Purchasing Atlantis from a debt-ridden country, but with autonomy built into the purchasing agreement?

Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 9 months ago to Government
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Many of us, led by db and Kh, have been debating the subject of immigration. I would love to see America get back to her pre-1913 roots, but for numerous reasons, I think that such effort is a waste of time and resources.

Freedomforall, in response to my suggestion that America sell its "government land" to pay down at least part of its debt, asked if such a sale could include the right to secede.

That prompted me to consider the possibility of buying land from debt-ridden countries (some of which are experiencing hyperinflation) at rockbottom prices, with autonomy being required as a condition of purchase. As debt piles up all around the world, there will be some opportunities along these lines for vultures like myself to come scavenge the debris. Perhaps an island off the Venezuelan coast with some nearby oil? In our previous discussions about a physical Gulch, our premise had been to buy land that the nearby government would largely ignore based on its track record of freedom (or lack thereof). That may be the wrong premise to work from. Why should we not provide a value for value trade in their time of desperation? The question then is how long do we wait. The price for the land in such desperate countries should continue to go down, but the conditions in our own countries might get bad enough that we could get trapped by 10-289.

The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Thailand are working toward the development of micronations off their coasts. Interestingly, Google is developing the first such island. The linked article describes some of the first work along these lines.
SOURCE URL: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/papers/seven-predictions-for-the-coming-age-of-micronations

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  • Posted by Mamaemma 8 years, 9 months ago
    If we could find a place that truly respects property rights, we'd probably all go in a heartbeat!
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
      Respect for property rights is the major point of getting autonomy into the purchase agreement. WilliamShipley's point regarding the selling country or some other country using force to seize the fruits of our labor is a valid one. For that reason, I wouldn't want to buy property within Russia's or China's spheres of influence. Putin has no respect for Ukrainian autonomy, for example.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 9 months ago
        The same thing can be said of the EU and the US, if there is something of value at stake, or the perceived need to make an example to keep the serfs under control.
        One of the priorities would have to be making Atlantis a porcupine that's too much trouble to bother with. Make the cost to the attacker too high. Defense is always cheaper than offense.
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        • Posted by TheRealBill 8 years, 9 months ago
          And the only thing which has produced this situation for anything short of a global superpower or geographic isolation has been the ability to nuke your attacker. Something which carries it's own problems.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
            True enough. I have enough experience in the nuclear business to safely store the isotopes once obtained. Your suggestion would definitely satisfy freedomforall's porcupine criterion.
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        • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 9 months ago
          Defense is NOT always cheaper. Just look at the native populations that were overrun during the age of imperialism. TECHNOLOGY determines whether or not defense is cheaper; sometimes, offense is cheaper.
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          • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 9 months ago
            "In the race between warhead and armor...warhead always wins"

            I would attribute it if I knew the origin. I know Robert Heinlein used it in a few places.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 9 months ago
              Warhead has to arrive at the site of armor to be effective. If warhead is nudged offcourse by a drone, then the drone was cheap defense compared to the delivery system of the warhead. Yes, a significant breakthrough in offense can be devastating, but the cost of defense catching up is much cheaper to implement (in general) assuming you survive to do so. If your enemy has FTL tech while you are in steam engines, surrender may be the only survivable option.
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 9 months ago
    The biggest problem I see with this concept is that I believe that a nation built by producers without the regulatory drag of an army of looters would be incredibly productive and generate a lot of wealth.

    Either the nation that sold the land or some other nearby nation would be unable to resist such a plum and would want to seize it. How would that be stopped?

    You can have all the legal contracts giving you autonomy but governments are perfectly capable of ignoring them when there are assets to grab. Ask the Indians about this. They had autonomy on the lands they contracted for by treaty.

    There would be lots of noble sounding reasons but the bottom line would be "pay up or we take you over".
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
      I am sure that Atlantis will have a more than capable militia, but your point is well taken.
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      • Posted by Eudaimonia 8 years, 9 months ago
        This was my immediate concern as well. If a state is in such a condition that it must sell territory to pay its debts, then it is most likely already a looter state and well on its way to becoming a collapsed looter state.

        Entering into a monetary agreement with them will give them legitimacy, stave off the inevitable, and undermine their indigenous population who are sick of the looters' rule.

