American leftists see this land as their occupied territory—same viewpoint as Hitler’s Wehrmacht in 1940 northern France. Upon bivouac in a French town, item one was firearm confiscation

Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 2 months ago to History
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Siegfried Knappe in "Soldat – Reflections of a German Soldier, 1936-1949":

Speaking to Mayor Leclerk of Candé-sur-Beuvron in French, 1st Lieutenant (Oberstleutnant) Knappe on the evening of the late summer day of arrival and bivouac in Candé: “I instructed him to have all the villagers surrender their firearms to my headquarters the next morning.” (p. 193, 1993 Dell paperback ed.)

Although Knappe doesn’t mention it in his wartime autobiography, no doubt notice in French was also posted in a prominent place in this small French town warning that refusal to surrender firearms would be a criminal act, accompanied, at minimum, by a prison sentence.

Biden and the leftist Dems he represents reveal by demanding surrender of firearms by American citizens that they are no different than the German occupational army in northern France after French forces were defeated in WWII. Biden and the Dems don’t actually feel at home in America and regard it as enemy territory, just the same as Wehrmacht soldiers (and Hitler) did about occupied France.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 2 months ago
    Hopefully, there are enough American patriots left to toss out those who would rather be secure in their chains.
    Unlike the French, I think Americans will use their firearms instead.
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 2 months ago
      i've been checking the zero on my "toys"
      for some reason....
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      • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 2 months ago
        How many sheep will become sheepdogs when needs arise?
        (May be paywall restricted)
        "I recall hearing a 911 dispatch recording in which an elderly woman was reporting a man attempting to break into her home.
        The dispatcher told her to find a place to hide and the grandmother said something like, “no need to. I have my shotgun”
        in the calmest voice imaginable. She then proceeded to tell the dispatcher that, although she did not want to, she was going
        to have to go ahead and set the phone down so she could shoot this guy because he was coming in and, BAM, she did.
        Upon picking the phone back up, her voice had not changed in tone, but she reported that she had, in fact, shot and killed the intruder.

        Just like that. A grandma who, according to most who knew her, had “no capacity for violence” and was a “healthy productive citizen.”

        News flash: most people have a capacity for violence. If the right circumstances are present, then nearly anyone can be pushed
        to a point of committing a violent act. And herein lies the problem with this whole analogy—it belittles the tremendous levels of
        complexity involved with these terms."

        I think many people have firearms that they hope they never will need.
        But if the need arises, they will respond in just the way that government
        looters fear most.
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