Police Brutality...Is this where we are heading?

Posted by woodlema 9 years, 1 month ago to Government
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In this Politically correct, world, where our concerns are tainted by false narratives and brainwashing, all of us are subjected to the conditioning of the narrative being pumped into our brains by over-exposure to it.

with the Baltimore riots, and all the whining over criminals, the Police are getting pummeled to death in the media making their jobs impossible.

Being told to stand down, give the lawbreakers "room to destroy."

The attached video is the way things WILL be if we continue this path.

All Comments

  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    I'm also an OK. And the biggest part of OK are the orders you will not follow. Orders to take action against your fellow citizens even when you've been given 'lawful or legal orders' by your superiors. And that includes any order that goes against the Constitution as written, not just interpreted by some judge.

    How many of these 'good cop' friends of yours have seen, experienced, backed up, written a biased report of one of their brothers doing something out of line, but failed to stop them, report them, testify against them, etc? How many have participated in traffic ticket sweeps to get their counts up, or participated in DUI roadblocks and checkpoints, have broken into a suspects house between 3AM and 7AM with guns drawn ready to shoot, used an excuse like the smell of marijuana to backup a reason to search someone's car, etc? How many have seen or known that a law was bad or wrong, but enforced it anyway?

    Until the 'good cops' take an active roll in policing themselves and getting rid of the 'dirtbags' in their organizations, they're 'bad cops'. But they don't and they won't.

    I have no particular interest in anarchy, but if that's what it takes to clear out the bad cops and start over to get good cops only, then fine, shut em down.

    For myself, it's that simple. 'FOLLOW THE DAMN CONSTITUTION'
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  • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Maybe because I personally know far too many cops, both Sheriff's deputies, one Sheriff, 6 State Troopers, 3 of which are North Carolina and 3 of which are Pennsylvania, 1 retired State Trooper in Raleigh (30 year retired who was shot 3 times, and stabbed several), 4 local cops and not one of them reflects the attitudes OR actions you seem to imply exists among the majority of them.

    The anti cop sentiment seems to imply that you would support just disbanding 100% of all law enforcement. Then what? Anarchy?

    Maybe you should lobby for a cop free zone in your municipality.

    Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is not a solution.

    Is anarchy your preferred solution? And no place did I suggest that problems do not exist. Just like quality control, issues must be looked at, and quality improved, but there is nothing I have seen, experienced, studied that even remotely suggests that the overwhelming MAJORITY of cops don't do a stellar job.

    Also all the the cops I personally know, are members of the oathkeepers (http://oathkeepers.org/), and ARE people who value the constitution.

    BTW, the oathkeepers I am a member of as well.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    No good exists when cops have 'Wars on Americans', lie to have a reason to interrogate a citizen, set up road blocks, arrest people for a potential crime instead of an actual one, steal peoples money and property, beat a suspect to death or shoot them while they're running away.

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Wood; The foundation of this country under the theory of law that existed at that time was "Rather 10 guilty go free than one innocent be punished." And that theory grew out of a form of statist, police state. If you can't see that our situation today has reverted to that statist, police state type of environment and that the cop on the street has become our enemy, then you should be amazed.
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  • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    You are changing the subject.

    Surveillance, and all those things you mentioned, have NOTHING to do with the comments on this board railing against the cops themselves.

    The statistics I provided and in a previous post the LINKS to the sources, shows that the cops themselves as a whole do a stellar job.

    Your comments need directed toward the political leadership that get elected and use taxpayer dollars to setup this police state.

    The police as a whole do an outstanding job.

    There was a sign in Baltimore that is calling for a "Police Free Zone." I hope they get it. I give it one week before they are whining to get police back in the neighborhood, assuming after a week there was a neighborhood left to go back to.

    Also the Media is the one pushing an agenda. Where is the outrage over the 25 year old New York cop who was just murdered two days ago by an armed felon?

    As an objectivist compare the "Value" of Freddi Gray" to the NY cop who was decorated numerous times for valor and his "Value" to society.

    Isn't one of the cornerstones of Objectivism supposed to be the "value" a person provides?

    Let's compare value, for value?

    Let's also go to the Objectivist lexicon...

    The Objectivist ethics holds man’s life as the standard of value—and his own life as the ethical purpose of every individual man.

    The difference between “standard” and “purpose” in this context is as follows: a “standard” is an abstract principle that serves as a measurement or gauge to guide a man’s choices in the achievement of a concrete, specific purpose. “That which is required for the survival of man qua man” is an abstract principle that applies to every individual man. The task of applying this principle to a concrete, specific purpose—the purpose of living a life proper to a rational being—belongs to every individual man, and the life he has to live is his own.

    Man must choose his actions, values and goals by the standard of that which is proper to man—in order to achieve, maintain, fulfill and enjoy that ultimate value, that end in itself, which is his own life.

    The standard of value of the Objectivist ethics—the standard by which one judges what is good or evil—is man’s life, or: that which is required for man’s survival qua man.

    Since reason is man’s basic means of survival, that which is proper to the life of a rational being is the good; that which negates, opposes or destroys it is the evil.

    Now lets do a direct comparison of the "Good and/or Evil" presented by the criminals, vs. the cops.

    Let's also stay on topic of the perceived "Police Brutality, thanks to looter, and thungs, and the Al Sharptons of the world.