        What's more, if it is a looter state, it is pretty much a guarantee that they will never honor the agreement. They will whip up Marxist propaganda about how the land was stolen from them by greedy capitalists who took advantage of them in their time of need and who robbed them of their most resource rich land (and it must be the most resource rich, just look at how much better they are doing than us).

        The attempt to reacquire the purchased land by force would be inevitable.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 9 months ago
          The failed or failing state from which land is acquired needs to be weak and incapable of re-acquisition against a determined defense. Paper agreements are of little value - armed defense is the best guarantee. However, this could be a simbiotic relationship with Atlantis providing jobs, products or services, including joint defense, to the failing state.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
          Undoubtedly it would be such a looter state. The indigenous population who are sick of the looters' rule can come work for us.

          There must be a rule in the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition that applies here, something like JP Morgan's, "The best time to buy is when there is blood in the streets."
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          • Posted by TheRealBill 8 years, 9 months ago
            IIRC 3, or 9, or perhaps 22. Probably 87 or 184 are closest I'd say.

            That said the closest to our hearts is probably number 257: "When the messenger comes to appropriate your profits, kill the messenger."
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
          An attempt to reacquire the purchased land by force would be likely. I envision such looters and moochers being driven off by Frank Adams et al. as they did at Rearden's steel mill. ;)
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 9 months ago
            I wonder if the EU would bid for any such property if they knew it was to become independent, or would they just plan to use the banking system against the new owners as they have so often. They can pay any price at no immediate cost.
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      • Posted by msmithp2 8 years, 9 months ago
        Having thought about this in the past, the best example I came up with for a strategy is that of Switzerland. The Swiss use a two prong strategy. The most obvious is that they have a large and capable military with every male of age trained and in the reserves. I forget the exact numbers, but they can roll out an army in the millions with in 24 hours, fully equipped.

        Obviously this will not stop a determined stronger opponent. That's where the second prong of the rests. The Swiss banking system rests. By holding vast sums of money from countries all over the globe, the Swiss make all these countries "allies." If a nation were to be aggressive against the Swiss, they have the money from the other countries of the world "hostage". Each of the other countries is now has an incentive to back Switzerland.

        So the question may be what service/commodity can Atlantis offer to the world to gain a similar protection? Two items come to mind. One might be a true gold backed currency. Implemented not only as a physical currency, but also as a digital currency, like bitcoin, except every digital coin is backed by gold. With the master tracking of what digital coins are valid kept on servers within the Atlantis, every holder of the currency is now dependent on Atlantis.

        The second item would be digital storage/processing. By supplying a neutral location Data Center which is not encumbered by the regulations and government interference like other nations, many multi-national corporations might decide to use Atlantis Data Center services. This would require an investment in data connectivity (ie fiber cables to provide multiple links to the global internet infrastructure), but would provide another guarantee against outside interference.

        The basis of this strategy is to make in in the best interest of the world to protect Atlantis's independence.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
          Very well thought through. I especially like the neutral location data center idea. It is OK to keep this topic on this thread, but it may merit its own thread. Given how reasonably concerned many in this forum about their privacy, I wonder how comfortable some Gulchers would be about doing this for the rest of the world. Is it possible that a neutral location data center might be Google's goal in starting its own private island micronation? We might have competition! Moreover, this solution provides a relatively low startup cost and uses other people's money to pay for our national defense. Brilliant!
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          • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 9 months ago
            The big problem is that every intelligence agency in the world worthy of the name. Starting of course with the NSA would demand access. They already do this with the USA infrastructure.

            Price for conquest will have to be high before this could be done without that sword of damocles hanging overhead.

            Partnering with a company with clout, like Google or Apple would help.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 8 years, 9 months ago
    Make sure you buy from a country not having a navy that could take it back whenever they felt like it.

    Robert J. Ringer ("Winning Through Intimidation") identified three sources of power:

    Real power comes from your legal or, if need be, physical strengths in comparison to those of a potential adversary.

    Abstract power comes from the image you project to the world.

    Performance power comes from what you can do for a potential ally.

