What is going on in the Gulch?

Posted by mminnick 4 years, 11 months ago to Ask the Gulch
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Over the last several weeks I have noticed a steady decline in the content of the posts in the Gulch. I don't visit every day but do visit several times a week. the level of discourse and acrimony has risen sharply and I do not understand why. All are free to post their thoughts and comments and usually are given a relatively large degree of latitude in content etc.
It has been years since I saw a post not shown due to low score or author issues. Don't really like seeing it now.
Has the insanity of the current political/social frame of our society penetrated into the Gulch to such a level that there are posts and replies that merit banning or decrementing to or below 0?
I'm sorry to see this happen there and fear the demise of the site if the trend gets worse.
There are many good people here. Somme I know via post and reply, some just by reading their posts and comments. There are some I'm just starting to see via their posts. I have not seen any that I would ban from posting or mark down their posts/comments.

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