Mandatory Voting? His Highness The One Floats The Notion

Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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What would the punishment be?
A fine? Jail time? Both?
An ancient dude named Draco and his Draconian government comes to mind.
SOURCE URL: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mandatory-voting-obama-says-it-would-be-transformative/ar-BBipf2F

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    Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 2 months ago
    So when they can make sure you voted, they can then make sure you vote the right way.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 2 months ago
      Uh. I am missing this logic. How can 'ticking your name off a list when you show your ID' be the same as 'crawling into the booth with you to see how you vote'?

      We have had other discussions in the Gulch about the positive effects that showing an ID and proving that you are a (unique) citizen would have on the honesty of the voting process. I think that 'mandatory voting' is different than 'directed voting'.

      I am against mandatory voting the same way I am against the EPA controlling your barbeque grill: The government should stay out of the personal life of the individual. Leave Us Alone.

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      • Posted by $ Your_Name_Goes_Here 9 years, 2 months ago
        What voter's booth? I live in Oregon and we have vote-by-mail, which has led to some questionable vote handling practices and "surprising" outcomes. Couple that with the recent news of a significant number of people who are age 112 or older (ahem), and you can see what our Dear Leader's next "request" will be - nationwide vote-by-mail. We're sunk at that point, my friends...
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        • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 2 months ago
          There is no actual reason for vote by mail to be less secure, other than the desire of the people who run it to behave fraudulently. An outside party should vet the process.

          For example - there has to be a list of people to whom the ballots would be mailed. A simple scrutiny of people >100 years of age would be an easy task (exclusionary criterion). Cross-checking the list against DMV records for licenses given/renewed within the last [10 years] should show people who are probably actual residents (inclusionary criterion). I assume that each ballot has a unique ballot id code so that only one vote can be cast per code (no xeroxed ballots - common sense criterion).

          Voting by mail has the potential for being more honest than booth voting, with the notable exception that a bully could force his/her family members to all vote a given way, which cannot happen in a booth - but I think that is rare. You will never get perfect honesty, but I think that we can do a lot better than we are doing now. Corporations may have this system already scoped out, for stock votes.

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          • Posted by sumitch 9 years, 2 months ago
            Sure. Then ACORN and SEIU wouldn't have to bother standing out in the street and bribing people to vote. They could just have them come in to their offices and sign the forms.
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            • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 2 months ago
              Since they ARE doing that, this is not a distinguishing characteristic between mail voting and booth voting. And the people out in the street would have to bring their forms in with them in order to get their bribe money. How many will do that? (I really don't know, but my experience with people indicates that if organization of any form is required in order to participate, then the amount of participation drops sharply.)

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              • Posted by sumitch 9 years, 2 months ago
                It sure is. By mail they can sit at home or in the office without the trouble of getting off their butts and going to vote. A huge percentage of potential voters won't bother to get up and go vote because they are too lazy to get up now. My experience with people is that if you give them money they will follow you anywhere. At least they would have to do something for their bribes. We have plenty of crooks voting now thanks to the SEIU and ACORN on the street. Why give them another tool? Then they could vote once on the street and once via mail. Plus whatever votes they send in for Mickey Mouse. It's better for them to go to the polling places, show a valid ID and after they have registered to vote and their registration is verified, then they can vote. Plus the government would have to start paying postage for the return mail ballots or giving more illegal money to ACORN. It might be possible for criminals like Obama to stop siphoning money to these crooked organizations if it was mandatory to go vote like it was intended..
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        • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 2 months ago
          Are Oregonians are going to have "mandatory registration" along with any issued drivers' licenses? My local talk show host talked about this a few mornings ago.
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    • Posted by ohiocrossroads 9 years, 2 months ago
      It's another form of Incrementalism from the Dimocrat party. First you get the people to grudgingly accept the coercion to vote, then it gets to be easier to get them to accept the coercion of who to vote for. Just bombard the populous for a decade with propaganda about how government knows best, and they'll behave like good little sheeple.
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    • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 2 months ago
      Z, my initial reaction exactly when I first saw it.