    Here I address a real power concern. It does no good to buy from the United States. Obama (or Mrs. Clinton) is likely to send the Navy in to repossess Atlantis if you buy from this country. You can buy from a country not having a navy, and then build your own navy double-quick. And watch out for the navies of known piratical nation-states in the region.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 9 months ago
      Actually an effective Air Force would trump any navy unless the navy was backed with air power, but I do understand your point. I agree that buying from a strong military power would be a mistake especially if the military power had a history of creating excuses to use its military power to steal from other peoples. I can't think of any military power that has not used its power in this way. The stalemate of the Cold War was an interesting period where the power of the USSR countered the power of the US and kept US politicians (and their corporate sponsors), and the USSR "evil empire" from using the military in this way in the middle east in particular. Unfortunately the absence of the USSR gave the neocons puppeteers the opportunity to destroy all the American goodwill (and propaganda) built up from WW1 onward. For that alone they should be prosecuted as traitors and hung by the neck until dead.
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      • Posted by TheRealBill 8 years, 9 months ago
        One advantage to being an island nation is the ability to easily combine air and naval into a single force, throwing in space command as well. As the initial priority would be high powered defense I would prioritize as follows:

        1. Carriers - two to start. One to stand guard and the other to launch counter-offensives.
        2. Submarines - if possible a half a dozen would be a good start. Four to go with the counter-offensive group (COG) and the other two to stay with the shoreline defense group (SDG). The larger the island the larger the SDG needs to be for full coverage.
        3. Shoreline defenses - some well placed and defensible AA and AS missile batteries and gun emplacements. Also, while it may seem James Bond-ish, some torpedo launchers would aid in stopping landing craft.
        4. Ground launched SDG fighter aircraft

        For maximum efficiency all aircraft should be capable of carrier and land basing. The emphasis would need to be on interceptors and anti-ship jets (ie. torpedoes, missiles, and maybe bombs). Ideally as much as we could we would want to avoid sending humans out at range because we would likely be outmanned. That would likely mean some pretty extensive drone use - both in the air and at sea.

        This last bit is, I think, where our best advantage would be. All naval powers are predicated on projection of force - which is reasonable for the size of the respective nations. However, our first and highest priority is local defense. As such we could design and employ highly specialized technology. Submersible drones are not something I see talked about publicly. However, an island nation with an armada of relatively tiny drones (compared to nuclear subs) would be able to employ something we've not seen at sea in many a generation (if ever): swarm tactics. In my estimation all current naval war vessels are rather susceptible to swarm tactics from under the waves. Primarily because it has never been an issue.

        Just because it is cool, sit back, close your eyes and take a moment to envision a submarine version of an aircraft carrier. Except instead of launching aircraft, it controls and launches a multitude of undersea attack craft. If that is difficult, watch some Babylon 5 where they deploy their defensive one-man fighters. ;)

        It is also possible they may be quite susceptible to swarms of small air drones, but that is less likely and a bit easier to counter. Depending on the drone you could use undersea drone carriers for this too.

        The size of the drones would lend themselves well to "stealth" technologies. Cloaking something small is nearly always less expensive and simpler to accomplish than large things.

        Combine submersible drone swarms with a well, and purposeful, built sensor net and you could be a greater threat to an armada than any air force simply by exploiting their existing weakness. As a side benefit pirates would not stand a chance.

        We could also "go back" to something from the past (which is actually still constitutional in the U.S.: privateers. I'm sure there would be some who would be up for that. Especially if they were to hire themselves out as naval escorts for shipping fleets for income when we are not under attack or imminent threat of it (though if it were me I'd have a clause in my escort charter which gave me contractual escape to come back and defend the homeland if needed).
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        • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 9 months ago
          Disagree on building carriers for defense, but like your thinking on use of marine and arial drones. Carriers are for sea powers and are a target to today's technology, especially the drone forces and sub-marine attacks. (How many million drones could be built for the cost of a carrier?) Carriers are for countries like the US, China, and Russia who plan to invade other peoples and have to take their air power to that locale. Just very expensive targets for a people that wants to be left alone and reinvests profits into defensive R and D with old tech like carriers as a prime target. (Just my opinion, and I do not claim to be an expert on current carrier tech.) Love your new tech ideas for stealth undersea defense ops.
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          • Posted by TheRealBill 8 years, 9 months ago
            The primary effect of carriers is to project power and thus a keystone in conquest, true. However, In defense they are a stand-off tool: extend your defenses. That said, if you leverage drones they don't have to be as large (and hence vulnerable) as today's carriers are.

            Edit: additionally modern carriers also carries a significant contingent of landing forces - something we wouldn't really need. Smaller carriers are a compound saving when designed for them. Smaller means less mass which means either less propulsion/power requirements or more maps budget can be allocated to defensive mass such as plating or active countermeasures.

