Moore: Disarm the Police, Release Black Drug Offenders from Prison

Posted by jarmans 9 years, 1 month ago to News
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— Michael Moore April 30, 2015
“Here's my demand: I want every African-American currently incarcerated for drug "crimes" or nonviolent offenses released from prison today.

And the rest who are imprisoned- I don’t believe 50% of them did what they're accused of. Lies. Greed. A modern day slave system. Poor whites also.

Next demand: Disarm the police. We have a 1/4 billion 2nd amendment guns in our homes 4 protection. We'll survive until the right cops are hired.

Local cops now militarized. Founding Fathers said NO army policing on our soil. Why do cops have tanks? Oh, right - the Enemy: The Black Man”
— Michael Moore April 30, 2015

We need an national Blue-Flu epidemic.
48-60 hours of EVERY Law Enforcement Officer to be out sick. We have spilt our blood, risked our lives and friends have paid the ultimate sacrifice to an EXTREMELY ungrateful public. I didn’t do the job for a pat on the back but I didn’t think every tour would be a trip into an enemy zone.

They think they can do better, step up in our absence.

The essence of John Galt and his plan to stop the motor of the world: tell men of the mind, like himself, to go on strike against the collectivistic system that thanklessly exploited them.

“Happiness is possible only to a rational man, the man who desires nothing but rational goals, seek nothing but rational values and finds his joy in nothing but rational actions.”
― Ayn Rand


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