Sorry, the lifestyle you once had is not available... at any price. (And you thought your job working for the enemy would keep you 'safe.')

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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"Yesterday I went to the local outlet of a major national grocery chain to pick up a couple of sale items. I walked around the cavernous store but didn't spot any hand-baskets, so I asked a clerk, "Did you get rid of the hand-baskets?" She replied, "No, we just don't have any."

I submit this as the perfect summary of how the whole shebang unravels. No, we didn't dispense with X, we just don't have any.

In other words, we'd be going to Heck in a hand-basket except we're out of hand-baskets.

This is not an isolated incident. Here are a few more."

Don't bother resisting. It's too inconvenient and unrealistic. You'd have to give up a new iphone every 2 years or a new car that costs $900 a month (and you never own it.)
Don't worry. The government is your friend.
They'd never shut down all small businesses for 18 months (again) for a pack of lies.
When you are living in the Gulag perhaps you'll realize that freedom made all the conveniences possible, and without freedom the conveniences will be only available to your masters.

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