            Ultimately I think for a nation such as we're contemplating remote capabilities such as (initially RPV) drones are a primary resource. However, current and near-term tech is still low enough we'd need to either dramatically improve it or still have humans in the field.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 9 months ago
              Agreed. We also need to adapt to use our site advantages as the Lunies did in Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. Until we have a location and can analyse its specific advantages we can only speculate. That analysis must be a part of the process when deciding between sites,
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
          +1 for any mention of Bablyon 5. I like your thinking, but I'm not that wealthy.
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          • Posted by TheRealBill 8 years, 9 months ago
            Thanks, B5 was the only exemplar which came to mind on swarm tactics in a visual format. In my opinion B5 is the best Sci-Fi to ever hit the small screen. I love SW and ST, but the moment I saw how B5's defenses and tactics were employed, I knew it was something special. ;)

            Regarding cost, drones and small size are surprisingly cheap.

            On a side note I'd argue one of the earliest forms of small combat drones were the San Antonio Bat Bombs of WWII. ;) As to the scale, I'm a very strategic thinking person so I can't help but look at the long term, then figure out how to get there. I left the space assets out for at least some sense of brevity. Given the piracy issue, there is a reasonable expectation that you could start relatively small as a naval export service (yeah, I giggled when I wrote that) and leverage that into a larger capability. Plus, when The Great Shrug came, pulling the escorts back to serve as a defensive navy would certainly add to the problems of looters looting looters.

            Not to mention if you ever wanted to enact repossessions you know all of the sea trade routes... ;)
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  • Posted by conscious1978 8 years, 9 months ago
    As discussed before, it's not a workable idea in this day and age. The biggest hurdle is the inability to provide adequate defense. A militia isn't going to cut it. Capitalism needs a stable political environment to thrive.

    Unless a defense agreement could be made with a very well armed nation, we would be labeled as a cartel sponsoring financial terrorism and taken down by the biggest looter quickest to the punch. You can imagine the headlines.

    A lot of people in our country know something is wrong. They're looking for answers and leaders. Now is not the time to abandon the battleground of ideas to the statists on the Left or the Right.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
      Liberland seems to be doing pretty well right now.
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      • Posted by conscious1978 8 years, 9 months ago
        Jim, that's overstating the reality. Three square miles with access via one dirt road or boat.


        Given all they've lived through, I can't blame them for trying to find more freedom. They are facing the real issues that would be inherent in any geographical 'Gulch'. I wouldn't call it thriving. I wouldn't leave here to go there; but it's probably a step up for them.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
          I just looked at their official web site, and their leader has been detained a couple of times by Croatians from getting off the Danube River back into his own new country. The Danube River is a major thoroughfare, but access to it is controlled by Liborland's neighbors.

          Liborland is not thriving, but Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia are not exactly thriving either.
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          • Posted by conscious1978 8 years, 9 months ago
            The only reason they haven't been swept up is because they don't have anything worth taking. The same issue would face any tiny 'Gulch nation'.
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
              At first no Gulch nation would have anything worth taking. We'll see how long Liberland lasts.
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              • Posted by TheRealBill 8 years, 9 months ago
                Unless we did it on Mars. ;)

                In which case we'd have plenty generally worth taking overall but the cost (and difficulty) of doing so would be dramatically higher. These factors are one of the prime reasons early America was able to grow and thrive as it did.
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              • Posted by conscious1978 8 years, 9 months ago
                Then, why would anyone want to trade or invest there? Why, especially knowing the inability to defend life or property...?
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
                  They would want to not only trade or invest there, but live there, if living anywhere else became THAT desperate. Most of us would not leave America until things got as bad as they were in the 1990s in what is now Liberland.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
                    For that matter the national debt could be solved by simply selling off federal property or at least a large chunk of it. Just think of part of the 30% of the nation owned by the Feds being turned into property tax producing land. NO NO forget I said that. But how much does Ted Turner pay in property tax as the second largest private landowner? Might be instructive although as I said an aside to the immigration issue.

                    Emigrate when you are leaving to go elsewhere

                    migrate while on the move

                    Immigrate when you are arriving elsewhere.

                    Taxes south of the border are not all that high. Depends on what status you hold.

