Bette Midler thanks IRS for targeting Tea Party groups

Posted by Eudaimonia 11 years ago to Politics
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Never cared for her much.
Now I care for her less.

I always amazes me when someone Jewish cheers on institutionalized abuse of power against politically unpopular groups of people... just saying.

Hey, Bette... shame on you.

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  • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years ago
    Well said. She's just another leftist moron. There is nothing Hollyweird does or says that shocks me anymore; I've been disgusted by their kind for nearly two decades. The only thing that would surprise me would be if they were to honestly reject the leftist idiosy and start reflecting what America once was composed of: rugged individualists, fearless in the face of evil, speaking the truth without regard to who feels "offended". I don't see that happening from them anytime soon.
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  • Posted by WDonway 11 years ago
    In one way, this is "same old, same old," but, in another way, it is a blazing arrow pointing to a problem. Bette Midler, although born in New Jersey, grew up in Hawaii, and, yes, her parents emphatically were Jewish.

    This lady has worked hard and ceaselessly for her success. She actually first gained a following by singing in Continental Baths, a gay bathhouse, where she built up a following for her music. She has written and sung; acted, performed, composed; she has been productive almost beyond belief. She is a sensitive, creative, hard-driving hugely productive performer in a great Jewish tradition.

    But, as I have learned, being married to two New York Jewish women, and so socializing mostly with their relatives (mine don't socialize): a striking number of Jewish men and women who came of age in the 1960's (as I did) had parents and grandparents who were communists, or intellectual leftists, or radical socialists. And this was a cause of intense pride, and a sense of moral righteousness--and, interestingly, a sense of being a daring and endangered battler for the right--that goes very deep.

    And so, I have discovered, even Jewish men and women of my generation who aren't intellectual, who really don't deal with ideas, are still left, collectivist, and socialist simply by upbringing.

    Strangely, this "persona" is quite invulnerable to challenge because, first, most of their relatives, friends, and colleagues confirm it, and so, it seems "everyone" does; and, second, they are not personally intellectual--bright people with astoundingly little interest in philosophy or theory--and so their beliefs are more a heritage. I asked one very, very bright young woman (at that time), who was an accomplished and innovative Alexander technique worker, about her views, thinking to introduce Objectivism, and she said: "Oh, I never think about it. I suppose I'm a socialist. I don't want to talk about it."

    If you are Bette Midler (and in her dozens and dozens of songs and roles you see no hint of the serious or intellectual), and live in Hollywood, where the whole atmosphere encourages you to be leftist and never have to question it, then, when you see the passion of your parents under attack, you just state what is TOTALLY obvious to you: Those who are anti-collectivist, anti-communal, proletarian-exploiting (the Tea Party) always have been the enemy, the forces of evil, and all good people are happy when they are suppressed by any means....

    I apologize that this got so long, but I have thought long and hard about this, given my personal situation.
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    • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years ago
      I get it...and 'thanks' for your reply!

      But: I have to ask where the Jewish tradition (or rather, heritage) gets 'trumped' by the Left wing ideology...especially where it defies the right for Israel to even exist?

      Not being Jewish, but backing Israel 100%, I cannot understand the majority of the Hebrew community turning their backs on their State....
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      • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
        my daughter's boyfriend, jewish, was raised on Ayn Rand and in California. Most of us were raised with significant traditions. Those traditions hit our emotional centers. Many choose reason. The New York perspective of "tea party" is a fairytale.
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        • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years ago
          I have a similar anecdote: My beautiful daughter-in-law is Hebrew, and her parents are very religious and conservative.

          I can fathom the disproportionate number of Hebrews leaning Left in the large urban areas such as New York City, or Hollywood, but what about the rest of the nation? The Jewish vote has favored Democrat for some time now....

          My only guess is that the majority of Hebrews do not consider the sovereignty of Israel to be of their concern. This bewilders me.
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years ago
        To expand on some of WDonway’s comments, hundreds of thousands of eastern european jews, came to this country before WW11, before a state of Israel. They were not running from socialism or communism, but from pogroms. Most jews in this country are descendants of these early late19th century and early twentieth century immigrants. In fact, these early jewish “comrades” were responsible for the Democrat Party incorporating progressive demands into their platform which eventually led to the New Deal. To suggest all jews globally should support Israel and be of one mind is quite frankly a form of stereo-typing.
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        • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
          It is not stereo-typing to suggest that Jews would not share an understanding of ethnic cleansing practices by ALL neighbor states of Israel.
          and to be progressive just because your ancestors were, is irrational.
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years ago
            I think the point I am trying to make is that Bette Milder doesn’t have to be pro-Israel just because she is Jewish. All we really know is she is anti-Tea Party, right?
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  • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years ago
    The IRS 'targeted' pro-Israel groups, as well as the rest of us on the 'wrong' side of the West Wing agenda.

    If she is indeed Jewish...and knows this...then there are no civil words to describe her.

    She does, however, reinforce the conventional wisdom as to the intelligence level of 99% of those that have the Beverly Hills zip-code.

    Ignorance is bliss...and Hollywood is the happiest pin on the Republic's map!

    Who is John Voight?
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  • Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years ago
    Thanks for posting this. Yet another example of how infested we have become with the kind of vile hatred exhibited from "those" other types. If the IRS can target Tea Party groups, they'll target anyone, including Bette when and if they find themselves dealing with an administration not friendly to thier cause.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
    I think these hollywood types will use ANY means to get in the news. Especially when they are protected by their entire industry and non thinking fans. They have nothing to lose and can only gain attention and more popularity among them. It's always a win win for them no matter HOW bad they really are.
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