Revolution Or Cynical Ploy: Fashion Woos Older Women

Posted by khalling 9 years, 5 months ago to Economics
6 comments | Share | Flag

It is an interesting recent trend. However, the reason I post this is to show the world economic decline. Note almost at the end of the article, it references the fact that british pensions are protected by the state, and so, they are now the ones with the spending power. The lack of a middle class moving into upper middle class and then wealthy is non-existent for the fashion industry.

All Comments

  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 5 months ago
    Your point about the lack of the upper middle class is accurate. Being in practice 39 years, I have seen it happen. One example is that in my town of about 80,000, 75% of the students at the private school have their tuitions paid by their grandparents, not their parents.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 5 months ago
    Fashion should woo older women. They have more money.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 5 months ago
    British pensioners are not the only ones with the spending power. Reason Magazine just published a story about wealth transfer to seniors in the USA a month or two ago.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 5 months ago
    Typical fashion marketing. Convince a large segment of the population that they aren't good enough unless they buy more useless ugly rubbish to replace the equally good junk they bought during last year's marketing campaign. Shameless unproductive waste of resources.
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