                    Deduct the cost of not owning any property north of the border and treat the USA as someplace to visit (family considerations) when compared to a state like Michigan to which even Florida represents a huge reduction in cost but further south it can be a tremendous savings. I can't give you chapter and verse but up north in Mexico there are two ways besides just renting or leasing. One is buy or build the house and lease or rent the land. The other is own the land and the house. The third is live on a boat or in an RV.

                    tough if you are still working but instead of investing in US Land for retirement purposes think of south of the border land and visiting the grand kids.

                    Lot of changes down here all for the better. But as for working or starting a business that's another story - although why if you are retired?

                    It's a worth while goal. Especially considering the alternative.and more especially with a mini ice age starting up in the next few years.

                    Consider that a well deserved dig on the global warming scam.

                    (no panic needed for global cooling the prediction is .1 Centigrade cooler)
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                    • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 9 months ago
                      What makes you think that the looters in Congress and the White House care about the national debt? The national debt does not affect them; only the working people by destroying their investments and value. From the looters' point of view - so what?
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                      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
                        I don't think that at all. If they did it would have been done decades ago. The point was exactly as you stated. My point is why is anyone voting for the people who have openly demonstrated they don't give a fig about the debt much less the people of the country. The question is why do the people of the country care about them and keep voting for them.

                        Which leaves us with the Mama Gump Theory.

                        Stupid is as stupid does.

                        It does always seem to come back to that and then like Hammus Alabamus to Ecstasy Sauce distill down to those who do and those who only talk. Which is not directed at any one but rather a general evaluation comment.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 9 months ago
    In this age of the NSA and electronic spying technology, I think the possibility of finding a secret place to establish a new freedom state is essentially zero.

    That leaves starting something in plain sight that would be NOT considered a threat to other countries until it was large enough to effectively defend itself. In the age of smart bombs and drones, I think it would be very difficult to actually defend a freedom loving country. Therefore, I think that the idea of a gulch prior to the absolute collapse of the statist countries is not practical.

    Better to hide in plain sight preparing for the time one can "return" to the rebuilding when other ountries dont have the resources to attack a new startup.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
      Being sufficiently small as to hide in plain sight would be the only way for this to work. Many of us may shrug, but not many will outright leave (with a few notable exceptions in this forum) until society is much like Venezuela is right now. If the US ever gets to that point, no country will have enough resources to attack a new startup.

      Your point is a correct one.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 9 months ago
        I think it is a good idea to study the collapse of Venezuela along with the modern day versions of 10-289 they will impose to keep their regime in power. Also it's instructive to review FDR's confiscation of gold in the 30's prior to his devaluation of the dollar. That will happen again and it will become illegal to trade gold for items you might need under severe penalties. The TV series. JERICHO is worth watching- substitute currency collapse for nuclear war. Another series -the walking dead- is instructive too. Substitute hordes of entitled people for the zombies
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  • Posted by Chef 8 years, 9 months ago
    It would have to be a land that sat upon absolutely no natural resources. The west does not respect sovereignty and the only way a successful land can be formed is if it is no interest at all to oligarchs who control the military complex. how do you form a land of no interest without resources. even fresh water and air are commodities to be exploited. how do we make sure we are a nation of personal growth and wealth without becoming of interest to anyone. what do we do with 7 billion innocent people if we succeed. let them in? I always believed that to win all we had to do was stop playing their game and play our own but we will never be allowed because the table is theirs. we can either play their crooked game or kick them out. either way we need the table.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 9 months ago
    Idea: Instead of buying Atlantis from a debt ridden country, why not make it.

