don't need to be lectured on it by bystanders.

      I have no interest in trying to convince the irrational that they are irrational or anything else. They are irrational, cannot be reached, and accomplish nothing positive. But when someone is attracted to the world of Atlas Shrugged for proper reasons and is interested in the broader cultural trends and what must be done, it is imperative to explain the philosophy that makes it possible and what is destroying it, and not pander to the irrational or ignore the destructive premises driving the culture as if they doesn't exist.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 6 months ago
    Thanks for this post!
    Very important. Not at all unlike the need for all valid concepts to accept humor and be the butt of a joke.
    I believe it is a axiom that any dogma can be demonstrated to be fundamentally wrong in a context for which it was not conceived.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
    This is all well, fine, and good, but it was coupled with another post that got ignored: Pseudo-Profound Bullshit, here https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post.... The two go together, through a linkage that was not perceived, apparently.

    In this essay, the main point was about writing from the subconscious. No one commented on that. No one questioned why the supreme Left Brain Intellectual would advocate writing from your subconscious -- especially when writing non-fiction.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      A routine of mine is posts that come as mail, then look at the side bar for anything new then look up top under Hot, New, and Categories.There are lots of nuggets to mine and use to feed the mind.
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  • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 6 months ago
    Good article. In Atlas Shrugged, towards the end, Rand writes; "...shot a bullet straight into the heart of a man who wanted to live but without the volition of consciousness." I think she used the word volition.

    If I learned one thing from Rand's fiction (which I read when I was 15), it is that your own individual reasoning ability (and value system, based on your emotions) are to guide your own life, not the views of any other person or people.

    Remember in Anthem, at the end she writes: It is MY eyes that give beauty to the world.
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    • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 6 months ago
      Your value system can't be based on emotion, but on reason. Your emotions are a response to your environment, based on your values.
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      • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 6 months ago
        I meant, children NEED time to themselves...

        Parent says: I want you sit there for awhile and think not only about what you have done, but why you have done it. The beginning of a value system.
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        • Posted by ewv 8 years, 5 months ago
          MountainLady : "If I learned one thing from Rand's fiction (which I read when I was 15), it is that your own individual reasoning ability (and value system, based on your emotions) are to guide your own life, not the views of any other person or people."

          You didn't learn that from Ayn Rand. Individual responsibility for reasoning in contrast to relying on other people yes, but not "value system based on emotions". Your emotions versus what others tell you is a false alternative. Proper values comes from reason and are objective. Pursuing values based on emotion is hedonism, not rational self interest. Personal subjectivism versus the collective subjective are both subjectivism.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
          When my daughter had reached the age where she could differentiate between right and wrong as we taught them I made her, in effect , choose her own punishment. The rule was think through what just happened and come back and explain to me what decision you arrived at just as you said BUT the ability to do so is learned by copying what we did and that put the burden on us. She graduated to the ask you Dad ask your Mom stage and I would always answer what did your mom say or indicate? I'll support any rule she has made in my absence. BUT
          if you think the rule was wrong or too harsh or too lenient ask for a discussion.

          When she figured out on her own that 'all the kids do it' cut no ice we had that discussion. When she figured out that 99.99 this week only was a scam we had that discussion. When she figured out on her own (watching the 30 year mark of the JFK assassination without comment from us...and asked about the Secret Documents commenting. How do we know they are original, real, haven't been tampered with?" Big discussion. She later tore the Warren Commission report to shreds in a University debate. When she .....well it continued. She's now a shrink. The road wasn't easy but she developed a great BS detector. As for values? She learned on her own and that was before I really bothered to study philosophy or new what objectivism was. But it all went back to watching thee standards and rules we set were fair, needed, and not hypocritical.
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      • -1
        Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 6 months ago
        Without that response to your environment, you cannot possibly originate your value system.

        Remember, children time to themselves in order to internalize right, wrong and individual values.

        A value system begins long before a child has learned to reason.
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        • Posted by ewv 8 years, 5 months ago
          Abstract thought and logical theory are not synonymous with reason. The first thing a new born baby does as begins to process what he perceives around him and tries to understand is to employ his power of reason.
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          • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 5 months ago
            A child does not fully understand reason until about the age of seven. Theologians (and now psychologists) have long recognized this as the age of reason.

