The Producer

Posted by CatieM 11 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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I would like to know more about the people here. What have you done and what do you plan to do. Producer isn't a light title to carry.

Myself I live in a po-dunk little town that is trying to make it with the major metropolitan areas. They believe youth will pave the way, as far as I can tell our "youth" haven't done a damn thing. They are the people that sit in the meetings with the great ideas and do nothing about it.

I want to create events, they probably won't put us on the map but they will be events. No donating for a cause but people going out spending their hard earned evening for a memorable evening.

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 8 months ago
    I've purchased an ancient and abandoned business in the middle of nowhere, using the hard-earned savings of many jobs, and am slowly making it once again into a viable business. At one time it was a brilliant eneterprise by a foresighted man whose name has been lost to history; and while the area's importance has slackened due to influences much like a freeway bypassing a small town, it has a vital (if small) base of residents, and I have a skill that will be useful to them, which also ties in well with the original purpose of the business when formed 135+ years ago... It is an uphill climb from where I am starting, but only through the hard work of one's climb do the muscles develop to stand apart, and thence to run like the wind into the future. This is what I am doing. Not on credit, not on favors, not on loans nor by asking for gifts or subsidies. It may be a bit... scary... at times, an uncharted path into the unknown... but only through great risk can one achieve great reward; a reward that embodies never living for the sake of another, nor asking another to live for mine.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
      What kind of business is it or will it be?
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 8 months ago
        Returning the shop to its roots as a general repair shop & smithy. Because of the rural nature of the area (lumber and ranching) there is a demand for this work. Eventually I'd love to expand it to include a mobile shop (taking our work to your worksite) - I've studied business models of this (and actually worked in that industry for a while) and because of the increase of activity in the area, it seems as much a slam dunk as the smithy must have seemed to the original enterpreuner who built the shop in the 1870's.
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  • Posted by kimberlyfaith81 11 years, 8 months ago
    I'm a nurse practitioner. I work in a Neurology clinic. I enjoy it immensely. I try to use every patient encounter as an opportunity to educate and empower. I despise our dependent, "vitctim oriented" culture and try to teach patients that they are responsible for their actions and their health with me as their coach and cheerleader (not their miracle worker or pill pusher). I'm raising two beautiful children to believe in their own power to shape their world. I'm teaching them to learn and live independently. We grow a lot of our own food, the children help. What we can't grow, we hunt. Not that I'm opposed to grocery stores, I'm just a firm believer in self-sufficiency and sustainability. I'm passing that on to my children. I'm actively engaged in local politics. Currently I'm serving on my county's Republican Executive Committee and Republican Women group. I don't consider myself Republican per se, but my county is heavily Republican and I'm using my positions to try to convince them that we shouldn't support and elect every politician that comes through with an "R" by his name. Too many good old boys in our county and not enough free thinkers willing to truly evaluate the candidates. I'm also serving as President for my local nurses association. Which is a community service organization. This group is my outlet for charity work. In this manner, I know that each project we become involved in is charity I believe in. For instance, we find local families that have encountered hardships outside their control and provide them with assistance they need. Christmas for their children, Thanksgiving dinner, clothing and toiletries after fires, etc. I've found "donating money" to large organizations to be less satisfying and you never know where the money really goes. So we do all the work on our own and raise the money ourselves or donate it from our pockets. We also do a lot of community education projects, which are my favorite. Nothing more satisfying than empowering others with knowledge and self-confidence! Currently we're focusing on childhood obesity and diet education classes for patients with diabetes, heart disease, strokes, etc.
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  • Posted by anarchistbanjo 11 years, 8 months ago
    I translate German literature from 1890's to 1920's, most of which is in the process of being forgotten. Prior to world war I Vienna was the cultural capital of the world, 1896 saw the world fair and the first Nobel prizes. World War I should have never happened. I believe that German literature from this era is especially valuable since it is heavily influenced by Nietsche, the concept of human empowerment, and a movement away from religion in the traditional sense of the word. Currently I've translated a few uncensored versions of books by Hanns Heinz Ewers including "Alraune" and "Sorcerer's Apprentice". This is a hobby that I hope to turn into a full time occupation. Hanns Heinz Ewers work was banned by both Nazi Germany and the allies after WWII. In learning the skill of translating I've been self taught and am currently learning how to use Dragon Naturally Speaking voice typing program to increase my productivity. My dream is to be able to translate the German literary and art weekly's "Jugend" and "Simplicissimuss", This is over forty years worth of self empowerment/will to power literature that the world has forgotten. This type of literature simply does not exist in the passive world of today. Ayn Rand and Neo-tech do point the way forward and I am happy to have found this place.
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  • Posted by cruiseladytexas 11 years, 8 months ago
    My job is to make people's dreams come true. I work in the travel industry with both individuals, and with groups as a group travel concierge. I take care of all the details for group travel and things such as destination weddings, reunions, college study abroad trips, etc.