      Also don't forget that most of these non-voters are poor and "marginalized" (whatever THAT means) and will have be picked up and driven to the polls (preferably on buses driven by union drivers on overtime), given some re-education first in a camp run by Bill Ayers, AND most of all have their meager incomes supplemented in some way. It's only fair, after all.

      At least he did point out, I believe in the account I read that that pesky thing called The Constitution might get in the way of this brilliant plan, but hey, no big deal.
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    • Posted by CTYankee 9 years, 2 months ago
      It would actually be a law I'd be in favor of if and only if, NoTA was the default vote. Then it becomes a strategy game for the major parties. Do they run a weak candidate in the 'mandatory' general election hoping NoTA will remove the opposition and then try to face off in the following special election? It would certainly change the political landscape as we know it.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 2 months ago
    Would the requirement extend to illegals and dead people??? Would Chicago be required to put a maximum number of times one person can vote? So many questions...
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  • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 2 months ago
    Government in general might not want to tug too hard on that particular thread. Politicians might wake up to find a ballot initiative to institute all kinds of changes like, say, a requirement that all ballots must have a new, additional choice on them. One that says, "None of the above". Transformative he says? Indeed.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 2 months ago
    Yes, and that means the election clerk will be sure to cast votes in the names of the dead and the moved-out. Guaranteed Democratic votes.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 2 months ago
    Obama ALWAYS has a hidden agenda. I never listen to their reasons for wanting things. I look to the hidden agendas. In this case, it would hasten our demise into socialism and support for the democratic party. Its pretty transparent what he wants.
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  • Posted by NealS 9 years, 2 months ago
    After watching him talk about it again, I got to thinking about mandatory voting, what would it do for us? We're split about 50/50 today with those do vote. I'd expect most of those that do vote have some knowledge of the candidates and where they stand, so we should get something close to a reasonable outcome and selecting reasonably qualified candidates.

    Under a mandatory voting system we’d more than double the voting turnout by people who have no idea about politics, the candidates, or ant of the issues that are important. What exactly would we get because these people would represent the majority? We could end up with our elected officials not based on qualifications but on race, sex, looks, and all the attributes that have nothing to do with running a country. Think about it, “Hands Up” people could elect a president, or perhaps the “Occupy Movement” people would select our leaders. We might even get people elected like Michael Moore, Al Sharpton, and even Hillary Clinton.

    Proof of my theory is we got Barack Obama in 2008 and again in 2012. And in the 2014 elections the people that showed up were the lowest in numbers in years. The Barack Obama electorate were worn out, they lost faith in “Hope and Change”*, and just didn’t turn out to vote. What would the results have been if voting was mandatory? Perhaps a lot different. I don’t think we should vote on who puts the most attractive yard signs in the poorer areas. It’s a poor reason to elect those that are going to represent us.

    The president himself said it on Wednesday in Ohio, “If everybody voted theeeeen (that’s what he said) it would completely change the political map in this country, because the people who tend not to vote are, young, they’re lower income, they’re skewed more heavily towards immigrant groups and minority groups.” He forgot a few other attributes, one being less educated, another with lower family affiliations, higher crime rates, etc. Are these the kind of people that understand how fragile our system has been for some 240 years now? Would these people elect the right people that would keep try to keep this country free?

    * I found it interesting, the guy that ran against Netanyahu, his slogan was, "Change and Hope". I actually heard it come out of his mouth. Perhaps the people of Israel are smarter than us.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 2 months ago
    Educated Electorate is what is needed to move things in any kind of good direction.

    "Statistically speaking, Obama is correct. Less than 37 percent of eligible voters cast ballots in the 2014 midterms, according to the United States Election Project. And a Pew Research Center study found that those avoiding the polls in 2014 tended to be younger, poorer, less educated and more racially diverse."

    The less educated section of this is a key that Obama wants. A less educated voter is more easily swayed to any cause. They are more likely to do what your adds tell them to do.