    In Shadows Live Under Seashells I had a man-made island called Teminus. Essentially it was a series of mountains with a wide valley at its center. In the book it was used for leisure and a departure point for one of Earths space elevators. In this way Atlantis could reside in international waters beside any coastal city in the world and trade for needed resources.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
      It has to be 250 miles from any country to be free from meddlesome kids (er. countries).
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 9 months ago
        Plenty of ocean...Territorial waters or a territorial sea as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, is a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles (22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from the baseline (usually the mean low-water mark) of a coastal state. When I was in the Navy we stayed 25 miles out, that could have changed.
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  • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 9 months ago
    Given that there must be MILLIONS of people who'd migrate to the Gulch, why not have multiple Gulches straddling the globe? Why only one? For one thing, having Gulches in various locations can form the basis for global trading network. It can also mean that we can grow crops unique to different climates. Finally, no single calamity (other than an asteroid) would destroy the network.
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  • Posted by robertmarten890 8 years, 9 months ago
    My idea all along has been to actually build the island, floating in the ocean (Pacific). Think of bolting together 500 barges and you get the idea. It can grow as big a needed.
    A good idea may be to find an underwater mount (similar to New Utopia idea), for anchorage, but to be honest, I always thought of free floating. Engines-props can keep us in a stable position.
    Once we are in international waters, who could object?
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 9 months ago
    Would you, in such a case, admit that the land you
    were buying rightfully belonged to that government
    you were buying it from in the first place? Or did
    that government confiscate it from somebody else
    first? And then would not that victim be the rightful
    owner, and not you?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
      I need to answer this question in parts and cases.

      Case 1: The land is private, but in a debt-ridden country. In that case, I can do value-for-value exchange with the individual(s), but have to also negotiate with the government(s) regarding autonomy, non-aggression, etc.

      Cases 2 and 3: I think this is what you are asking about. The government claims to own the land. According to Objectivism, "government land" is land no one owns, but everyone pays for. Government undoubtedly confiscated it, whether it be via taxes on everyone or by failure to pay taxes by an individual or company. In the latter case of government auctioning off land for unpaid taxes, then there is no "victim", and I have no problem buing the land guilt-free. In the former case, however, of selling land that was never owned by individuals or companies, then there is an endless number of victims, but none were truly owners.

      One of the Ferengi rules of acquisition applies here.
      162. Even in the worst of times somebody turns a profit.
      (I would like that to be me.)

      a) In providing a value for value transaction, I need feel no guilt.
      b) They are getting something to continue their meager existences. Eudaimonia criticized this concept earlier today, but if someone chooses to live in a country that is so debt-ridden that it is bankrupt, then either they are moochers, they are looters, or they are too dumb to get out.
      c) For those smart enough to get out and want to come to a country of sanity, one of us will gladly employ them.
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 8 years, 9 months ago
    I think that this will be a hierarchical learning experience/evolution.
    Those of us who have properties will begin a "time-share" Gulch where we can unite and teach for a week or two (or however long the stream-of-thought can last).
    Then it will have time to properly grow into a "net" of sorts where skills and thought are shared and proselytized.
    It will eventually become massive if we can last that long.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 9 months ago
    For a while I followed the attempts to create "New Utopia" by building an island nation-state in the Caribbean on a shallow-depth shoal. The backers of this idea thought they were going to be creating a completely independent state, but came to the realization that the shoal was located within the 200-mile commercial interest zone of one or more Central American countries. I don't know why they didn't proceed with the idea of negotiating separability agreements, as suggested here, but that seemed to have killed the idea. New Utopia was going to be a principality, modeled somewhat on the lines of Monaco, and they didn't seem to address the idea of building a defense system, preferring to contract security services from existing private companies.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 9 months ago
    To me, the question is not whether you can get the land, but do you have the funds necessary to set up a nation? I realize that immigrants would need to have enough funds and/or skills to be independent but initially purchasing the land and setting up availability of access would cost a considerable sum. It would be a shame if Atlantis was only a pipe dream.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
      This really depends on how big a property we are talking about. If we are willing to live in a resort hotel or condo complex until individual homes can be built, my net worth should increase enough upon my father's passing that I could probably fund a nanonation myself. I really don't want to be Midas Mulligan, but I may soon have the means to do just enough to get us started. I also have a couple of friends who could be Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan. It is more than a pipe dream. I would not have put as much effort into this as I have, if I didn't think that I could make it possible.
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  • Posted by FreddyD63 8 years, 9 months ago
    Such a concept was near reality with New Utopia. It was set out on a below water atoll in the Gulf of Mexico and had all the makings of a great place to live and create. The master mind of the project passed on a couple of years ago, but the location is still there and it was claimed by the organization as a Free Country. The details may still be up on the web.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
      How far out? And of course it couldn't be in any of the oil areas that's already been taken. Rule one standard three mile limit is three nautical miles. Actual limit for preservation of wild life and fishing is 250 nautical miles. Limit for the US Coast Guard is effectively the entire globe.

      I'm thinking renting or leasing might work to get around the above. Using San Andreas (Columbia) off the coast of Costa Rica even with 200 days of rain per annum. Population I seem to recall about 85,000.

