Note the backdrop

Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 3 months ago to Government
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Two things stand out with Biden posing against a portrait of Theodore Roosevelt. First, was that Roosevelt was a true warrior in every sense of the word. He led a famed cavalry charge to take a hill in the Mexican War and that leadership propelled him to fame in political circles. Biden is attempting to associate himself with the great leader that Teddy was, though Biden lacks anything meaningful in that comparison; he never served in the Armed Forces, hates the outdoors, and has probably never even picked up a firearm where Teddy was a decorated Veteran, constantly traveled the Western United States to enjoy the outdoors, and was fully proficient in several firearms. He even gave a campaign speech only hours after an attempted assassination - with the bullet still lodged in his shoulder.

Second, Roosevelt was one of the original Progressives. Here, Biden may have more cache but even that is questionable. Biden isn't a true believer in the Progressive cause, which is why the Squad put out their own pathetic response to his SotU address. Biden is a political opportunist and grifter rather than an ideologue. Roosevelt, too, was a progressive but he was a Progressive like his cousin FDR before it was politically fashionable. (Remember that Roosevelt initially was elected as a Republican, but when his policies diverged too far he lost the next nomination and instead created his own party banner - the Bull Moose Party - which served only to split the vote and elect a Democrat.)

I'm thinking that Biden should have portrayed himself against the backdrop of Jimmy Carter, as that is the only President even close to Biden: feckless in international politics, a disaster in domestic affairs, and an enemy of freedom and liberty. What say you? Any other presidents Biden more closely aligns with?

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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 3 months ago
    Blackfaced Biden is Obama.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 3 months ago
      Potentially, but I think Obama was much more an idealogue than Biden and that probably because of their age and upbringing. Biden's family has always been in politics because of the money. He has almost never advanced legislation and he relied on name recognition and his family fortune to continue to re-elect him.

      Obama was an idealogue and grew up that way. From his ties to Frank Marshal Davis (who bears an uncanny resemblance and who was known to be good "friends" with Obama's mother) to his rebellious activities as a youth and college student (they're still hiding his student records including his grades and enrollment status) which quickly turned to "community organizing" a.k.a. rabble-rowsing. It was also clear in his speeches that Obama wanted a fundamental change to America and believed in that goal. Biden is more of a figurehead for it - especially now where he hasn't the remaining brain cells to be much above a high-functioning vegetable. That was pretty clear the first day he took office and made the off-hand comment that he didn't even know what he was signing among all those Executive Orders.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 3 months ago
    Mexican War??

    all liars, traitors, corrupt, enemies of Freedom and Liberty

    i given Clinton slightly higher marks as under him we bought Soviet nuclear materials from their dismantled warheads, using it in our reactors
    that was done under him, so he owns it, just like he owns the bad stuff also
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