    In my spare time I teach Catechism (2nd grade), teach sacrament preparation for reconciliation and Eucharist, sing in the church choir, and sing in a seperate Gregorian Chant Schola.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 11 years, 8 months ago
    Well, I for one participate in my church and in the scouting programs with teens in particular when I am not working to pay for my families home and food.

    I like teenagers. Even my own kids. My wife struggles with them then, I struggle with them when they are small, until about 4-6 somewhere in there where you can start to have some reasoned discussions with your kids.

    I do it for several reasons
    * I enjoy it.
    * I do think the youth are where we will have to go to help turn things around. It wont happen in a few years, it will take decades to do it right, just as it has taken decades to move us away from being a free people.
    * If I can influence one youth to learn about self preparedness and self reliance its one person who will be better off.

    I have a few stories around this most involve camping with scouts or boys from my church. Some good experiences.

    I think the key is to become active with people around you. A board like this is great for chat, but if you really want to make a difference go out and practice your philosophy with and around others. If for you that is an event that you organize in your town, do it.
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  • Posted by terrycan 11 years, 8 months ago
    How wonderful that you want to create events. What kind? Music, motorsports, athletic, art shows? What is unique about your town? Where do you have the unfair advantage?
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    • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
      Sorry I missed your comment amidst everything else.

      I started out wanting to do fundraisers for non-profits, the thing is any event in my town is a fundraiser. Besides the few concerts, or plays that trickle through our events center, their isn't anything unique to go out and spend money on without being guilted into buying crap auction items etc.

      Events? Any kind. Preferably not weddings, brides are the least rational people on the planet. The idea that weddings are parties and not obligations is lost amongst people anymore as I found when I helped my friend plan hers.

      I am full of ideas, I just have to consistently put the backpedal on, I am really good at extending me further then my fiscal abilities. It is a slow progress but I am hoping one day to be successful in event planning, since saying you want to do that in my town is pretty much a joke.

      How about you Terry?

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      • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 8 months ago
        Woohoo!!! I missed it too - that sounds totally awesome! Take a couple community college courses in event management (or something related - good value for the money spent, and you end up with the tools to take that overextension and turn it into a wicked business expansion tool!!! Good luck!!!!
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      • Posted by terrycan 11 years, 8 months ago
        Money is made when it is changing hands. Motersports people are big spenders. Not many towns welcome this activity. I am a CNC machinist. Manufacturing products is not glamoris but it can be a money maker. Sportsmen tend to spend. Food, fuel, supplies, Do you mind telling us the name of your town?
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        • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
          Sorry getting hungry - I agree motorsports are big. Last summer they brought some dirt bike rally in, half the people went to it the half that didn't complained about it. One of which was my boyfriend, but he had valid reason, he had to deal with their ignorant asses and not knowing how to run a race.
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        • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
          Thanks guys, and yes I am working on a certification in event and wedding planning (ugh). I am also looking to start working on my bookkeeping certification, which is a little more practical in paying the bills.

          Casper WY no stalking terry :)
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  • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 11 years, 8 months ago
    Re: JML's reply,

    Stop back pedaling.

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    • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
      If you have a personal issue with me, please send me a message on Facebook. I am weary of your attacks. Thank you.
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      • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 11 years, 8 months ago
        My "attacks" are on your argument. I have not maligned your character or made any personal attacks directed at you, merely your arguments. Using hurt feelings as an argument is not a winning argument. The hero's of Atlas Shrugged are mythological in nature. The point of mythology is to inspire people to be heroic.

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        • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
          This is the last time I will address you on this board, as you consistently take what I say and misrepresent it. Your last reply is a perfect example. I said I am weary of your attacks and you say that means I have hurt feelings. Being tired and being emotionally pained are two different things.

