Can't teach old media dog new tricks

Posted by bubah1mau 2 years, 6 months ago to Culture
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It's the same old same old at NBC. No more than three or four days ago I was watching an NBC "news" show about a recent reappearance of the Dancing Grannies troop that suffered the atrocious hate-crime attack about two weeks ago in a Waukesha, Wisconsin Christmas parade that killed and injured numerous members of the troop. I believe it was Lester Holt who was hosting that NBC "news" show when he referred to the Waukesha event as the "Waukesha Christmas parade crash" and that the problem was caused by "an out-of-control SUV." Upon hearing this I became infuriated.

The Washington Examiner article below (dated Nov. 24), about two weeks ago, criticizes NBC initial coverage for referring to the attack as "an accident." Now, two weeks later, and with all the evidence at hand, NBC still can't announce the facts of reality: it was a rage-inspired, purposeful attack by a self-professed hater of white people, who in a fit of self-righteous racial hate decided on a glorious virtue signal to demonstrate to the world that he was getting even with the "exploiters" and "victimizers" of his own race--just as the narrative demands. Every one of the six killed and 62 injured was white or of light-skinned, mixed race, and the driver conspicuously avoided hitting anyone who might be dark-skinned. What is there in this event that is "accidental" or "out of control?"

Nothing changes in the world of Leftist-inspired media--the "woke" narrative aimed at destroying American culture and inculcating guilt in people who happen to be white must survive. Of course, a corollary of this axiom is that black people who attack white people or the property of white people are only "social justice heroes" dispensing (what else?) social justice. When they attack, their motives and identities must be obfuscated unless there be enraged retribution that might endanger advancing the narrative that only white people are capable of racial hate--and acting on it.

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 6 months ago
    Wow! You hit the nail on the head. This entire thing was distressful. I couldn't enjoy our childrens' Christmas Parade, I kept looking for anything bad to happen. Fortunately there were police vehicles in the parade itself but I was still worried with so many little people in it. I never before even considered something like this.
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