The riveting ‘2000 Mules’ proves there was massive election fraud

Posted by freedomforall 2 years ago to Politics
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"2000 Mules begins with the premise that Trump voters have found it impossible to believe that Trump lost the election. When they contrast his campaign appearances (60,000 screaming fans) with Biden’s campaign appearances (6 vaguely animated lumps sitting in little circles); the bellwether states showing Trump winning by a large margin; the significant gains Trump made with Hispanics and Blacks; the millions of votes Trump gained over the four years of his presidency; and the mysterious overnight counting shut-down in the states that ultimately gave Biden his “victory,” they know that something is wrong.

The folks at True the Vote also suspected that something was wrong, very wrong. The founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, working with Gregg Philips and a team of computer analysts, came up with a very clever way to determine whether there was fraud. They suspected as much, thanks to the way in which Democrats in key states used COVID as an excuse to increase absentee voting. That included states which allowed only absentee voting with drop boxes across cities and towns, where there had been massive ballot harvesting. That is, people, both real and fake, didn’t fill out their own ballots. Instead, they were collected, completed, and put into drop boxes by partisan and paid activists.

To prove this theory, True the Vote obtained geo-tracking information for major urban areas in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, allowing them to follow cell phone signals. They marked all the drop boxes and all the facilities for left-wing non-profits. They then looked for cell phones that traveled between the non-profits and drop boxes at least ten times (to be sure to winnow out statistical noise). Through FOIA requests, they also obtained as many videos as they could showing people stuffing multiple ballots into the drop boxes, a completely illegal act.

Their data revealed 2,200 mules in just five cities, visiting between 20 and 45 drop boxes each, at which they dropped off an average of five ballots."

And the traitors in the SCOTUS will continue to ignore the evidence.
SOURCE URL: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/05/the_riveting_2000_mules_proves_there_was_massive_election_fraud.html

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    Posted by GaryL 2 years ago
    I won't try to watch the Free Version. D'souza and others had to spend a bunch to bring this to us all so if we want them to keep bringing us the truth they deserve to get some help and get paid.
    Just MHO.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years ago
    all people with more than 3 active brain cells knows the democrats cheated and the biden is a usurper

    but i see no way that biden would be removed from office and the REAL POTUS allowed to take office short of civil war
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years ago
      Exactly. Never gonna happen. Ever. Sure they cheated. They're smart. They realize we're at war. The conservative/libertarian side doesn't The C/L side is still playing by some set of puritan rules. Haha...It's laughable if you think about it. As I've said before...This is a natural occurrence in the decline of a nation. We're watching it happen right in front of us...
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  • Posted by term2 2 years ago
    I have no proof, but I find it impossible to believe Biden won the election fair and square, given the evidence about the enthusiasm of trump supporters.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years ago
    I have not seen this movie. May not for a while. But there's a reason why I am commenting.

    A friend of mine, IRL, who I respect though disagree with often, made a screenshot of a scene from the movie, or maybe just from a trailer, I don't know which, but I do know she has a rather strong graphics background, and asked the question:

    "Do the people watching this Mules movie really not see repeated graphics & other VFX, or do they just not care? Every clip I’ve seen tweeted out has some manner of visual trickery. This is supposed to be ballot stuffing locations zoomed out & multiplied."

    and she added this photo:


    Of course that is just one instance, but what do you guys think about this? Is this just one anomaly, or does it signify something MUCH worse? (Not having seen the movie I can't really opine about all the rest of it, but this does make the whole thing seem suspicious. To me, anyway.)

    What say you guys?
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    • Posted by 2 years ago
      I'd call that a leftist excuse to trash the rest of the film.
      When I saw that specifically in the film, I thought immediately that it was a computerized display
      that was intended not to display all the photos, but to show how the corruption and vote stealing
      grows rapidly when it is not stopped at the original source.
      Anything they show in the movie will be disputed, even if they wasted
      the time to display every single photo (which would cause the public audience to
      grow bored very quickly.)
      The place to display the photos one by one is to a grand jury and to an
      independent investigator with power to accuse, arrest, confine, and recommend
      punishment of the perpetrators.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years ago
        I understand what you are saying, and I don't necessarily disagree, but what was Dinesh thinking? Didn't he realize that EVERY single little dot and jiggle would be seized upon by those who are looking for an excuse to trash the rest of the film? He should have been more careful. People are eagle-eyed, especially when they WANT to find something.
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        • Posted by 2 years ago
          Possible explanations...
          1. He made no claim to the content of that screen display.
          2. He knows that it doesn't matter what he does, the left will trash it and lie about it.
          3. He has limited resources and decided that he'd be better served to have some resources
          to proceed with the actual evidence instead of wasting ten grand on a screen that is not evidence.
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          • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years ago
            I think #3 is most reasonable, and that the other two are a little bit cringey as "reasons." Nevertheless, I followed someone's link in another post (? - wherever it was - thank you for posting the link) and I am currently recording the movie. I'll have a chance to see it for myself!