          As I stated above, if you have a personal issue with me, as I can think of that as the only reason for the continued misunderstanding of my simple statements accompanied by vitriolic responses (other than just plain ignorance), then please contact me personally. Otherwise, the conversation ends here.

          Thank you.
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          • Posted by JeanPaulZodeaux 11 years, 8 months ago
            You are insisting on taking my arguments directed solely at yours and making them personal. It is not I misrepresenting you. You can't eat your cake and have it too. If you are weary of the arguments then the obvious thing to do would be to stop arguing. Instead you've insisted on making it personal. You, not I. You alone have insisted upon this.

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  • -6
    Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
    I should add that none of the producers of this film have ever produced anything of note before, and it shows. The recast fiasco has literally made them the laughingstock of Hollywood. This is not the "liberal media" responding, this is common sense. The critics are going to KILL this film for the recast alone, and if that doesn't get them,. the self-serving histrionics will.

    There is nothing wrong with not knowing what you are doing. There is a great deal wrong with making it up as you go along because you're too proud to ask for help from those who understand how things work in film production.

    Such a shame, all that money thrown away to satisfy ego. Judging from the trailer, the film's audience will be limited to members of the cult of Rand, just like part 1.

    And then we'll hear howls and accusations against the "leftists media" from the faithful who are incapable of accepting that the message simply doesn't have that broad of appeal, and that the film wasn't made to basic professional standards.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
      I think their is a better thread to be discussing this. "The Producer" isn't a job title it is a moral standing. Quite frankly since the producers of Atlas Shrugged created this website and you purchased a membership just to insult them, I find that rather petty and hope you are removed from this site.
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      • -5
        Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
        Only 2.5% of America own businesses, making 97.5% of us "immoral" by your standards.

        I didn't purchase anything, not will I ever from these "producers". I saw the film for free since I work in the industry, and I laughed throughout much of it at its failings to live up to "B" list standards.

        So now creating a website is reason for respect? Congrats to 13 year old metal head geeks everywhere. lol

        The amazing thing to me is that these producers are talking you all for a ride. This is a money making proposition to them, nothing more. Do you reckon the profits they make from Randites seeing this film a dozen times each are going to support Rand's ideals, or do you reckon they are going to pay for their 3rd vacation homes?

        Unlike other legitimate films that pays its workers, this one counts on Rand cult members to do its work for it for free, and then still expects them to pay full price to see the film. The items available for sale on the film's website are off-the-scale overpriced, yet Randites continue to buy them.

        Wake up people. You are being used as pawns to enrich other people, all while believing you are supporting a philosophy that says you are enabling yourselves. lol.
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        • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 8 months ago
          Atually - if you DIDN'T recognize the movie as a money making proposition, then you missed the point, both of the movie and of Rand's philosophy as well.

          The movie would, of course, be attractive to followers of Ayn Rand's writings... just as the many manifestations of Dune would be to admirers of Frank Herbert's writing, or those making kazillions on Gene Roddenberry's work.

          I hope the people running this website, and as such making the movie, make a BOATLOAD of money on both. They took a huge risk putting her work on celluloid, and whether you think the movie rocks or is a waste of film, I admire what they're doing.

          Who I feel sorry for are those who disparage a group for having the guts to have a vision and see it through. Whether it makes it or not, they have done something that few would have the cajones to do - follow a vision. Sure beats talking smack about someone following a vision.

          Oh, one more thing... How do you feel about other artists using kickstarter to fund their art? Or starting a business that may not be Microsoft in its first week of existence, out of a garage? Ya know... not all success stories have to be all polished chrome highrise office buildings... at least to start.
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          • -4
            Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
            There was NO risk involved. lol. This film was paid for up front 100% with PAC money. Do you actually think ANYONE would invest in a film that was as poorly made and did as poorly at the box office as part 1 did? Yet the budget for part 2 tripled.

            The producers for this film are being paid handsomely for their efforts regardless of how big of a turkey or how poorly made this project ends up being. To be perfectly honest, even the earliest discussions when this project started to gear up wasn't about making a kick-ass high quality film, it was about doing the best they could within the "limitations." What exactly ARE those limitations? This film had more money to work with than 99.9% of all films made in America.

            and it's still nothing more than a piece of poorly made propaganda designed to prey on the faithful.
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            • Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 8 months ago
              Kerry, you're on really shaky ground. We're not looking to argue with you but, for the record, all of what you said is false.

