Best Combined Explanation for Surging Inflation: Cascading Idiocy

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 12 months ago to Politics
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"Cascading Policy Errors

1: Covid hit. Lockdowns that were arguably excusable in the beginning, lingered far too long, affecting far too many businesses. Policy error one.

2: The Fed reacted with QE far to excessive and far too long, continuing all the way until March 2022. Policy error two.

3. Free Money from Congress. Again excusable in the beginning, but the second round by Trump was excessive and the third by Biden was preposterous. Policy errors three and four with Biden getting far more of the blame.

4. Demand shift to goods away from services as a result of the above three items.

5. The demand shift to goods happened when there were fewer workers due to continuing lockdowns.

6. The US meddled in Ukraine in 2014 setting the stage for war. And Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy kept insisting to the bitter end it wanted to be in the EU and NATO, both red flags to Putin. Accurately label Zelenskyy's statements a policy error. And blame Putin for the war, so that makes policy errors five, six, and seven counting US meddling in 2014.

7: Let's not leave Angela Merkel out of this. Kowtowing to the Greens, Merkel mothballed Germany's nuclear plants creating greater dependence on energy from Russia. This is policy error number eight.

8. And what about Biden and the US Greens telling Big Oil it wanted to put them out of business. Guess what? Energy investment plunged. Policy error number 9.

9. Inane sanctions in response to the war busted supply chains in energy. Policy errors ten and eleven by the US and EU.

10. Finally, please consider Biden's stupid energy policy to rising oil price. Instead of taking actions to increase oil supply, Biden blamed oil companies, threated tax hikes, threated FTC involvement, blamed gouging, then with refinery capacity already crippled demanded more ethanol from corn. The ethanol demand will increase need for fertilizer, increase summer smog, and drive more small refiners out of business.

I am not sure how many policy errors there are in point ten. Pick a number. "
SOURCE URL: https://mishtalk.com/economics/heres-the-best-combined-explanation-for-surging-inflation-cascading-idiocy

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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 11 months ago
    The tweets from Krugman are laughable. There is no bigger shill. Increasing the money supply by 40% only results in 3-4% inflation?!?? Yeah right. Tell us again this inflation is “transitory” Paul. You stupid sonofabitch! Got his degree at the Robert Mugabe School of Economics. (-.-)
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 11 months ago
    If I'm not mistaken, QE has been going on since Obama and the Office of Budget and Management has been hiding the inflation numbers since then because the Fed has been buying much of those fake assets. With the Fed now using all that invented money to purchase REAL assets - primarily land - that money has flooded into the system along with all the COVID funny-money. Inflation was the predictable and natural result.

    Everything else just piles on and makes it worse. And if you think we've seen the end of it, you're gravely mistaken. This won't end well at all.
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 1 year, 11 months ago
    There is only one main reason for prices to go up ACROSS THE BOARD and that is equalization of price to the devaluation of the Dollar in the amount of Fed Note IOU dollars dumped into circulation by government spending. That is why the IOU we call a dollar went from 100 cents in value to one cent in value in comparison to when the FED replaced gold and silver coins with IOUs that can only be redeemed for more FED Note IOUs.
    Bidumb and his Democrat Criminals borrowed trillions to redistribute and pay for their pork and woke immorality.
    What we call the dollar is not money but only a placeholder for what the government owes to the bank (called legal tender for all debts public and private). The more the Government borrows the less each dollar is worth.
    This is compounded by the ability of the banks to lend out 10 times their assets. 1 trillion = 10 trillion in notes at some point, based on borrowing by the people and business, in circulation. As one can see prices have increased by 40%.across all commodities Why ? In anticipation of further devaluation of the worth/promise of the FED note IOUs as the banks release more notes into circulation. To slow that interest rates are increased giving incentives for people to save (e.g. take IOU out of circulation) and lending to decrease due to higher interest rates. All because the government is a thief and a cheat and does not obey the Constitution. Combat the woke and propaganda see - www.TheSocietyProject.org
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 11 months ago
    The first mistake could be considered a mistake.
    The second mistake... A coincidence...
    The third... That's ENEMY ACTION...

    And funny, it reminds me of that SERIOUS YT Video where the guy proclaims:
    If I wanted America to Fail...
    I would teach one generation to be afraid of Global Cooling, and the next Global Warming.

    So, lets use that here:
    If I wanted America to Fail...
    I would leave billions of dollars of military tech for my enemies to reverse engineer.
    I would keep getting involved in wars that drain our resources/wealth, and return nothing if we win
    I would disenfranchise the youth by celebrating ALL behavior and poor choices
    I would criticize/punish people who were achievers, on-time, task-oriented, and/or spoke well, had faith
    I would CUT OFF new fuel (the lifeblood of our economy)
    I would spend so much money, every American would become a Debt Slave
    I would corrupt our news so that we NEVER hear about Chicago Gun Deaths, Freed Felons, but hyped every other form of "White" gun violence
    I would corrupt our legal system with a CLEAR message of political targeting of "enemies"
    I would create insane rules for people to follow, and make it easy to track who is compliant

    I would enlist the help of all Karin's by making sure they could help single out LOCALLY. We can't be everywhere, but by giving the crazy people the ability to endanger everyone for idealistic reasons, we create more fear. (This is akin to the Hitler Youth Programs, where well-meaning children turned in their parents for WHISPERING when they thought the kids were asleep. Those were the first Karins!)

    and we've don all of this and more...

    I am amazed America is still standing at all.

    It's like Rocky after 12 rounds with Apollo Creed just pummeling him.

    Now, they are tying Rocky to his stool, with his arms behind his back, and inviting the world to attack.
    Fentanyl for our folks is NOT a WMD... But a Trump Rally is!
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