The Lack of Quality and Pride In America

Posted by $ Abaco 2 months ago to Culture
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Have you noticed it too? I can't imagine that an Objectivist couldn't notice. In almost everything I interface in these days I see a total lack of pride in workmanship, lack of caring. What troubles me anymore is when I see it with entities that in the past have demonstrated a very high customer service and quality of work. Happened yesterday when I let the guy I hired to dethatch my lawn know that his crew didn't dethatch it at all. Zilch. I'm pulling wads of dead grass up with my bare hands and will have to do it myself. His answer? "Oh, that's how we do it so we don't overdo it and harm the lawn." I've known this guy for several years. Met him through my dad. I know it's nothing...But, I couldn't help but feel concern at this. I was out washing my boat when I let him know. My boat. The trailer is a piece of crap. Came with a tail light that didn't work, a poorly-designed j-box that wasn't designed to drain water (just hold it), and a hitch electrical plug that didn't work. I rewired it and sent the trailer manufacturer the receipt for the plug, asking if they could just reimburse me for the faulty part. The email I got back - "Oh, people often forget to unplug it and drive away, damaging the plug. And, that's what we think you did." My reply included, "...haha!". But, boat trailers are a bottom-feeder industry, come to find out. My only problem is that they're all bottom-feeder industries these days, almost entirely. I'm getting a new desk delivered tomorrow for my home office and if it's not screwed up somehow I'll be shocked. I'm trying to buy less these days, interface with others less, watch less tv. Just painfully paying my taxes (massive check for the feds written this year while Biden is pardoning all that college debt for those idiots who went to school to party and study something easy).

It's starting to really feel like there's a very small percentage (for years I've had it at 15% and I stand by that number) of people who care about what they do. And, we're like a little, private club. The guys that run the place that stores my boat...that place is an oasis of excellence. One little burger joint in town....If it weren't for the tattoos I'd think I was in Akston's Diner. Haha... Anyway...I had to rant. I don't think most others outside of here would understand... There's a little locksmith in town that is excellent. These establishments and their staffs stand out to me. We usually become friends - like we need each other.

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