Do you actually have a sticker on your vehicle...

Posted by $ Abaco 6 months, 1 week ago to Entertainment
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...about Objectivism, etc.? I actually have a the words, "Who is John Galt?" in the top of the rear window of my pickup. A few times, I've had conversations with knowing strangers about it. I was standing in Santa Barbara Airport the other day wearing my tee shirt with the cover art from Atlas Shrugged, anxious to get back to my Gulch, when a well-dressed young man getting off a flight walked up and said, "Awesome book."

It was through such a bumper sticker I found Atlas Shrugged. The system works overtime, it seems, to not have it mentioned. I thought, "Yeah...who is this John Galt?", and googled it. I hope the little while letters on my truck help somebody in the same way...

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