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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 8 months ago
    All you have to do is get them to chase you into a stamping plant -- well, after you blow up the truck...

    Mounted troops are superior to foot soldiers -- unless you get them to ride into a forest... or attack them with halberds... or get them to charge into Welsh bowmen...

    Gunpowder made knights obsolete in the 14th century... and still heavy cavalry, light cavalry, and lancers persisted into the 19th century... and continued into the 20th.

    From punji sticks to IEDs, there is always a way...

    And, as the article suggests, there is no way to keep these enhancements from everyone eventually. Once, there were three or four Musketeers, now we have more guns than people to use them.

    Anyone who gives an order to a soldier who has been genetically modified to omit empathy is really taking a serious, immediate, and personal risk.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
    Sometime enlightenment comes like the proverbial bolt from blue skies. I was asked if would watch some debates I guessed they were this evening.

    "No What For?"

    "To know who to vote for?

    I already know who not to vote for and they are the only one's debating if you want to call it that.


    Look let me put it in simple terms For 51 years I have been paid to and then for killing that kind of individual. I have no problem with it then or now. If it would raise my retirement I might give it another go after assessing personal risk factors.

    Now you tell me? 24 years of active duty killing people like that. 27years of retirement pay for killing people like that and as I learned in time's later usually FOR people who are exactly like that. Not just me but thousands,even tens of thousands like me. Only to find out that while we are getting paid are now considered enemies of the Government. Yet they pay us AND tax us as well. So....You want me to waste how many evenings listening to them justify themselves?

    How about if just go puke and forget about it?
    How about if I skip the puking and forget about them?.

    That's your choices Two each for President and two each for Vice President.

    As for what they say? Get real. What's that got to do with what they do?

    Were you ever in the military service?


    I thought so. Seriously. If I was looking for a debate and someone to vote for that's the last rock I would turn over.

    Pretty much how the conversation yet. I'm not sure how the words entered my mind and left my mouth but it all fit together.

    Life over 40 or GMO it's all the same to me.

    My conscience is clear. The people that paid me have no conscience.

    One last attempt.l

    But Sheryl Crow is going to be on....

    Like I said they have no conscience. US debate Canadian Singer.
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  • Posted by JCLanier 8 years, 8 months ago
    johnpe1: Very interesting article...
    I do not like it. I think it will open Pandora's box.
    However, it is where we are headed in the future and it most likely cannot be stopped...

    How does the evolution of humankind, the transcendence of the soul, ever have a chance if there is this deviation into genetically modified humans? What are the ramifications on the ethical side? The legal side? Where does responsibility begin and end?

    However, if they have already come so far, why could they not give these reinforced legs and arms to the veterans that have none? At least let some good be the by-product to such an undertaking.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
      the vets were my first thought, and we sure do have some
      deserving souls!!! -- j
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
        Remember the series of books where the old
        people are given new body parts etc. and used as an Army? Some didn't make the training but their minds were put into manufactered bodies from training accidents. Old Man's Wars and Ghost Brigades. Kindle!!!! I heard about it first right here in the Gulch.About eight or so of them as I recall. the fun part was thinking what if my ex came back working for the other side. heh heh heh. I'm ready and near enough the right age.
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