    Another key that BO wants that also stinks is his use of the poor as a club to beat the rich into submission and rob them to give the poor stuff. This would provide a much larger club. A star trek episode comes to mind "Muri" - Bam Bam the grumps.
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  • Posted by CTYankee 9 years, 2 months ago
    Actually, it would be great as long as NoTA (None of The Above) was *ALWAYS* on the ballot!

    Imagine the politicos facing a career ending election *every* term... Life would be wonderful!
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
    What's the point? At the top level there are only two choices and both from the same party. If Republicans want to be treated differently they should start acting differently.

    There is something else lurking behind this ''notion'' Wait for the other shoe to drop. Pay to vote perhaps. Like Soros?
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    • Posted by sumitch 9 years, 2 months ago
      Wouldn't that violate the rights of the poor peeples?
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
        Exactly my point and why the poll tax idea was dropped around 1776. That goes for special privileges for poor and for rich. One doesn't have to pay more than they can afford and the other doesn't get the right, supposedly, to buy the ballots. You stop that by limiting donations to those who have a vested interest. First they have to be eligible to vote and so far that's all it takes. Only people can do that and only in their home precinct. One per customer. Once you cut out the entitities that cannot vote most of the soft money donations are disappeared and only legiimate people who can or have registered to vote get into the act. In Oregon they now send ballots to addresses so I guess addresses can now vote in that state. Pathetic, As for those who give up out of dismay, or on purpose because George can always buy the results equally pathetic.
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 9 years, 2 months ago
    The government will vote for you if you don't do it yourself based on the formula: V= |O<=p(D)/p(R)<=1|. Of course, the DOJ will determine what numbers to plug into the formula.

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    • 10
      Posted by $ 9 years, 2 months ago
      After the midterm elections, I recall Obama saying he was listening to the one third who voted as well as the two thirds who did not vote.
      A couple of days later I saw an editorial cartoon of Obama peering into a crystal ball, asking those who did not vote what they were thinking.
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      • Posted by gtebbe 9 years, 2 months ago
        HAH! That is a good way to state it, allosaur! I think His Holy Immaculant would have a big surprise coming if voting were required, I don't see any way for these "Democrats" would be able to stand up to a vast majority of right-thinking voters over the small percentage of people who think they are liberal.

        Voters are fickle. It all comes down to who ever comes up with the messages voters want to hear will get their vote. Liberal OR Conservative. Explain how in the world President Reagan won not only a first term against the liberals but a second term as well.
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  • Posted by ewv 9 years, 2 months ago

    Obama as state senator responding to question on should a duty to vote be mandatory and expounding on libertarian right to sit on a couch

    Odyssey WBEZ 91.5 FM Chicago Public Radio

    host Gretchen Helfritch

    Barack Obama Illinois State Senator district 13
    and senior lecturer in law school at U Chicago

    stuttering over words, but in a pompous professorial manner

    43:06 Obama: "You know I think, uh, I am not sure that uh we wouldn't have a uh healthier political process if we had mandatory voting of the sort that they have in Australia as I understand it I think, you're you're looking at a modest fine in Australia for not voting, uhm so at least there's some incentive to vote, uh, eh, beyond uh you know civic uh uh interest or or involvement, and, n, I'm not sure that wouldn't be a healthy thing uh I don't think it's a realistic prospect becuz it runs contrary to a -- strong libertarian uh ethos uh in this country uh that you know uh I think applies to uh uh voting like everything else uh I don't get a sense uh that this country eh I think most individuals feel that uh voting's a good thing, uh it's part of our civic responsibility, but I think they also feel like you know I want to sit on the couch uh and watch uh the XFL and and uh and not go to the polls then that's ok too uh and an that's so there's a strong dose of skepticism about uh mandating uh voting that that I think uh could not be overcome in this country."

    host: "Do I detect an anti-XFL bias in you, Barak Obama?"