            How then do YOU define reason?
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      They might start with emotions over some situation but are validated by reason and logic before becoming values and morals. They are or should be constantly tested against occurrences or reoccurring situations. I think therefore I am is only a start. I reason and therefore I grow is the next step.
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      • Posted by $ HeroWorship 8 years, 6 months ago

        We have innate responses to life/social situations. They are shaped by our thinking and bootstrap themselves into values, which we articulate into principles and morals.

        I am, therefore I'll think.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      Dagny shoots the guard here: "Calmly and impersonally, she, who would have hesitatated to fire at an animal, pulled the trigger straight at the heart of a man who had wanted to exist without the responsibility of consciousness." -- Signet ppb pg. 1066.

      It is true that your value system is based on your emotions. Most people stop there. They absorb the values around them. If they are "thinkers" after a fashion, they find ex post facto reasons to explain and justify their values. (Most people never do.) Very few people throw everything out and start fresh with new ideas, and build their personal value system from a foundation of reality and reason.

      The key is that while your values are based on your emotions, your emotions are automatic summation of your ideas. Your continuous and continual self-experience determine your emotions. Thus, Dagny was different from James -- and Dominique was not Roark. Those contrasts are highly cogent. James was evil. Dagny was good, but her expression of it was - as Rand's own - idiosyncratic: ruled by itself. "It" (she) had a self. James Taggart did not.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
        That's where Dagny became one of my heroines and in thinking about it she really was the central character demonstrating people can change if their ability to reason is switched on. I still think Dagney was the story book Ayn Rand.
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      • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 6 months ago
        Humans can not "reason through" their emotions.

        One can not say, "It makes sense or it is reasonable for me to feel happy during this particular event; therefore I will be happy.

        If that were the case, how much easier it would be to manipulate people! It's easy enough as it is.

        As I said, emotions precede reason, they do not follow it.
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        • Posted by ewv 8 years, 5 months ago
          Whether or not reason precedes emotions depends on how a person got his values. If he reached them rationally, his reason preceded his emotional reactions when he sees them supported or threatened. If he absorbed them from others as he found them there was no reason preceding his emotions.

          Emotions are not tools of cognition no matter where someone establishes his values from. No one can talk himself out of an emotion but he can examine it to see if it is appropriate and choose whether or not to act on it. If he corrects his values where necessary, more appropriate emotional reactions will follow.
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        • Posted by $ HeroWorship 8 years, 5 months ago
          This may be semantics, but ... :-)

          In any particular moment, we feel whatever we feel. We can't change what we are feeling because we are already feeling it.

          However, we can certainly inquire into why we are feeling it - what do we believe to be true about the world such that we are feeling X in response to our understanding. Then, we can question that understanding and find a better understanding, one that is more true. Then, we will feel the feelings appropriate to that more truth.

          In the process, we reason through our emotions.

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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
            Only if you follow it up with reason and enquire as to the the truth behind the emotion and then test that to see if reason can and is controlling emotion.

            My dog is my best frriend. My dog is faithful. I kinow that because of his actions. My dog dies, I am despondent.I am sad. I have lost my best friend. What are my actions. Perhaps a symbolic funeral in the back yard which serves to bury the past and my emotions then I look for a new best friend. OR I burn down the dog house and vow never to have another best friend again but mourn for the rest of my life. Reason controls emotion or emotion negates the use of reason.
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            • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 5 months ago
              So you're saying that
              "A well ordered soul has the reason in charge of the passion."

              "If the reason has charge of the passion then passions become trained and then when they are trained every good choice is an interplay of thinking and desiring and the whole soul comes together to produce it."

              Sorry, reading an annotated copy of the Federalist papers and this topic, which I found interesting, came up.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
                I don't believe I mentioned the word 'soul.' The proper word however would be 'mind.' Example. A police officer arrives at the scene of a traffic accident. Two vehicles. In one is a dazed and apparently inebriated driver. In the other one dead infant plastered against the inside of the windshield and one injured driver presumably the parent. The immediate needs are many. Call for ambulances and a back up to help control traffic, a supervisor, and at some point a wrecker. All of that takes place without emotion including. checking the skid marks, the light bulbs headlights and turn signals and other physical evidence. the need for immediate first responder treatment each begging for immediate attention. In constant view is the infants body and a windshield covered in blood.

                The emotions rage to react..There is no time. Assistance arises a verbal report made. A traffic accident specialist arrives same thing. the ambulance takes the driver of #2 the victim's car away too the hospital where a BA blood alcohol is ordered as a matter of routine. The driver of #1 based on evidence is removed from the vehicle, handcuffed and placed in a patrol vehicle

                Photos are taken the whole system is in gear. The supervisor orders the responding officer to do ttwo things.