              You're going to need to get a grip and stick with what you know as fact or we're going to have to ban you... again. And, regardless of what you might think, we don't want to ban you. We know how much you enjoy coming in here and doing your thing so... just take a breath kiddo. Relax. Everyone here would actually welcome some serious well thought out debate so, try heading to higher ground and sticking to the issues.

              Ad hominem and patently false statements are only going to lead to us shutting the door on you... again... for like the fifth time already.

              It's not like you keep sneaking in Kerry. We keep letting you in. We're just hoping that you'll eventually want to actually debate something.
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              • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
                For the record, the above is my issue with a few posters here. I'm looking to debate philosophical ideas and exchange information, not constantly defend against ad hominems and straw men.
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                • -3
                  Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
                  And my modest goal is to make Randites understand that an argument isn't "strawman" simply because it points our flaws in logic that the Randites would rather not face.

                  It's easy to win the argument when the rules are all bent in your favor. It's easy to win the economic game when the rules are all bent in your favor.
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              • -2
                Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
                You've accused me of some pretty serious stuff here, so I think the fair thing to do it to take this on a case-by-case basis, and examine the truth of each of my statements:

                1) The vast majority of the money invested in the making and marketing of this film is coming from outside investors, reducing the risk of the producers to a small fraction of what other film makers experience. If the film tanks, you still got paid a weekly salary to make the film, just as everyone else working on the film did. What you didn't get is your "producer" cut, the percentage of the profits that you don't intend to share with the rest of the film makers, unless contracts require it. Typical American-Capitalist stuff

                2) Even using the most creative math in the world, part 1 will never come close to realizing a profit on the costs of making and selling the film. You need part 2 to do exceptionally well to hope to save the ship at all.

                3) The budget for part 2, including marketing and distribution will triple the amount spent of part 1. These figures have been announced in the media via formal press releases. These aren't my claims, they are yours.

                4) Review the media coverage leading up to an and including the announcement for this film, and the common thread in that the priority for the film was to get it released in time to have an impact on the election, Every other consideration was secondary. Nowhere in any of tour press releases is it acknowledged that there was a 9 month dead period between the finishing of part 1 and the announcement of part 2. That delay eventually necessitated scrambling and compromises. There is nobody to blame for that waste of time but yourselves. Using the excuse that part 2 is not an "A" level film because production was rushed, is rubbish.

                5) 99% of all films made in America have a budgets in the $10 million range, including recent Oscars nominees and winners. Your announced budget exceeds that total by a large amount, and your marketing and distribution budgets for part 2 are on par with many studio films.

                6) This film is being sold to a cult. Nearly all of the income for the film will come from the cult, not from the general public. Everything this project has done to date to develop interest in the project has been to market to that cult, not to the general public. Perhaps that will change somewhat as release of the film nears, but I think it's fair to assume that the bulk of the marketing will always be aimed at those friendly to Rand's philosophy. Rand is nowhere near as popular or as influential as the producers of the film have stated, and you aren't going to win many converts with this film. You know that, and you're going to avoid wasting money on mainstream advertising that won't attract enough customers to warrant the expense.

                Your turn. I was quite specific in my comments. I would appreciate if you do the same. What of what I've said has even the slightest tinge of falseness?
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                • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
                  You're applying your limited experience and extrapolating outward as if all situations are the same.

                  It has been widely reported that the first film made its money back on home media says.

                  It is impossible to have a cult in Objectivism, and in reality the people who would be considered the "hardcore" cult members hate the movies and disparage them worse than you could ever dream of.
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                  • -1
                    Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
                    The figures you list do not factor in advertising and distribution costs, which average 50% of more of the cost of marketing the film and getting it into theatres.

                    Furthermore, the costs for subsequent advertising betind the initial release are a separate item, and while those costs remain constant, they show diminishing returns over time.

                    Anyone who understands the first thing about film financing and marketing know that this film stands little chance of making back it's total investment , even if part 2 does exceptionally well.

                    Once again, prove me wrong, and I'll apologize.
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                    • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
                      "Anyone who understands the first thing about film financing and marketing know that this film stands little chance of making back it's total investment , even if part 2 does exceptionally well."