      Location is indeed important. The main reason is geographics above water and below coupled to weather. What do you find in non or low hurricane areas? People.

      The answer is still a combination of skills. Hide In The Open in such away as contributing the least amount possible to Washington DC in a low taxing area from the other country then fill in the blanks. Subsistence farming is not one of the correct choices in most areas. no power no sewer, no malls. It's not as easy as people think. Very few Jedadiah Smith's and Jim Bridgers left.

      However if you think of the Gulch as a State of Mind it's easily done. If you prepare in advance.

      Let's check something. A reason to move south of the border 'as a repeat tourist visa or free zone dweller might be raising the standard of living by living in an area with a favorable exchange rate and in an area of the new country with a low crime rate. Contrary to Hollywood and the former mainstream propagandists that starts about 50 to a hundred miles south of the USA/USM border.

      Assume as I don't no significant changes. What is my first assumption. Taxes in the US will go up after the next election The question is how much.

      Just one example. they also may curtail the movement of money across the border. happened many many times before. Plan on what to do in case of some similar eventuality.

      Why all of this?

      So you won't starve or get sick and die. That applies to any place in the USA come to think of it.

      When I was a kid one could plan for and move to Canada and pick up some small plot of land. Same in Australia. A few iyears ago a popular books was live in Mexico for $500 a month.

      None of that is true anymore.

      As for working in other countries? Yes but most has to be under the table or because you married a local.

      Which brings me to my senses but still leaves me living your dream.

      But in an objective AND practical sense I'm thinking of changing the name of my hailing port to Galt's Gulch. or better yet Bight, ME. the only state I've never visited.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
        In case you think I'm throwing cold water I'm not it's great idea when viewed objectively. The first comment pointed out some ideas. My own experience is sort of a combination of the possible with escape hatches. A boat for a house for example. I've already picked out my next probable location. Most of you I think might have more years to work than I have to live. The main thing is you have accepted the need to move yourself so it's only a matter of research, planning and staying a bit flexible.and planning in the context of your own time and the future. How I did it and quite well thank you very much will be quite different than some one who retires 20 years or so from now. The prices WILL go up. On both sides of the border.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
      Yes, you can find New Utopia on Wikipedia. It is claimed by both Grand Cayman and Honduras, as being within their economic zones. This is what necessitates the contract purchase.
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  • Posted by autumnleaves 8 years, 9 months ago
    Respect property rights....I agree. However, on the issue of immigration, we have argued and argued on what are property rights. If we cannot agree here, how are we going to agree on our "island nation"?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
      Having our own little micronation puts db's and Kh's arguments regarding permission of non-citizens in a little bit of a different light. They and others have argued for the last week that Atlantis was a literary device and not a "nation", and I will grant that with regard to existing nations. However, does the equation change if a MICROnation decides that it has to defend itself against intrusion by looters, spies, moochers, etc.? I would be perfectly willing to let travelers come in and do their business, provided that they go through a quick standard visa or passport process. The emphasis is in the last sentence was on "I", because in a few years, I might actually be in a financial position to buy a small island. If I did, I would much rather have likeminded friends there than be a hermit.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
      Don't own property. KISS principle.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
        Seriously, is it worth all the hassle? I went further and don't rent anything fixed to the ground. Occasional space for my house involves a dock in a marina. Transiting Caliofrnia there was a mud tax but it wasn't levied. I pay $105 every two years for a registration and $170 year for insurance. Maintenance is far far less that that of a house. Match that!
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  • Posted by Chef 8 years, 9 months ago
    Could you buy autonomy from the UN/US. not really. globalists arent happy being the 0.1% with the 99.9%. 99.9% isnt global domination. they own money and are power. profit is irrelevant to those that print the wealth of nations. it is absolute control they seek, 100%. we wouldnt be an actual threat but monopoly does not work that way. plus humans at street level argue over who owns the land a dividing fence an inch thick. we are territorial animals. what we need to win is for the 0.01% to become 0% x
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 9 months ago
    I consider taxation robbery; therefore, even if he
    had been delinquent, I still consider that person a
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 9 months ago
      I consider most taxation robbery. There are a few very limited reasons to have a government such as national defense or local police, and those should be paid for. We will disagree on whether the taxed person is a victim.
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