Moochers hit up "Walking man" James Robertson

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 3 months ago to News
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Unconscionable! Glad to see that the Detroit police are actually doing something to keep Mr. Robertson out of harm's way. These moochers are the scum of the earth.

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 3 months ago
    For me, it is a local story and there has been a fair amount of detail and coverage. The guy wants to work for a living and he would rather walk to and from work in the snow than be one of the moochers that have targeted him. He was walking approx. 20-25 miles total each day (+- 12 miles each way.) So far, he seems, from all accounts to be an upstanding citizen and deserves a helping hand unlike the majority of moochers and delinquents in his neighborhood. I am glad to see evidence of how superior and truly benevolent private assistance is compared to government handouts. The kid/s that started the fund raiser claim to have no personal relationship with Mr. Robertson. So far there has been no evidence to the contrary. Fortunately the police are reaching out and helping him move from the poisonous environment/neighborhood he has been in. They were all aware of the other guy recently murdered in Detroit for having come into a small sum...
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  • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 3 months ago
    If someone had just donated a bicycle with a really good lock, this whole thing could have been avoided. He also needs a gun to protect himself. A lot cheaper than $350,000. Most of that donated money will go to the IRS anyway.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 3 months ago
      Why the hell did they publicize it??? Do gooder second handers!! You don't announce you got a windfall when you live in the ghetto. You OWE everyone everything you's the law of the land there. Baaad move, and puts him in danger. How's that for do goodery?? Idiots.
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