                      Once again, your rhetoric is childish. You set it up so that you can dismiss anyone who disagrees quickly, even ignoring reports that the first film has made its money back in home media as well as the fact that no one knows what will happen with Part 2. All the so-called experts certainly didn't think 2016 would succeed.
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                • Posted by Signofthedollar 11 years, 8 months ago
                  That fact that you use the term "Randites" with such hatred as if you were ready to round up the "Randites" and haul them off to the camps. Splatters everything you say with falseness. This vitriol that you spew totally discredits you. The fact that you think you can re-educate "Randites" speaks volumes.
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                  • -1
                    Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
                    I'm not trying to slander anybody. I am however reporting a cult as a cult. A dangerous cult at that.
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                    • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
                      As I stated elsewhere, there is no cult of objectivism, and the objectivists who would be most likely to be labeled as cultists steer clear of this site and the movies.
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                      • -1
                        Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
                        you sit around in your spare time and quote the inane ramblings of a long dead psychotic anti-social drug addict. I'm sorry to be the one to inform you you are in a cult. lol.
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                        • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
                          Please refer to this:

                          I am a member of no group and participate in no rituals. I don't venerate Ayn Rand, I agree with her assertions and respect her for identifying them.

                          You also have no idea what I do in my free time, so I'd appreciate you keep unfounded claims out of your strawmanning.
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                          • -1
                            Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
                            The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position.

                            I have done none of that. I have done nothing to misrepresent your position. Rather, I have presented my own, and my position is that the vast majority of those hanging out in this room are defending the actions and thoughts of a deeply disturbed woman who confused pre cold-war Russia with modern day America. Apples and oranges, my friend.

                            As for the "cult" thing, these two definitions seem to mirror the definitions in most dictionaries:

                            1) A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

                            2) A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

                            The shoe seems to fit quite well.
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                            • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
                              The scary part is that either:
                              1. You're so steeped in your own delusions that you can't identify your misunderstandings of reality
                              2. You're so committed to trolling that you refuse to acknowledge anything that knocks you off script.

                              Either way, you've turned yourself into a talking wall because of your dishonesty. You talk at people and not with them, and that contradicts all your collectivist premises that you supposedly believe in.
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                              • -3
                                Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
                                I'm in a chat room filled with rigid ideologues who aren't interested in discussing issues. You're here to hear the sound of each others voices, and to reassure each other that Rand's philosophy grants you permission to be greedy self-serving bastards.

                                It doesn't, and I'm here to explain why. You can either open yourself up to that glimpse of truth and reality, or you can bury yourself in Rand's hyper-cartoonish fantasies. Your choice.
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                                • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
                                  You're making assumptions on the motivations of others and therein lies YOUR self-centeredness. You think your view of other people is correct regardless of what they actually show you.
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                                • Posted by Signofthedollar 11 years, 8 months ago
                                  I do not need nor does anyone else need permission to be greedy and self-serving. Nobody does in a free society. So much for your premise for being here. You can go now you are not needed.

                                  I do not care for your explanations they are worthless, that is they have no value to me. What does have value is your absence as you are a distraction to others.
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                                  • -2
                                    Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
                                    translation: You don't need premission to take a dump in someone else's living room.

                                    That's Ayn Rand in a nutshell.
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                                    • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
                                      Your reply is the definition of a strawman. What you said does not logically follow from what signofadollar said AT ALL.
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                                      • -2
                                        Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
                                        lol. and I quote:

                                        "I do not need nor does anyone else need permission to be greedy and self-serving."

                                        My response was a DIRECT retort to that claim. You don't get to make up definitions for words, even if Rand did. lol.
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                                        • Posted by Signofthedollar 11 years, 8 months ago
                                          Ah, strawman again. First off doing what you said would be infringing on another's property rights which from anyone's standpoint is doing violence to another. Which no person with rational self interest would do.

                                          So your translation is invalid and pointless. As usual.
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              • -3
                Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago

                None of what I have contended is false. The money only exists to make this film because very wealthy, like-minded ideologues guaranteed financing, just as they do with PACS. They aren't doing it to champion Rand, they are doing it for the same reason that they support political candidates: they are seeking political influence that will allow them more favorable economic conditions than the rest of America. This is just one more tool in their arsenal.

