Jan 6 was a false flag by the Deep State. D.C. NIFO

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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Tucker Carlson interviewed fired Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund. Video:

Article excerpt:
"Much of the January 6, 2021 mythology is wrong, on the right and left. The J6 relevance continues, as the basis for Trump's impeachment1 and indictment3. Tucker Carlson's unaired interview with Steven Sund, Capitol Police chief on J6, is probative. Carlson intended to air the interview the day he was fired. Sund, and the sergeants at arms of the House and Senate, "resigned" on January 7. These lifelong, consummate law enforcement professionals were at the top of their profession. Carlson elicited Sund's insistence he was denied intelligence indicating that wholesale violence was planned: "This didn't have to happen. Everything appears to be a cover-up." Sund reported that the crowd was filled with federal agents during "a planned, coordinated attack." Carlson just re-interviewed Sund. (Must viewing.) Carlson: "a systematic denial of intelligence and support."

Were these three officials fired to create convenient scapegoats? Was the intent to silence them before installing compliant replacements? Pelosi's J6 committee destroyed evidence. Sund revealed that whistleblowers have been forced out (Capitol employees lack whistleblower protections)."
The Federal Government IS THE ENEMY.
D.C. is corrupt beyond redemption. NIFO.
SOURCE URL: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/08/what_really_occurred_on_january_6.html

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    The fact that Pelosi told Trump that the Capitol Police was unnecessary should have been a major clue that this was going to be a false flag event.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    This was a put up fake flag event, with Pelosi and AOC, both having pre knowledge of the protestor libs coming in from Calif. It was not a Trump event, he offered pre approval of Natl, Guard to Peloii, who refused. It had to happen for them. Biden had declared on camrera electon night that his team pulled off the biggest voter fraud in history. They really needed distraction to make it go away. Now, they have broken Constitutional protections for speedy trial and unfair inca0reraton. The libs are guilty as sin. Cops were sacrificed to cover up what they did. A woman was shot to death, to make it seem violent, which only a Capital Police officer knew was a lie. . Fabricated, just like the Russian hoax.
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