                Go behind a bush..... and then when ready go to the hospital to supervise the BA procedures.

                At that point emotion takes over....accompanied by vomiting....the mental image of the infant now being peeled off the inside of the windshield rules... For a few minutes. Then he states she was not wearing a belt, the child was not secured, they both need their rights read and proceeds to do that. Reason has taken control. The investigative procedure has turned into a double arrest. Who is ultimately responsible? That went to the court. Both were charged. The officer returns to the stations writes a report and asks for a ride home. Emotion has returned....but reason is still in control.

                The difference. Emotion is a body function, an automatic control mechanism....with time and experiences much the same it
                does a better job but then the officer is viewed as seasoned...and the vomiting takes longer to occur.

                High stress situations combine the two. But the situation...the ground truth test demands reason.

                Add a few additional elements such as a hostile crowd.... it's volatile. The only hope is reason.

                Add 'no witnesses, no one saw anything' adds frustration.

                Not a made up story....

                What saves the day for all concerned is proper training and constant preparation and testing of one's abilities. The autopilot function of the brain takes over. No one remembers writing down the time or any number of other key but small points.
                At least until after three or four of these situations. Paramedics and police face this sort of thing until it becomes routine an they try not to be calloused.

                The woman driver in #2 was not drunk. She had taken some medications that induced drowsiness and had a clearly labeled warning.

                She was still charged with reckless endangerment contributing to the death of her own child. i's dotted, t's crossed it went ot he court system and the jury, two lawyers, a judge and ... at least one psychiatrist. She later took some other medications..... too many of them. Some one elses turn

                That was decades ago - the images are gone. But not the memories. Those are part of the function of reason and no amount of wishful thinking or mystical experience will change what happened.
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                • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 5 months ago
                  Paraphrasing Aristotle or Plato..no offense intended,thats how it was written in the notes I took.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
                    Ah yes. But other wise it was a great comment!!! Something I've kept inside for far too long a great weight has lifted....that's what reason will do for you to my way of thinking. Due in no small way to the atmosphere in the Gulch!
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      • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 6 months ago
        What do you mean by this statement?

        Very few people throw everything out and start fresh with new ideas, and build their personal value system from a foundation of reality and reason.

        I'm still not sure you get it. Convictions are based on values, which one cannot have unless one knows, simply put, his own desires---emotions. Reason follows; it does not precede.
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        • Posted by ewv 8 years, 5 months ago
          Reason does not follow emotional desires. That is rationalization, not reason and not rationality. Reason is the faculty of the human mind which identifies and integrates the material provided by the sense organs. The human mode of cognition is conceptual, in accordance with logic -- non contradiction -- and based on perception of the world. Rationality, in Ayn Rand's philosophy, is the primary virtue: "the recognition and acceptance of reason as one's own source of knowledge, one's only judge of values and one's only guide to action." Emotions are automatic responses based on values. They are not a source of knowledge (other than knowledge observing how you are reacting). Feelings and desires are not the basis of either knowledge or values, they are results.
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        • Posted by $ HeroWorship 8 years, 5 months ago
          True. It is impossible to throw everything out and start from scratch.

          However, it is possible to systematically challenge some core assumptions and build rational understanding based in reality. More importantly, it is possible to set this as a standard against which you will judge the status of any other thought/feeling.

          It is a reverse bootstrapping. We question the given/habitual/inherited values/desires we wake up with today. We interrogate them. We challenge them. We discover the premises on which they are built and check them (against our best rationality). We correct/adapt/evolve/transform/replace them with increasingly rational/beautiful ones.

          Then, we wake up tomorrow and inherit a different (more rational) set of thoughts/feelings values/desires.

          Rinse. Repeat. But only forever.

          At the bottom of this are basic desires - which are "prior" to our reason. They are our natural values - our values of human qua human. We don't choose those. We can (if we are rational/smart) choose to identify and integrate them into our value system and thereby integrate our desires and our value system - Reason.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
            and if I may bootstrap again...go to the animal shelter and find a new best friend. Another way of saying recognize, confront and control emotion. with reason. The dog as a best friend is a useful metaphor but I do not let it become a controlling reality. I am I. Dog was Dog. I hope this followed in order the previous comment.
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