                Every decision the producers make on this film weighs the propaganda factor far more heavily than it weighs the art factor. You've made that abundantly clear on this site and others, and it's also been reinforced in interviews with the media: This film is a political tool, and it is being rolled out right before the election to try to influence politics. The immaturity of the film experience of part 1, and the hysterical overstatements in the trailer for part 2 only points this out. Drama, drama, drama, and not in the good way. Your audiences will eat it up even if it's the most cartoon representation of a film ever made (even if you have to recast the entire film because you failed to lock the actors in for all three parts, as any experienced set of producers surely would have done. Name me a single other film in the history of American film making that has made this mistake.)

                If you can disprove ANY of what I've just said, please by all means do, and I will apologize. Secrets aren't as secret in Hollywood as you might like them to be. There are thousands of posts on the internet far more revealing about the skinny on this film than what I have revealed, many of them private groups that are private because the posters don't want to be blackballed by angry wealthy Randites. After the film comes out however, I'm sure much of the information will have found its way to critics, etc, who will report what they know.

                Moving on... I've never pretended to be sneaking around. I'm using the same damned moniker as always. lol. Despite your statement to the contrary, I have NOT been banned 5 times. lol. I have always posted at Atlas Shrugged film groups was using the same screen name with slight modifications. I have been very up front about who I am, and I have taken full responsibility for my comments. This would be my 3rd screen name all based on the same JGID theme. So please don't lecture me on falsehoods until you move out of your glass house.

                You can ban all you want, if that's the way you want to play the game. Both you and I know however that the reason you keep me around is because I boost activity at this site by a factor of 2 or 3. Are you sure you want to give that up just leading up to the release of this film, and then have everyone standing around bored silly, talking to members of the choir again?

                I have been as respectful as every other members of this group (more so in many cases.) If you think being a moderator of this site should allow you advantages over who should be able to say what, then you have just proven true every last one of my claims about Randites; The chose people who are more deserving of things they worked for than others who work just as hard and just as smart. The logical thing for you to do here, and the thing that Rand herself would encourage you to do, is to put in the work to prove me wrong.Use your reasoning abilities and become a producer, not a moocher living off of my efforts. Banning is the cowards way out. Create something, man. Write with such passion that you knock my socks off.
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                • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 8 months ago
                  Your rhetoric is childish and insulting. You lie and then frame your post that so that if no one grants your post validity, they are the one being the assholes.

                  This claim is also laughable:
                  "There are thousands of posts on the internet far more revealing about the skinny on this film than what I have revealed, many of them private groups that are private because the posters don't want to be blackballed by angry wealthy Randites."

                  Because "Randites" have so much power and influence that they can blackball people in Hollywood and lots of films with their values are being made.
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        • Posted by Elliot 11 years, 8 months ago
          I agree with CatieM. You're talking a big game for someone willfully associating with "Fred Claus."

          If you're just here to hate on everyone, you're wasting your energy. You're not introducing any new ideas; you're recycling the same tired ideas from people who probably stated them much more eloquently than you.

          As far as "legitimate films" paying its workers - I don't remember them paying the throngs of teenage girls wearing the "Twilight" shirts or buying the Mockingjay pin for "The Hunger Games". The fans did all that because they believed in it (although to be fair, they are to blame for unleashing sparkly vampires on all of us).

          For someone in the industry, you're pretty damn clueless about fandom and what people are willing to do for the movies/novels/musicians they admire. The notion that people ought to be paid for all that is beyond asinine - and even so, they do it out of a desire to spread the author's work to people who may not have ever read him or her before.

          And by the way - "13 year old metal head geeks"? If you truly worked in the industry you'd know that it's "the age of the geek." I wouldn't diss these kids; they are the defenders of free speech nowadays.
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            Posted by JGISSD 11 years, 8 months ago
            Here's what I do know: When you hire union film makers to make your film for you, you cannot have others do work that replaces their labor. That means if you have interns on the set or in the office, all they basically do is watch.

            Additionally, there are laws governing work rates and rules for for-profit enterprises, that are far different than for non-profit political causes. Advertising for someone to "volunteer" for a for profit enterprise violates those rules. This is why you don't see "volunteers: working for corporations: The law doesn't consider them volunteers, it considers them employees. The only exception is if the are receiving school credit for the experience.

            You forget that I do this stuff for a living.
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