            Thank you for not treating me as a "traitor." I simply have questions! Now I will be able to have some background to use for judgment.

            Editing to add: thank you puzzlelady for the link to the actual movie. Repeating it here (scroll down through the post. https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-con...
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            • Posted by 2 years ago
              Yes, you really should watch it all. They present a lot of their evidence and their rational process.
              They even show how they used that process to help police find a murder suspect.
              It appears to me to be as unbiased as possible given the obvious censorship of and shaming of anyone disputing the entire election affair.
              Your initial reaction is one example of how some of the left reacts to anything that disagrees with their programming.
              Of course, you are looking for the truth, unlike the brainwashed leftists.
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              • Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
                Here the AP’s take (I think AP stands for asshole polyps).
                the AP claiming D’Souza’s film “uses a flawed analysis of cellphone location data and ballot drop box surveillance footage.”

                More specifically, the Ass Polyps report meant to cast doubt on D’Souza’s film claimed that the evidence gathered and reviewed by True the Vote is “based on faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data, which is not precise enough to confirm that somebody deposited a ballot into a drop box, according to experts.”
                D’Souza clearly has been keeping up with the reports trying to malign his latest documentary, as he posed a question about why the CDC would be using cellphone location data during the pandemic if it were as unprecise as asserted by these self-proclaimed fact-checkers.
                “The CDC is geotracking people to see if they are social distancing. If geotracking were not highly precise and accurate—as the bogus ‘fact checkers’ claim—how could the CDC use it to determine if people are standing 6 feet apart?”
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                • Posted by 2 years ago
                  AP "experts" like the ones who advised closing the entire economy for the flu? I cal those worms adpfizers, not experts.
                  As for the AP, I used to call them "hacks" as did the rest of the publishing industry.
                  They couldn't get a job with a real media so they went to the AP.
                  Unfortunately, the AP got even worse and the rest of the media has degraded to be vermin.
                  The only thing I'd trust the AP to do is to stand still, if chained, for a firing squad execution as traitors.
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              • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years ago
                Note, please, that this is not my initial reaction... it's the reaction of my friend....and I was asking basically, how to counter. However! I have found that particular screenshot in question and it's very clear in context that it was a graphic "example," not intended to indicate actuality.

                In the meantime, though, I can't even go back to Twitter to challenge her assertion, as I am currently in Twitter jail for at least a week! In another conversation about Biden's failures, I noted sadly, that one of the failures he had yet to achieve was his failure to breathe. It was very satisfying. and I'm NOT sorry.
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                • Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
                  Well I certainly will be stealing that satisfying example of his failures and hopefully soon he will achieve that last failure. Re Twitter ,I got blocked or suspended the first day on it , I never went back.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 2 years ago
    All this "info" is worthless. Nobody can do a DAMNED thing about it.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 2 years ago
      The courts could, but they won't do their job. Anyone else would need to start a war. If that were going to happen it would have by now.

      Today we have only to try to make Biden stop goading Putin into a nuclear war. Or hope Putin's patience lasts until 1/3/2023, when if we are lucky a Congress will be seated that will refuse to fund any more of Biden's war idiocy.
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      • Posted by 2 years ago
        I agree that the courts are hopelessly corrupt (as is the Just-US department.)
        I don't think that a GOP controlled con-gress is any more sane when it comes to war.
        If the GOP regains control it will be because the Deep State wants that to happen and has control of the winning candidates.
        We are living under a dictatorship that loves war profits and does not care about what happens to the American serfs.
        I hope that Putin is less a war profits monger than the Deep State that controls "Western democracies."
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