    All the extraneous topics you mentioned, could have an entire thread written on each one, surveillance, NSA spying, blah, blah, blah...which has NOTING to do with the discussion on perceived police brutality, which the REAL statistics PROVE when comparing police interactions across the country with citizens, is overwhelmingly good.
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    what makes you think anyone here supports and encourages theft? (well maybe the anarchos who hate IP) It is healthy to push back against a police state. we are creeping ever closer. You, wood, need to be asking more questions of your law enforcement. The stats really do not back you up. I know you're frustrated, but every time I go back to the US-it gets worse-any encounter with the police. Colorado Springs installed permanent signs all along the I-25 corridor with threats. "we're watching you," "we are cracking down on seat belt laws." "we are giving out tickets." what nonsense! I don't need to be nannied. I don't need their SWAT forces busting down my door over vague suspicions. it's like you don't read the paper or you have a belief system thing going on for the officers in blue. they are people, just like us. and I do NOT owe them respect because they wear a uniform. I deal with individuals. Officers of the law, serve you and me. not the other way around.
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  • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    I am so disillusioned at the "Anti-Law enforcement" sentiment going on in the Gulch.

    See these posts sounds just like the rhetoric Al Sharpton utters.

    I am amazed at how people in the Gulch are expecting 100% perfection from everyone in Law Enforcement, and ignores almost totally the culpability of those who commit crimes to begin with.

    Based on the overall statistics USA Law Enforcement with all its flaws, has such a low instance of violations in comparison to the overall work they do and for, what is apparent here, NO appreciation at all, in fact utter contempt at their existence.

    I am actually hoping that cops in the big cities take a 100% vacation for at least 7 days. Then let us see how much you appreciate their efforts.

    I for one, while I do recognize there are flaws, major ones, and there are some bad cops, and there is some corruption, until you achieve the Utopia you are looking for where everyone is 100% perfect with no intent on ever doing harm to anyone else, What we have here in this Country , statistically is pretty darn good.

    I am personally ashamed to see intelligent, reasonable people sweeping the thugs under the carpet, and apparently viewing them as innocent misunderstood people who are only trying to make their lives better.

    Who cares they are doing by burning, looting, raping and murdering with almost total impunity because of how the laws are "supposed" to protect everyone's rights even the criminals.

    If we did not have what we have here, with the overwhelming majority honest hard working, ethical cops, we would have Mexico, or Iran and the Gulags.

    But if that is what you want. so be it I guess.
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  • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    How about

    HEY KIDS DO NOT ROB A STORE and assault the store owner,

    HEY KIDS do not open a Methlab and distribute Narcotics.

    HEY KIDS, how about do not Vandalize everything you come in contact with.

    HEY KIDS how about show some courtesy and respect to others.

    HEY KIDS how about you OBEY THE LAW!!!!

    Nah we would never want to encourage that...

    We need to bash the police, hell lets just get rid of all law enforcement and leave us all alone to protect ourselves how we see fit?
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  • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Chris Rock, offered a comedy skit, on "How NOT to get your ass kicked by the Police."

    #1 was this.

    OBEY THE LAW!!!!
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  • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    You changed the subject. Traffic tickets are not Brutality.

    Also if the speed limit is 55 and you are doing 60, even if it is for revenue, YOU voluntarily offered to get a ticket by violating the law.
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  • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    So take the REAL cop interactions and assume only 1% are reported, you still have a .0074% error.

    Still damn good.
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  • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Again, you statistics are flawed. How many traffic tickets are for creating revenue? Almost all of them, which means they also should be included. Easily making the numbers near 50%
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Look on Youtube, then realize that only represents a vanishingly small number of actual interactions.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 1 month ago
    If a cop sees his job as brutalizing and killing citizens, or knows that he can get away with anything because of his 'thin blue line, his union rules, the support of his prosecutors, etc., then I wholly support making their jobs impossible. Start by eliminating any law that gives them excuses to make citizen contact without probable cause of a crime. Then eliminate all safety laws that actually serve to only provide a funding source to support themselves. Eliminate any law that allows them to take any action toward a citizen without probable cause brought before a judge before the action.

    We don't need 'Judge Dredd'. Put the cops in clown cars, with clown costumes including the big floppy shoes, the bug red bulb nose, and only allow a squirt daisy as the duty weapon. Tell the idiot in the video to get a shotgun and use it, then call 911 to do a cleanup.

    Think of the initial reason for citizen contact on the list of death by cop cases that have caused so much trouble this year--Ferguson: 'Hey, you kids, get out of the street', S Car: Broken tail light, NYC: selling a cigarette, Baltimore: eye contact. This is not the Founder's country, nor is it mine anymore.
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  • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Not really, because I made an assumption of each cop ONLY interacting with one citizen per month.

    Table 27

    The REAL average is 40,014,950 per year based on 2008 numbers. So even if you decided to say that only 1% of the "Civil Rights" cases are reported, and go to a hearing, you are still looking at .0074%

    Manufacturing, any facility would LOVE to have a .0074% defect per 40 million parts.

    AND they do this all under the risk of being shot and killed.
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  • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Yes - does not include civil asset forfeitures - just to name one - which would cause that number to be near 30% per year.
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  • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    The number of people killed by police continues to rise. In many cases the police are never prosecuted. The US has more people in prison than any other country. The police have an attitude of respect my badge and think they are above the law. Law enforcement steals billions of dollars using civil asset forfeiture laws. Some of these can easily be documented, some of these are illegal activities by the police that are covered up. But no rational person can deny that the US is a police state.
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  • Posted by 9 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.

    900,000 police officers in 2013. Greater population in the USA, estimated 13 - 20 million illegally here.

    I am not convinced the perceived police brutality as people claim exists.

    I am not saying there is none, sure there are some bad apples, BUT overall, nah...the proof is not there.
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