    Obama: [laughs cynically] "No comment."

    host: "Ok"

    Richard John (Assoc Professor of History at University of Illinois at Chicago): "I'd like to add just one more thing on this I think that that one could at least argue, and I might be inclined to argue, that -- and there's some question of realism that was just referred to that, that in fact the major political parties today have no particular interest in increasing turnout.

    Obama: "That's right uh you know, the uh, uh I mean one of one of the things that we haven't spoken about but I think uh Richard's raising an excellent point, is that uh thet one of the tricky aspects of tinkering with voting laws is that uh whoever's in power, whoever controls the uh mechanisms of the state uh obviously did pretty good under the current voting rules uh and so you know they they you know there's there's a a strong bias towards uh the status quo and inertia when uh when it comes to uh voting arrangements."
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 2 months ago
    Interesting to read the comments here about how only the "producers" should be permitted to vote, for in fact that's pretty much what's happening. The most consistent voters tend to be working, knowledgeable, and older. There are instances where the ignorant or incompetent are "assisted" in the voting process, but the method isn't organized enough to control the outcomes on a large scale.

    Voting online presents an interesting dilemma, given the opportunity for hacking. However, the science of biometrics has advanced enough that devices now exist to identify the voter by retinal pattern, presenting a form of ID difficult to fake.

    Being a proponent of the carrot over the stick, I would recommend some form of tax refund for exercising one's duty to vote. Under a flat tax system, a reduction from 17% to 16% during voting periods should be incitement enough. I think that would be more effective in inciting voter turnout than penalties for not voting.
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  • Posted by BradA 9 years, 2 months ago
    I'd consider mandatory voting with one caveat. ALL ballots for an office must include a "None of the Above" box. If "None of the Above" wins, then another election is held. Anyone who was on the ballot where "None of the Above" has won, can NEVER run for that office again.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 2 months ago
    More "fundamental transformation" from this character. I don't trust it. When he says it will remove the money from politics you can be sure of just the opposite. It will be more Soros and Heinz money to get the "young and racially diverse" non-voters to the polls.With all that is attached.
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    • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 2 months ago
      The term "useful idiots" comes to mind.

      If you force the uninformed masses who do not care to vote you can get whatever vote you need by campaign advertising and political gifts. pretty easy to see what he would want it for.

      No small government person would ever win again unless they behaved like a big government guy during the election.
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      • Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 2 months ago
        I have always entertained the idea that maybe a standard appearing politician (a president especially) gets voted in by the usual means - pandering and vote buying - and then once in pulls the veil aside and he/she is a dedicated constitutionalist. Of course that would mean that said office holder could do very little because of adhering to the constitution. Oh well, never mind.
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    • Posted by sumitch 9 years, 2 months ago
      I'm hard pressed to trust this one for much of anything. I will give him credit for authorizing the SEAL snuffing of the pirates of the ship Maersk Alabama where the captain Phillips volunteered to give himself up in return for the safety of his crew. That's assuming that Barry did authorize it.
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      • Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 2 months ago
        Yeah, who knows on that one. Somehow I think Obubblehead was cowering in the corner similar to when they "got" Bin Laden.

        I just watched Captain Phillips for the second time last weekend. The main reason was that I knew Ritchie Phillips in High School. He was in my graduating class from Winchester High School (Mass) in 1973. I had a small circle of friends at this point in High School, having been an Ayn Rand and knowledge inspired lad wasting time in public school. Us like minded friends would gather in a study hall between classes. Ritchie would sometimes join our group during study break and was welcome. He was a good kid as well as I recall but we never became fast friends and after graduation that was it. It is weird watching Tom Hanks play the guy I knew even after 40 years of time has passed.

        But this time around, I noticed and appreciated the scenes where Captain Phillips is advising the pirates on how to use the equipment. Very reminiscent of a smiling John Galt advising his torturers on how to fix the equipment. I doubt this was a deliberate connection but was quite significant for me anyway.
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  • Posted by $ guinness222 9 years, 2 months ago
    In true Obummer form perhaps benevolent loss of three fingers, the pinky, the one next to it, and the index,...so when he was humiliated he could politely wave to his/her politically correct friends!
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